jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

NEPAL: Ideological Bankruptcy of Baidhya Faction / Bancarrota ideologica de la fracción de Kiran. Un articulo de Rishi Raj Baral. (The Next Front)

liran bhu
Rishi Raj Baral
“We will join hands with the government to support the ongoing rescue, relief and reconstruction and rehabilitation operation.’’ Mohan Baidhya ‘Kiran’
I have already mentioned that ideologically Baidhya faction has parted from the revolutionary path and organizationally it is heading toward liquidation. In fact, just they are pretending to be the follower of MLM and NDR, so that, they could be able to keep their cadres silence. It is not the allegation, Baidhya’s opinion regarding the relief operation is enough to understand their ideological stand.

Ideologically Baidhya faction has gone bankrupt. Their ideological bankruptcy has come out during the earthquake relief operation. Baidhya faction announced that he will contribute 10 lakhas to the government and will assist the government relief operation. As the English online telegraphnepal has mentioned: “The communist veteran in a brief encounter with the press men appealed his party cadres to support government’s ongoing rescue operation in the earthquake affected districts of the country. ‘We will join hands with the government to support the ongoing rescue, relief and reconstruction and rehabilitation operation.’ ’’

No matter, we must join our hands with the progressive and nationalist forces against Indian and American hegemony—what they are doing in the name of relief operation. But we must be clear that it is the reactionary government, that providing opportunity and space for doing such hegemonic activities. It is known to all that, most of the ministers are corrupted and blacklisted as the followers of foreign powers. We all know, nowadays, Nepalese airports are captured by the Indian and American military air force and masked ‘media persons’. It seems that there is no any existence of Nepalese government, just it is playing its role as the part of foreign agencies. In such situation how can we appeal the party cadres to support government’s ongoing rescue operation ? Yes, our first and foremost obligation is to participate in the relief operation, along with it is also true that, we must raise the voice against the foreign powers, who are behaving Nepal, as the part of their own country.

We must condemn such activities and it is a matter of pride that Nepalese people have come out in the street raising the slogan : Go Back Indian Media, Go Back Indian Army. It is not only the matter of Indian expansionism, American imperialism also doing the similar activities in the name of relief operation. The use of drone has produced all around annoyance against Americans. And it is admirable that most of the Nepalese medias and progressive intellectuals are reading American activities very watchfully. People have raised the voice: Stop flying the drone, Stop the surveillance against Nepalese sovereignty.

We all know outrage has aroused throughout the country regarding inability and inefficiency of the government. Victims have not realized the presence of the government in the remote area. Even the leaders of ruling party Nepali Congress have stated the failure of government on relief operation. People are raising fingers against partiality, unfair and corruption done in the name of relief operation. Medias have exposed the involvement of some leaders and cadres of ruling parties in such evil deeds. The people of remote areas, who are badly affected and damaged by the earthquake, have not gotten any relief material until now.

In such circumstances, Maoists should take the situation in their hands. Local Party Committees and cadres should join hands with the victims, not with the foreign agencies. We must discard the role of foreign agencies and INGOs. We must raise the voice against corruption and partiality. We must learn from the history of Haiti. But, only the CPN Maoist led by Netra Bikram Chanda ‘Biplav’ has joined hands with the people of remote area. The top leadership of Biplav faction has involved in relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation operation in the badly affected areas. With 300 volunteers, Biplav himself is participating in the relief operation. Not only this, a group of revolutionary writers and cultural activists, close to Biplav faction, also has involved in the relief operation in Dhading, one of the badly damaged district. But the leaders of Baidhya faction has no any separate plan and program for the earthquake victims, just they are visiting the damaged site running in luxurious vehicles, guarded by the Police officers.

I have not to say anything more about the ‘leaders’ like CP Gajurel ‘Gaurav’, Ram Bahadur Thapa ‘Badal’ and Dev Gurung. They have already lost their ground in the Nepalese Maoist movement. Now, Mohan Baidhya ‘Kiran’ a highly respected leader within the Maoist movement and outside, also has lost his ground. One after another, most of the followers have abandoned him. What a matter of irony! A veteran leader like Kiran has gone astray. But in politics, it happens so. When you lose the ideological base and Politics in Command, you lose everything. What will be the next step of the Baidhya faction is not unseen. A online news portal close to Baidhya faction has spoken for the ‘national government’-a coalition government. Now it is crystal clear that Baidhya faction is following the step of Prachanda, who is crying for the ‘national government’. There is no another way for their survival. After all, birds of the same feather flock together.

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