lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

NEPAL: Nota de prensa del CPN (maoísta revolucionario) informa de los acuerdos de la reunión del Comité Central del 28 de Nov. al 3 de Dic. del 2018.

Press Release of CPN (Revolutionary Maoist)

प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ मंसिर २१

Chaired by Comrade Kiran, the Central Committee meeting of the CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) was held from November 28 to December 3, 2018. In order to publicize the important decisions adopted in the meeting, this press communiqué has been issued.

  1. In the beginning, emotional condolence was observed with one minute silence to those immortal martyrs who died in the course of world proletarian revolution, people’s war and different struggles of the oppressed.
  2. On behalf of the central headquarters, General Secretary Comrade Kiran placed before the CC a report on the present political situation, summation of party work and the future tasks. The report was thoroughly discussed in the meeting and was unanimously adopted with some necessary amendments. The essence of the report is as follows:
  3. The conflict among imperialist forces and various power centres is going on in the world between neoliberalism and protectionism and it has centralised today on trade war. On the one hand, the neoliberalism and parliamentarian system have failed while, on the other, the protectionism is heading towards fascism. The voice of socialism is being forcefully raised in opposition to and as an alternative of imperialism and new democratic and national liberation movements too have been developing.
  4. The slogan ‘Prosperous Nepal and Happy Nepali’ chanted by so-called left and communist-named neo-reactionary comprador government, arrogant of the two-third majority, has been thoroughly exposed. The problems related to national independence, democracy and people’s livelihood have worsened further. As a result of wide-spread border encroachment taken place in various places of the country including at Kalapani, Susta, Maheshpur; deformation of Nepal’s map by Indian expansionism and use of the same by the Government of Nepal; the hypocrisy of the end of load-shedding by purchasing a huge amount of electricity from India and the sale of important water resources and hydro-power projects; demographic invasion on the part of India; citizenship problem, rape and murder of teenage girls including Nirmala Panta; disobedience of federalism with identity; price hike, tax increase and land mafia system; the resistance to the development of national industries and trade deficit, privatisation and brokerage; the entire oppressed classes and the masses including workers, bonded-labours, squatters, share-croppers, peasants, women, Dalit, indigenous nationalities, Madheshis, Muslims etc. are desperately distressed and upset. The problems confronted by the families of martyrs, disappeared combatants, disabled fighters and the discharged warriors of people’s war have not been addressed. On the one hand, the cases related to people’s war have been taken to court proceedings and on the other “Truth and reconciliation commission, Nepal” is becoming powerless and useless.
  5. Organisational works and activities of party, united front, and mass and frontal organisations have been summed up. Though there has been some progress in the organisational task, but it has not yet been systematic as expected.
  6. In view of the complexities of present situation and the historical necessity of the country, many important decisions have been taken in regard to systematising the tasks related to organisation and struggle as a preparation of new democratic revolution.
  7. The responsibilities and work divisions of some central committee members have been changed. And it has been decided that regular schooling will be organised in province and district levels.
  8. On struggle:
Decision has been taken to:
  1. Develop in stages the mass movement based on the issues of national independence, democracy and people’s livelihood.
  2. Take up, in the beginning, the programmes of propaganda including workshops, interactions, wall paintings etc. based on the issues of struggle all over the country.
  3. Commemorate people’s war day on February 13 by organising red march-past in the initiative and participation of youth front.
  4. Organise Mechi-Mahakali national people’s awareness programme by taking up the issues like abrogation of unequal treaties including 1950 treaty with India, border encroachment, deformed map, embankments and dams unilaterally erected by India along the bordering areas, opposition of hegemonic trend and defence of national independence.
  5. Organise a centralised programme at Kathmandu on April 6, 2019, in the initiative of united front and participation of all mass and frontal organisations.
  6. Organise a countrywide general strike at a suitable time amid various centralised programmes of struggles.
  7. Present a charter of demands, along with signatures collected from the provinces and districts, before the central government on behalf of youth front, asking it to provide employment in the country and, if not, arrange for unemployment allowance.
  8. Carry out struggles in each provinces and districts in opposition to corruption, commission, rape and murder and carry out class and people’s resistance struggle taking into consideration of the demands related to oppressed classes and people like squatters, bonded-labours, poor peasants etc.
  9. Carry out joint struggles in association with different political forces on common issues.
  10. Commemorate with struggles the events like Mao day, martyrs week, international women’s day, cultural resistance day, Lenin day, 200th centenary of Marx etc.
At last, emphasizing to resolutely implement the programmes of organisations and struggles and thanking entire comrades and the CCMs who played important role to succeed the meeting, the general secretary concluded the meeting.

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