miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2025

GRECIA: the Anti-Imperialist Anti-War Internationalist Meeting in Athenes


A very important, rich, massive and multifaceted political process, with movement and cultural aspects, was the Anti-Imperialist Anti-War Internationalist Meeting, which took place on the weekend of February 22 and 23 at Panteion University and in Kallithea. It had been preceded, throughout the previous period, by the intensive and wide dissemination of the call for this initiative, which the KKE(m-l) took, considering it as an important contribution to the cause of building the -so necessary- anti-imperialist-anti-war movement, as well as to the pursuit of coordination and understanding with organizations from various countries of the world, on this basis. In the two-day event, in addition to the large number of people who participated from Athens and the province, delegations of organizations and forces from various countries also attended.

The events began on Saturday morning, with a militant demonstration in Kallithea, where demonstrators from Greece and foreign delegations, starting from Davaki Square, marched on the central avenue of El. Venizelou and "painted" the neighborhood with anti-imperialist and anti-war slogans, against the unjust US-NATO-Russia war in Ukraine and for Freedom in Palestine, from the Mediterranean to Jordan. The interest of the people of the area, which was full of people, was evident.

Then, in a packed hall at Panteion, the internationalist event began with the theme: "The state of the anti-war-anti-imperialist movement, today's problems and the necessary steps to address them."

At this, after the welcome on behalf of the KKE(m-l), by Comrade Tasos Bairaktaris , followed by the statement of Comrade Nikos Papavassiliou, on behalf of the KKE(m-l) Central Committee , who presented, in 8 points, the assessments and positions of the Organization. Afterwards, a video was shown with the greeting from the Revolutionary Student Front in India. The statements from the international delegations that attended followed:

  • From Sr. Martin, from Anti-Imperialist Action, from Denmark .
  • From Comrade Erwan, from the Communist League, from France .
  • By Comrade Ruben, from the Communist Workers' Union (Marxist - Leninist - Maoist), from Colombia .
  • From s. Lucas, from Communist Construction, from Germany .
  • From Mr. Emerson, from the Popular Student Movement, from Malta .
  • By s. Emanuel, from the Maoist Communist Party of Italy .
  • By Comrade Ali, from the Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML).

Often, the hall vibrated with slogans, while particular enthusiasm was expressed during the speech of the Palestinian activist, Yehya Asker, from the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki.

Greetings were then read from organizations and forces that were unable to attend, such as the Revolutionary Communist League from Norway , the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of Popular Rights from Brazil and the Popular Current "Red Sun" from Mexico . Greetings were also read from the Anti-Imperialist League, while a brief greeting from the International Coordination of Solidarity in the People's War in India was read by the representative from Italy. The event concluded with brief closings of the organizations and the final statement on behalf of the K.O. of the KKE(m-l) by Comrade Nikos Papavassiliou.

The event concluded with the singing of the " Internationale ".

The entire process was characterized by intense political interest, given the juxtaposition of approaches and opinions, which, despite the particular and different assessments expressed on certain issues, all converged in opposition to every imperialist "protector" (USA-NATO-EU-Russia-China), in the need to develop the anti-imperialist-anti-war movement, as well as coordination between forces from various regions of the world, on this basis. An important achievement was the issuance of a Joint Communiqué for the Meeting, by the KKE(m-l) and with organizations abroad that attended, as well as the agreement to create a joint online newsletter.

On the evening of Saturday 22/2, a concert with Fanis Afanis, Zografos  and the Babuska Band followed, as well as an Ikarian feast , with a large turnout.

On the second day, the event for the anti-war movement in our country was held, "Ukraine, Middle East reactionary Greek-Turkish antagonism. The region is surrounded by the flames of war. We will not become meat for their cannons" , with the participation of Greek organizations.

After the welcome from the KKE (m-l), by Comrade Stratos Katsenis , followed the statement by Comrade Antonis Apostolakis, on behalf of the KKE (m-l) Central Committee.

Then the representatives of the Greek organizations took the floor:

  • Alexis Zournatzidis, on behalf of the Enduring Struggle for Class Liberation.
  • George Striftaras, on behalf of the Communist Liberation.
  • Panagiotis Kalavanos, on behalf of Metavasi – Organization for the Communist Perspective.
  • Panagiotis Argyrakis, on behalf of the M-L KKE.
  • Stelios Drosos, on behalf of the Consistent Communist Forces.
  • Aris Serinidis, on behalf of the Class Counterattack – Group of Anarchists and Communists.

Antonia Vafeiados also delivered a greeting, on behalf of EKKE.

A statement by the KKE(m-l) was also read for mass participation in the strike of February 28 against attempts to terrorize the people and provocations.

In his final statement, on behalf of the KKE(m-l), Comrade Antonis Apostolakis referred, among other things, to the negative fact of the "dystocia" in achieving joint action and in taking initiatives by left-wing organizations on the anti-war-anti-imperialist front, which the people need, despite the different assessments and disagreements, which were also expressed at this event.

Finally, the late N. Papavassiliou made a brief reference to the joint statement with the organizations abroad, which was read in Greek and English.

After the event concluded, the shocking theatrical monologue by Nicoletta Panayiotou , on the theme of heroic Palestine, Seven Jewish Children – A Play for Gaza, by Caryl Churchill, was presented.

Throughout the events, the venue hosted photo exhibitions and the "Beyond the Walls" bookstore, on whose table was also found the English edition of the book "The Peoples Will Not Remain Spectators in the Preparation of the Next World War", which was recently released.

This great event was a serious event for the movement and the people, laying an important qualitative cornerstone of contribution to the formation required to prevent the darkest developments for the peoples - and for our people - that are being prepared by their oppressors, ruling classes, governments and imperialists.

A formation whose beginnings are still before us and has many steps to take.

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