(unofficial traslation)
Dear comrades,
This year for the May Day
we had a strong and serious Joint Declaration by the Maoist Marxist-Leninists
from different countries which clarified, within the bounds of possible
mediations between the signatories, and brought their commitment to struggle
against imperialism, war, reaction and fascism and a firm decision to intensify
the real, not imaginary, class struggle, in close connection with the real
proletarian masses, to assert the way of the proletarian revolution in the
world with the updated weapon of people's war, applied to the different
conditions of the different countries. A weapon that can be used if led by
genuine communist parties, as organized vanguard detachment of the proletariat
and leading nucleus of the whole people.
The Joint Declaration has
raised the red flag of the Third Communist International, in its Centenary, and
the heritage of its great history, rich of lessons and victories, which are
today more than ever needed in every field of class struggle and for
internationalist unity.
The Declaration launched a
genuine, and non-propaganda and factional, call for unity of communists – their
parties and organizations – based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, against
revisionism and petty bourgeois “leftism”, and, at the same time, another call
for the unity of action in the class struggle and for international mass
campaigns, aimed to all genuine revolutionary forces, besides to the MLMs.
The Declaration took up
the commitment to convene a preparatory meeting this year, to march together
towards a joint International Conference - a meeting which prepares and
strengthens bilateral meetings, common declarations, exchange of documents and
struggle of positions - because what we need is not the self-celebratory
conference of a faction - but a serious step forward possible today, all
together and for all the time necessary according the class struggle and the
revolutionary struggle, towards a new Communist International.
The May Day Declaration
combined complexity and realism with clarity and simplicity, correctness of
method and openness in order to gather forces, especially thinking of those
that have not yet been collected but that are necessary, and did it, or at
least tried, without bombastic stereotypical rhetoric; but with a language and
explanation which are easily understood by the vanguards of the masses.
This Declaration was not a
self-celebratory document written for Internet but it was actually widely
spread among workers and the masses in different countries.
Each party and
organization has added its own Declaration to the Joint one, making clear their
own position. This is good, it allows debate and the struggle to march together
to contribute to the assertion of a common correct general line.
Now we must aim to realize
a joint preparatory meeting in December of this year, with the aim to achieve
the joint international conference in 2020, if we are able to do all the
necessary work, with humility and abnegation, according to the possibilities
and capabilities of each one.
Together, comrades, in the
struggle within our movement, and above all in the class struggle, with the
Marxist scientific and class spirit, with the Leninist spirit of the fighting
vanguard, with the Maoist will to 'serve the people' wholeheartedly.
Maoist Road
May 2019
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