lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

EUROPA: Imagenes de las acciones de boicot a las elecciones europeas en divesos paises. (Dem Volke Dienen)

In Austria, comrades of the Red Front Collective and Partizan organized events under the title “Down with the EU” in both Vienna and Innsbruck, mobilizing with dedicated leaflets in German as well as in Turkish. Also, with attendance of activists from Turkish and Austrian organizations a series of unannounced manifestations was held throughout the city of Linz, blocking traffic and shouting slogans. During this actions a banner with the slogan “Down with the EU and Imperialism” was carried and print-outs of the campaign poster were carried. Turkish comrades have uploaded a video of the action: Nieder mit EU! Es Lebe der Internationalismus

Kundgebung 1
Unangemeldete Kundgebungen in Linz

In Sweden comrades in Stockholm have produced dedicated stickers calling for the boycott and broadly, spreading them in order to agitate the masses to deface electoral propaganda with it. Scores of posters were covered by means of this. These actions were flanked by the issuing of statements and the drawing of at least two wall paintings with the slogan “Boycott EU-Elections”.

Boycott Grafitti 2
Wall painting in Stockholm

Poster in Stockholm

Sticker action in Stockholm

Forces in Gothenburg rejecting the election also picked up the question of agitating the masses for boycott. In a spree of actions, posters were covered with hammer and sickles in red paint, slogans we spread on the walls banners calling for boycott were put up.
Hammer and Sickle in Gothenburg

Banners in Gothenburg

Slogans in Gothenburg

Comrades in Denmark translated and disseminated the joint international call for boycott in the form of a leaflet and on their website. At least two wall paintings with the slogan “Elections No – People’s War Yes” were painted, one of them across of a school and close to a train station in a proletarian neighborhood.
Wall painting in Copenhagen

In Germany, hundreds of posters of the international campaign were put up in the streets, particularly in the cities of Hamburg, Weimar and Essen. Bourgeois elections propaganda was covered en mas, putting a particular focus on distributing them throughout the proletarian neighborhoods and places that draw attention.
Posters in Essen

Posters in Weimar

 Posters in Hamburg

In Bremen, apart from putting up posters, a the campaign slogan was painted on the facade of a bank and, as pictures indicate, the putting up of posters was complemented by massively distributing leaflets in the same neighborhoods. Furthermore, the reactionary electoral propaganda was turned into billboards for the people, by using them as surfaces to attach Dazibaos to.
Posters in Bremen 

Dazibaos in Bremen
In Berlin reactionary electoral propaganda was over-painted with slogans. Furthermore, leaflets calling for the boycott of the elections were distributed in demonstrations take place in the city, such as the Fridays for future demonstration. Posters were hung up in areas with a strong presence of “the left movement”, but mostly were spread throughout the more proletarian neighborhoods of the city.
 Posters in Berlin

Apart from these actions of forces that took firm decision to support the necessity of boycott from a decided Marxist-Leninist-Maoist viewpoint, there is, of cause, in every EU country an enormous amount of undocumented and unclaimed but nevertheless unconciliatory and belligerent actions of the masses. The masses and those having the interests of the proletariat and the people at heart reject these elections. Every cycle of electoral campaigning the creativity of the masses in trashing, defacing, toppling, cutting apart, burning and otherwise attacking the bourgeois parties takes new paths, from the simple “Hitler mustache”, to a hand-drawn slogan or a well aimed kick, to more sophisticated actions like the documentation of torching electoral propaganda materials or even four consecutive attacks on mayor party offices, as was mentioned by the bourgeois press to supposedly also have taken place during this years electoral farce in a large German city

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