domingo, 10 de julio de 2022

INTERNACIONAL: Report and decisions made by the meeting of ICSPWI


The international meeting of the Committees of Support from different countries took place. The attending and participating committees of ICPSWI opened the meeting by chanting the Internationale and shouting slogans in honour of the 50th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of the comrades and all the martyrs of the Indian revolution. They commemorate the 12th anniversary of the murder of comrade Azad and read the document of the CPI(M) on his life at the service of the revolution in India and the construction and development of the Party.

Later 2 important documents sent by the CPI(M) to the participants in the meetings and by means them to all the people supporting the PW in India in the world.

These documents will be spread in this month to all the communist MLM parties and organization, all the revolutionary forces, to all the anti-imperialists the democratic and human rights associations, all the proletarians and struggling masses in every form and all occasion in order to enlarge the support to the PW in India and all the PWs and people’s struggles.

After the reading and the strong appreciation, the documents that inspired all the speeches and debate in this meeting.

Then a report about the activities carried out before the meeting starting from on the great International Day of action on 24th November 2021, celebrated in a large number of countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North Africa.

On the boost brought by the Day, a meeting was carried in Italy at the end of January, posters on the February10, a week for the release of political prisoners of India, Turkey form all the world on march with an important action in front of Indian Embassy in Brussels organized by Turkish comrades which opened a new phase of the protracted campaign. We note the campaign carried out by women in Italy which had great success in the women’s movement with slide-show, speeches.

En Alicia, following he call by the CPI(M) to expose the drones attacks on the people on Bastar and the genocidal and fascist Modi’s regime, the Committee put posters on the wall of the whole Galicia giving an important to all the Committees.

Later the committees in this meeting debated on how t strengthen the international campaign, how t build Committees of support on all the possible country, how to treat the contradiction, shortcoming mistake the could be emerged in these activities, how to fight division which can weaken the international campaign and favor the infamous plans of imperialism ten the genocidal fascist hindutvea regime of Modi.

While all the world can be united in support with the people’s in India as part of the international struggle o proletariat and oppressed peoples against the rotten imperialism which pushes world towards the imperialist world war e wants the people’s rebellion.

In this meeting immediate decisions has been made foe campaigns and action in all the possible countries.

In the martyrs week, July 28- launched by the CPI(M) con a large plan of general mobilization of all the forces in the form the attached program explains, in all the countries where there are committees and in all those that can join these days, banner campaigns, posters of CM and KC in honor of all the martyrs, spreading books, booklets, documents by the CPI(M) and by the intellectuals and supporting organizations, that helps the history and stands of CPI(M) and the PW, leaflet-spreading of the slogan of the martyrs week in various countries.

The August 9, in the International Day on indigenous people, the Committees joins the Day with poster and forms of active participation.

In the weeks September 13-19 we will be in the streets at the embassy can be reached with the available forces, at the factories and places of people’s concentrations, meeting of class struggles to enlarge and elevate the necessary struggle against the attack with drones and the policies of prisoners annihilation in the jails.

Te committees welcome with enthusiasm the decision by the CPI(M) to celebrate this week in all India, establishing an internationalist bridge of solidarity among the struggling masses.

Th committee works with determination, humbleness and unity spirit so that all the supporters overcome their divergences and allow the success of the planned actions and particularly those in the week for the political prisoners.

The people’s war is the with weapon in India and the advancing indication for all the proletarian and peoples who in these days uprising from Ecuador in Latin America to Palestine in Asia.

The meeting concluded with the awareness of participants that they many things have been made but many more have to be made.

Forward in the support to the people’s war in India!

Lal Salaam!


July 1, 2022

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