miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

INDIA:Report Global week of Action 13/19 september dor the freedom of political prisoners in India (ICSPWI)


The Global Week of Action on 13/19 September for the release of India’s political prisoners and to stop the Indian state’s aircraft and drone strikes against rural populations has been successful. It has created even better conditions for the development of the solidarity movement and for support for the people’s war in India.

It was a blow to the Modi regime and its fascist, murderous and genocidal action.

At the same time it was an action of the international proletariat against imperialism and against all the imperialist governments, primarily the USA, marching towards a third world war.

The call of the International Committee of Support for the People’s War in India (ICSPWI), launched together and in connection with the Communist Party of India (Maoist), touched several countries where the Organized Committee exists, contributed to the birth of new Committees, pushed other anti-imperialist forces to join the campaign and to accept the invitation of the Indian comrades to make the week a success.

There have been numerous parties, organizations, revolutionary and internationalist forces, proletarian organisms of struggle, associations that have contributed to the campaign in the countries where it has developed.

Although within the framework of the differences in the way and form in which to develop the campaign, the unity of the solidarity and support movement advances.

It is difficult due to the different conditions and difficulties of information to represent and document all the initiatives and actions carried out in this important week.

This report provides a fairly complete picture and in any case invites all the forces that participated in the campaign to send further news and reports, in full autonomy, which will be spread internationally.

The information on the campaign, with the spreading of the materials of the Committee and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) – CPI (Maoist) – and the actions of the week reached countries of the 4 continents.

In Europe: Italy, Galicia, Spain, Germany, Austria, France, Holland, Great Britain, Ireland, Finland, Denmark; in Africa, Tunisia, which is the reference point of a Support Committee that touches seven other countries.

Turkish comrades from various organizations and associations in solidarity with political prisoners, reaching as far as Kobane/North Kurdistan have been well engaged in the campaign.

In Latin America, Brazil, Colombia, and other countries, up to Uruguay.

In Asia the campaign came to the Philippines, Afghanistan, Iran. Great is the debate about the form of support for the battle for the release of political prisoners and the people’s war in India in Nepal, among all mlm parties and organizations.

We point out, for the breadth and ability to reach the broad masses, the development of the actions carried out in Italy, Germany and Brazil. We attach a part of reports, photos and images received from these countries.

In this week the understanding of the worldwide importance of support for the people’s war in India and the CPI (Maoist) as a determining part of support for the people’s wars and anti-imperialist struggles taking place in the world has advanced. And it has grown also the understanding of the indispensable unity of the development of true internationalism, which means linking support for the people’s war in India to the struggle against its own imperialist governments and states and the governments and states of the oppressed countries linked to imperialism.

The Indian fascist regime develops, like so many other governments in countries oppressed by imperialism, a war against the proletarians and peoples, creating death and destruction, filling prisons, hitting proletarians, popular masses, intellectuals and artists, attacking democratic freedoms and human rights.

The week served to advance the struggle of the need to oppose the war against the peoples in India and around the world, strengthening internationalist unity, working for an anti-imperialist front and for the strategic battle for liberation from imperialism which is as always misery, war and oppression, with an attack on the self-determination of oppressed nations and peoples.

In this campaign we salute the commitment and the strong position taken by the Communist Party of the Philippines and the mass organizations linked to it, for the fraternal support given to the people’s war in India and to the CPI (Maoist) and to the campaign and organization of the International Committee (ICSPWI)

The internationalist unity of the MLM communist parties that lead the people’s wars is today a solid anchor and reference point of the campaigns for the release of political prisoners in India and in the world.

In this campaign the mobilization against the Indian embassies has grown in some countries, in particular on this occasion, in Italy, where prohibitions imposed have not been able to prevent this initiative, just as it is important the descent into the field of the Indian proletarians of the different nationalities of India present in the imperialist countries, who participated in the initiative bringing in it the denunciation of how the Modi regime affects Muslims,  Kashmir, etc.

This campaign must now be continued and extended, merging it with the proletarian and popular struggles and demonstrations against imperialism and war and, as the Communist Party of India (Maoist) indicates,

“There is a need to build militantly and on a global scale a movement that demands for political prisoners in all countries, such as the Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Galicia, Afghanistan, and in all countries, including India, to be unconditionally released. All those who are arrested for political and social struggles and who are in prison must have the status of political prisoners, and especially for prisoners and women prisoners must end the atrocities and killings of them, and their conditions in prisons must be defended. The efforts of the International Committee go in this direction and – declares the CPI(Maoist) – efforts will be made in India in this regard and firmly believes that the movement will gradually develop more and more”.

The International Committee in the meeting of July 1st appealed to establish Committees in each country and declares today to work on a great international Forum, public and mass, to be realized in the coming year, with the hope that all the forces of support and solidarity will unite to build together this Forum.

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