domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Message from KKE (m-l) of Greece for the 10th anniversary of CPI(maoist)

To the CC of CP of India (Maoist)
The Leading Organ of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) sends you our warm comradely greetings for the tenth anniversary of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the vanguard force of the Indian people in his struggle for national and social liberation. We believe that the unification of the communist forces in India and the founding of the Party were an important step towards the advancement of the revolutionary movement in India with broader impact on the communist forces all over the world.
We watch with interest the struggles of the workers, the peasants and the oppressed masses of India, we take courage from their successes and their resolution. We stand in solidarity with the struggles of Indian revolutionaries. We condemn the savage suppression and oppression by the the Indian state. The murders, persecutions, and arrests against the revolutionaries will not achieve the aims of the Indian state.
The power of the revolutionary forces that is based on the people is unconquerable. The workers, the youth, and the progressive and revolutionary forces in Greece stand wholeheartedly alongside the revolutionary struggles in India. They organize actions of solidarity to the political prisoners and publicize the state oppression and the violation of democratic and human rights of the struggling masses of India.

Athens 22/9/2104

The LO of CPG(m-l

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