viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

INDIA: Condemn the Delhi Police action on students! Release the detained students! (DSU)

 Delhi Police have detained many of our comrades at the protest today called by Students for Democratic Voice demanding immediate release of our professor Dr. Hany Babu, who is falsely arrested in relation to fabricated Bhima Koregaon case. Delhi Police aggressively disrupted the protest, chased students away and detained our comrades Sushil, Rajvir, Sangeeta, Abhigyan and others from DSU and other organizations including BSCEM and AISA. The police is threatening to charge cases against the detained! The fascist BJP government and Delhi Police is scuttling all spaces for democratic voices and protest. This attack on students and activists by Delhi Police must be resisted! We demand immediate release of our comrades! We shall continue to speak for democracy and all voices including Hany Babu and all others who are jailed for standing up!


Foto de Democratic Students' Union - DU Unit.
Foto de Democratic Students' Union - DU Unit.

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