domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

ITALIA: Texto de saluda al acto de homenaje al camarada Kayppakkaya del PCm Italia.

text of salutation in Ludwigshafen celebration  of TKP/ml 11 May 
from PCm Italy for pubblication and reading also in others celebrations
PCm Italy.


We Italian communists, heirs of the great communist tradition of our

We Italian Maoists, committed today to carry forward the construction of the
Maoist communist party, in the fire of class struggle and closely linked
with the masses,

We raise today our red flags to salute with recognizing and emotion the 40th
anniversary of Ibrahim Kappakkaya's martyrdom!

His name, in Turkey as in the world, means Great Cultural Proletarian
Revolution, cause of the working class, path and universality of the
People's War.

We are confident that Turkish communists who persist based on his example
and teachings will reach the goal for which Ibrahim Kayppakkaya gave his
life: the revolution in Turkey, the national and social liberation of
Kurdish people, oppressed by the capitalist, feudal, fascist bourgeoisie,
lackey of imperialism

The Marxist-Leninist-Maoists of the world found in Ibrahim Kayppakkaya the
example of a Maoist who, grasping Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, applied on his
country the strategy of People's War, as other Maoist leaders of our
movement did and do in the respective countries.

Today all these teachings should serve the great cause of e new unity of
Marxist-Leninist-Maoists towards a new international organization, along the
road to a new Communist International, for communism and socialism.

Long Live Ibrahim Kappakkaya!

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in Turkey!

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

Maoist Communst Party– Italy


parties and organisations partecipants Ludwigshafen celebration of 40
anniversary  death of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya organised by TKP/ml
4000 people's assistants !

Yunanistan Komünist Partisi/Marksist Leninist
Hindistan Komünist Partisi Maoist
Brezilya Komünist Partisi - Kızıl Fraksiyon
Marksist-Leninist-Maoist çalışma grubu ABD
Hindistan İşlerin Birliği Londra
Peru Komünist Partisi – Peru Halk Hareketi
İtalya Maoist Komünist Partisi
Fransa Marksist Komünist Partisi
Türkiye Komünist Partisi/Marksist Leninist
Demokratik Anti Emperyalist İranlılar Birliği

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