martes, 7 de mayo de 2024

INDIA: Condemn the firing and murder of people in Kakur-Tekametta forest - CPI(Maoist)


 Homage to the revolutionaries who laid down their lives in police firing

Thousands of police fired upon people in Kakur-Tekametta forest of Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh bordering Maharashtra at around 9 am on 30th April during combing in which 4 indigenous tribal farmers weremurdered. The people were celebrating their traditional festival. The people started to flee out of fear when thepolice chased them like animals firing until 12’o clock.

The West Sub-Zonal Bureau (Gadchiroli) of Dandakaranya Special Zone of the CPI (Maoist) appeals to democrats, rights activists, well-wishers of tribal people and tribal organisations to condemn the brutal murders,to demand the government to come out with facts and to punish the responsible police officials. The Bureau pays revolutionary homage to our beloved martyrs who laid down their lives heroically retaliating the policefiring at various places in the area.

The facts are like this – The police had encircled the area on all sides by the time the people of Kakur and Mangeveda came there to celebrate the festival. The police suddenly opened fire on the people in whichfour tribal farmers died – Kovasi Pandu, Tekametta (wife, Soni), Mainu Korcha, Mangeveda, Lalsu Kovachi,Tekametta (wife Susheela), Ramulu Naroti, Mangeveda (wife Neela). Our party severely condemns the brutal murder of farmers. 

Six revolutionaries became martyrs in police firing at various places in the vast forest – Comrades Joganna, (Cheemala Narasayya, Vadakapalli, Peddapalli district, Telangana), Regional Committee member,Comrade Vinay (Bellampalli, Adilabad, Telangana), Platoon Party Committee Member, Comrade Malesh(Mallepad, Bijapur district), Company Party Committee Member, Comrade Sarita Party Members (Vetya,Kodduru, Narayanpur, district), Comrade Sindhu (Musramguda,Etapalli tehsil, Gadchiroli district) and ComradeChilaka (Komatpalli, Bijapur district). 

The news of their martyrdom will put their relatives and friends in grief. Our party appeals to them to understand that the martyrs selflessly laid down their lives for the sake of peopleand that to uphold their ideal of sacrifice. It also appeals to condemn the police brutal massacre and ‘OperationKagaar’. Sixty-year old Comrade Joganna tried to break the police cordon and escape. But he was tired due to the scorching heat when the police caught him alive. By that time Comrade Joganna handed over his AK 47 Rifleto his comrades. The unarmed comrade was utmost brutally killed by the police.

The police wish to create terror among the people and revolutionaries with such massacres. However, this only reveals police brutality and would lead to further people’s anger.

Our party appeals to the revolutionary classes and people to come forth courageously to condemn such brutal deeds and to preserve the revolutionary movement.


Spokesperson West Sub Zonal 

Bureau Dandakaranya

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