domingo, 30 de junio de 2024
viernes, 28 de junio de 2024
INDIA: Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar. - COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) Central Committee
15 June, 2024
Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar.
March forward with the oppressed people of the world.
Dear people,
On July 1, World protest day against "operation kagaar", a call has been given by the International Committee for the Support of People's War in India (ICSPWI). First, the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) express its gratitude to ICSPWI.
To wipe out from its root, more than five decades old people's war from India, the Indian ruling classes have started new counter-insurgency military campaign from January 2024 in the name of "operation kagaar". In this military campaign, more 125 revolutionary masses, cadres of various rank and file, PLGA guerillas have been murdered, which includes 6-month-old baby to above 60 years old Indian citizen. By remembering the martyrs, our party conveys its red salute to the international people, who with the spirit of international proletarianism are raising their voice to stop the genocide on oppressed people of India.
Our Party appeals to the countrymen to come forward against operation kagaar and defeat the fascist policies of the Indian ruling classes, and march shoulder to shoulder with the international people who has given the call to observe world protest day against kagaar to save the people's war in India and to stop the brutal military assaults on the people.
From the past six months, the ongoing operation kagaar's military attacks and genocides on the people of India, especially in the Central India on the indigenous people of Dandakaranya region, has been severely condemned and voices has been raised for the establishment of peace in Dandakaranya by the lovers of democracy, progressive, pro-people, and revolutionary organizations and forces, and they are marching forward in various forms. America, Europe, South America, Africa, and several countries from Asia are demanding the Indian state to stop the operation kagaar immediately. Recently, during the G-7 meetings in Italy, a protest rally has been organized against the operation kagaar. Their fraternity with the oppressed people displays the international proletariat spirit.
In our country, several revolutionary organizations, forces, democrats, journalist, writers, artists, pro-adivasi, social activits and lawyers are condemning operation kagaar in various ways. While condemning the illegal activities of the police forces, they are knocking the doors of judiciary. They are calling for strike. To stop the genocide and the bloodshed, they are appealing the Indian people to intensify their movements. They are condemning the treacherous plan of peace talks by the Chhattisgarh government and demanding to hold peace talks with Maoist party with honesty. First, they are demanding to stop the ongoing genocides on the people and withdraw extra security camps from the forest. Our party conveys red salute to all these people.
On January 1 in the state of Chhattisgarh, in Bijapur district's Mudhvendi village, police murdered six-month old infant girl. After that, they are committing genocides in every 8 to 10 days. In the continuous genocides; Chipurbati, Korcholi, Aapatola, Kakur-Tekametta, Pidiya, Rekavaya and Gobel, in general indigenous youths, peasants and revolutionary without making any discrimination of female, male and old age, are being killed. This apart, in several other incidents, adivasi youths are getting killed and police are stating that Maoists have been killed and are spreading their false stories. After every encounter, the central home minister, Amit Shah by appreciating the criminal police personnel, is legitimatizing the encounter, and announcing time-period to make India Maoist free. All fallacious statements of Amit Shah are vehemently criticized by the Indian people, and while taking the dead bodies they are saying to the world the truth of the events, and filing cases against the culprits in the police station. By standing in support with them, several journalists, you-tuber, and social activists are doing ground reports to say the truth.
The indigenous people, because of their tradition, whenever they go to forest, they carry traditional weapons to protect themselves from the wild animals. But after the commencement of operation kagaar, there is an illegal ban on the indigenous people to go to forest. After killing village people, the police are not stating the names of the deceased person, not showing their faces, and wrapping the dead bodies in the plastic sheets, and declaring that "unidentified Maoists have been killed". Bedside the dead bodies, weapons, bombs and revolutionary books and papers are decorated and displayed. Even some dead bodies are covered with guerillas uniforms. People are exposing, instantly these illegally activities of the police. To save their lives from the police firings, people are running to forest, but the security forces, already encircled the area, are killing them even after the villager's requests not to kill them. Through these brutalities on the people, they want to terrorize the people to separate them from the movement for justice and eliminate the Maoist party; this is the aim of this military campaign. It is also clear that, to hand over the natural resources to the imperialist forces and big domestic corporate houses, the Indian state is carrying out this genocidal war. To eliminate the movements of the indigenous people who are fighting for their forests, existence, and dignity, in the eastern and central India's forest regions, which is going on for more than 20 years by pouring bloods, the Indian ruling classes have started operation kagaar and they are stating that this is for the end of Maoist party.
Dear people of the country and the world,
In the recent 18th Lok Sabha's election, the people of India have defeated the pro-corporate hindutva BJP. From the past 10 years, the pro-corporate BJP's anti-people policies have caused enormous problems for the people and they have taught a lesson to Modi-Shah, who were repeatedly shouting, this time more than 400 seats. People have exposed the bogus development model of BJP and its slogan of Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vishwas(with everyone help and with everyone confidence) and shown the power of people in this election. They smashed the hopes of the imperialist forces and the domestic corporate houses to make Modi win the election with absolute majority, so that they can loot the enormous natural resources of the country with more speed. With their help, the hindutva forces to make India a developed country by 2047 (hindu nation, brought forward Surajkund policy in 2022. The people of India have rejected all these policies and poured water in their dream to make government with the strength of their own. By facing the wrath of the people from 10 years, Narendra Modi in a opportunistic way, merging with regional parties, has become Prime Minister for the third time.
The people of the country have clearly declared their stand against the government's corporatization and militarization policies in this election. They give their verdict against the hindutva policies. But they will not think to move away from their fascist policies, despite the people's verdict and global protest. Because imperialism is neck- stuck in deep crisis. To come out from the crisis, imperialism is throwing the people of the world in the morass of war. Their thirst for the resources is not going to be quenched. For them several Modi is needed. The need of the big market of India is equally there. Anyone comes in their way; they will remove from their military strength. But history every time says that it is not possible every time.
In today's people's movement, there stands on the hand all the corporate forces and their government agents who dance to their tunes, and on the other hand there are broad masses, workers, students, intellectuals, and employees who stands firm with the movement. The international oppressed masses are conveying their brotherhood from the bottom of the heart to these forces. We appeal to them to oppose those corporate companies who are investing capital dipped in the people's blood, in our country and force them to take back the capital. We need to speed up anti-imperialist movements and class struggles of the oppressed classes of the world by forging strong brotherhood among the oppressed classes of the world. How much repression and military onslaught they inflict on the masses, no fascist will be forgiven. They will die like a Hitler and in here also people will achieve victory, and history will prove this truth.
Abhay Spokesperson
Central Committee
martes, 25 de junio de 2024
FILIPINAS: ¡Terminar la Brutal Operación Kagaar contra el Pueblo Indio! ¡Avanzar la Guerra Popular en Filipinas e India! (NDF-Cative)

¡Terminar la Brutal Operación Kagaar contra el Pueblo Indio! ¡Avanzar la Guerra Popular en Filipinas e India!
En los últimos meses, el régimen fascista de Modi ha intensificado su guerra represiva y su campaña contra la insurgencia contra la lucha armada en India liderada por el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta). Desde enero, el estado reaccionario de India ha implementado la campaña Operación Kagaar como parte de la campaña más amplia Operación SAMADHAN-Prahar, iniciada en 2017.
Con el objetivo del estado de terminar con el movimiento revolucionario armado del pueblo indio, el gobierno de India ha movilizado más de 10,000 fuerzas paramilitares, de las cuales 3,000 provienen de otros estados de India hacia Maad. Se dividieron y desplegaron en seis campamentos paramilitares en el área, lo que equivale a tres paramilitares por cada siete residentes locales.
La operación se centró en Abujhmaad (Maad), una región montañosa y boscosa del sur del estado de Chhattisgarh, que el estado considera «bastión de los maoístas». Maad forma parte del bosque más grande de Dandakaranya, que abarca los estados de Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Telangana y Andhra Pradesh en el centro de India. En esta región, la mayoría de los habitantes son los Adivasi o pueblos indígenas de India.
La Operación Kagaar apunta a partidos, organizaciones, activistas e individuos que se oponen al estado bajo el pretexto de combatir a los maoístas. En los últimos cinco meses de operación, más de 130 civiles y revolucionarios han sido víctimas de ejecuciones extrajudiciales mientras se presentaban como muertos en «encuentros» contra el Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación del Pueblo (PLGA) del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta).
Se han vuelto comunes las violaciones flagrantes de los derechos humanos por parte del estado de India contra el pueblo del país y contra las leyes humanitarias internacionales. Los militares, paramilitares, policías y otras fuerzas armadas del estado han cometido crímenes bárbaros contra el pueblo de India. Los casos de detenciones, violaciones a mujeres, rendiciones forzadas, bombardeos y otras violaciones a los derechos humanos se han acumulado desde enero hasta la actualidad.
Las campañas contra la insurgencia y las operaciones del régimen fascista de Modi en India no son diferentes de las operaciones lanzadas por el régimen US-Marcos contra el movimiento revolucionario en Filipinas. Al igual que en India, los casos de ejecuciones extrajudiciales, torturas y rendiciones forzadas de revolucionarios, activistas e individuos son comunes en Filipinas, dictados por el imperialismo estadounidense bajo el liderazgo del tiránico Biden, con el objetivo de acabar con la creciente lucha revolucionaria del pueblo en todo el mundo en medio de la insalvable crisis del sistema capitalista global.
Por lo tanto, se debe condenar enérgicamente la descarada colaboración del régimen de Marcos con el régimen de Modi a través de acuerdos militares. Como la llegada del primer lote del sistema de armas de misiles BrahMos el 19 de abril desde India. Estas armas tienen un costo de más de $375 millones o PHP18.9 mil millones, donde Marcos obtuvo el dinero para pagar desde el tesoro público.
El régimen de Marcos está utilizando el tesoro del pueblo filipino y malgastándolo en armas de guerra que servirán principalmente para la represión contra el pueblo indio. Mientras que las armas de guerra se utilizarán en la incitación incesante de Estados Unidos contra China en medio del conflicto en el Mar de Filipinas Occidental. También se utilizarán en la intensificada campaña contra la insurgencia contra el pueblo filipino.
En esta situación, es correcto que el pueblo de Cavite apoye y se solidarice con la lucha del pueblo de India. Debido a los continuos intentos de destruir nuestras tierras cultivadas, saqueo y opresión por parte de los imperialistas, el pueblo debe seguir el camino de la lucha revolucionaria. El camino de la revolución democrática popular a través de la guerra popular es la única solución para derrotar las operaciones militares represivas del régimen fascista de Modi y Marcos.
Por lo tanto, el Frente Democrático Nacional de Cavite expresa su pleno apoyo y solidaridad con la lucha revolucionaria liderada por el Partido Comunista de India (Maoísta) y la guerra popular promovida por el Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación del Pueblo (PLGA) y la lucha del pueblo indio por sus derechos y demandas.
Nuestro llamado al pueblo es, ¡terminar la Operación Kagaar en India! ¡Pueblo filipino e indio, únanse! ¡Guerra popular contra el fascismo de los regímenes de Modi y Marcos!
jueves, 20 de junio de 2024
1th July International Day of Action against the Operation Kahaar! - ICSPWI - English and spanish
While the genocide is perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Zionists of the Israeli government, the Yankee imperialists and various states that call themselves “democratic”, in India, the largest “democracy in the world”, the friend of Netanyahu and the Zionists, the Prime Minister Modi, continues his genocidal strategy against the Adivasis and the revolutionary movement, this time with the called Operation Kaagar.
Having bravely and heroically resisted the genocidal Operation Green Hunt and the continued genocidal campaigns, the revolutionary movement and indigenous peoples of India are facing a new offensive by the Brahmanical Hindutva State.
The Indian ruling classes, concerned about the revolutionary movement of the people, praise all their armed machines to eliminate the revolutionary movement with the mission to get a “Maoist-free India” by the end of 2024.
We cannot remain impassive in the face of this new fascist attempt by the Indian government to eliminate the only alternative to this system of exploitation and oppression of the people.
Therefore, as ICSPWI, we call on all the revolutionary individuals and organizations, political activists and revolutionary masses to struggle and resist the crimes of the reactionary Indian State and expose these crimes.
For this 1st of July, we launch a call to carry out actions at embassies, consulates and other institutions and interests of India in the world, according to the national and local conditions in each country, to be a fist of unity of internationalist solidarity which hits with determination the fascist and genocidal regime of Modi and the new genocidal operation Kahaar, to show, with our fists raised, our unconditional support for the people’s masses of India, for the glorious people's war and the party that leads it, as an inseparable part of the World Proletarian Revolution.
ICSPWI 19 th june 2024
1 Julio día internacional de acción
contra la Operación Kahaar!
Mientras se perpetra el genocidio contra el pueblo Palestino por los sionistas del gobierno de Israel, los imperialistas yanquis y diversos estados que se llaman “democráticos”. En la India, en la mayor “democracia del mundo”, el amigo de Netanyahu y de los sionistas, el Primer Ministro Modi, continua con su estrategia genocida contra los Adivasis y el movimiento revolucionario, de esta vez denominada Operación Kaagar. Después de resistir valientemente y heroicamente a la operación genocida Green Hunt y a sus continuas campañas genocidas, el movimiento revolucionario y los pueblos indígenas de la India se enfrentan a una nueva ofensiva del Estado brahmánico Hindutva. Las clases dominantes indias, preocupadas por el movimiento revolucionario del pueblo, ensalzan todas sus maquinarias armadas para eliminar el movimiento revolucionario en esta misión de una “India libre de maoístas” para finales del año 2024. No podemos quedar impasibles ante este nuevo intento fascista del gobierno de la India de eliminar la única alternativa a este sistema de explotación y de opresión de los pueblos. Por eso, desde el CIAGPI hacemos un llamado a todas las personalidades y organizaciones revolucionarias, activistas políticos y masas revolucionarias a luchar y resistir los crímenes del gobierno reaccionario indio y exponer estos crímenes. Este 1 de Julio lanzamos un llamado a realizar acciones en embajadas, consulados y otras instituciones e intereses de la India en el mundo, en función de las condiciones nacionales y locales de cada país, para ser un puño de unidad de solidaridad internacionalista para golpear con determinación al régimen fascista y genocida de Modi y su nueva operación genocida Kahaar y para mostrar con el puño en alto, nuestro apoyo incondicional a las masas populares de la India, a la gloriosa guerra popular y al partido que la dirige, como parte inseparable de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial. ¡STOP OPERATION KAHAAR! ¡MUERTE AL REGIMEN FASCISTA Y GENOCIDA DE MODI! ¡VIVA EL PCI(MAOISTA)! ¡VIVA LA GUERRA POPULAR EN LA INDIA! ¡VIVA EL INTERNCAIONALISMO PROLETARIO! CIAPI - 19 junio 2024
martes, 18 de junio de 2024
lunes, 17 de junio de 2024
PERÚ: La disputa de las facciones del imperialismo yanqui reflejada en una iniciativa del parlamento lacayo
Los medios reaccionarios del Perú y del extranjero desde hace algunos días vienen propagandizando, algo que a primera vista parece raro o curioso, que en nombre de la soberania nacional el congreso de puro lacayos del imperialismo impulsa una ley de control de las ONG:
“El Congreso de la República impulsa una propuesta para tener mayor control sobre la labor que realizan las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG)” (RPP, 11 de junio)
Y, hoy, la Voz de las Américas (imperialism yanqui) ha publicado, que:
“EEUU y la UE consideran preocupante proyecto promovido en el Congreso de Perú para controlar las organizaciones no gubernamentales que realicen "activismo político". Carta conjunta resalta que la democracia es más fuerte y estable con una sociedad civil vigorosa y participativa.
Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y otras 14 naciones expresaron su preocupación ante una propuesta de reforma que circula en el Congreso de Perú para aumentar el control sobre el financiamiento que reciben las organizaciones no gubernamentales que llevan a cabo "activismo político”.
En un comunicado conjunto difundido el lunes, las embajadas indicaron que “las democracias son más inclusivas, equitativas, estables y prósperas cuando la sociedad civil está plenamente empoderada para proteger los derechos humanos y responder a las necesidades de los ciudadanos”. Añadió que los cambios propuestos “restringirían la capacidad de la sociedad civil para operar en un entorno propicio”.
Cuál es el tranfondo de esta iniciativa parlamentaria?
En la Declaración celebratoria del 44° Aniversario de la Guerra Popular del MPP, en la parte que citamos está la respuesta concreta, la cual dice:
” Con un Ejecutivo muy socavado durante los últimos 6 gobiernos, como todo el mundo lo reconoce hay “gobierno débil”, carente de toda “legitimidad”. la lucha se ha tornado más aguda por copar los otros poderes e instituciones del viejo Estado por el control del: poder judicial, ministerio público, tribunal constitucional, etc., usando a la policía y los medios de prensa y “redes sociales” para los golpes y contragolpes. Así, desde el Ejecutivo, pasando por el Parlamento, el Judicial, Fiscalía, Fuerzas Armadas y policía, etc. se ha establecido un régimen de camarillas reaccionarias que se suceden en el control de estos aparatos. Y detrás de las facciones, grupos están atizando una u otra de las dos facciones del imperialismo yanqui, una comandada por el agente de la CIA Gorriti (del PD) y la otra por el neo-fujimorist, el carrerista Fernando Rospinglosi ligado a la facción del imperialismo yanqui de PR de Trump. Siguiendo claro esta su camino reaccionario, continuar con un régimen fascista, genocida y vendepatria proyanqui” .
En conclusion expresa la disputa de facciones del imperialism yanqui, principalmente, en el país, que así es convertido en arena de contienda de la política norteamericana, como lo ya denunciado, en la cita transcrita, por el MPP, es decir, que la República semicolonial esta sometida cada vez más a la penenetración del imperialismo, principalmente yanqui, que este lleva una intervención indirecta en la vida política, económica, military, policial, cultural, social. Que lo hace a través de sus agentes directos como Gorritie, de un lado, y Rospinglosi, por el otro, solo para mencionar a dos cabezas de entre otros tantos espías. Quienes dirigen a sus sirvientes o lacayo del espectro politico nativo.
NUEVA CALEDONIA:Kanaky : Affrontement à l’occasion des élections européennes
Dimanche 9 juin, des affrontements ont éclatés à Dumbéa entre le GIGN et des militants indépendantistes qui bloquaient des bureaux de vote prévus pour le scrutin européen. Les forces de sécurité sont parvenus à dégager les manifestants à l’aide de bombes à dispersion mais, permettant une ouverture tardive des bureaux de vote. À Nouméa, des feux ont été ravivés dans certains quartiers et des barrages ont perturbé la circulation. Enfin, deux communes, Kouaoua et Ouvéa, n’ont pas pu ouvrir leur bureau de vote. Dans cette dernière, de jeunes militants de la CCAT avaient bloqué la mairie, empêchant les équipes municipales d’accéder au matériel électoral. Ces militants se seraient également mobilisés en réaction à l’annonce du décès, ce samedi, d’un huitième tués par les forces de sécurité dans le cadre d’affrontements. La participation était de 8,81% à la mi-journée, un score extrêmement faible (contre 14% en 2019 lors du précédent scrutin). Un dispositif de sécurité exceptionnel avait pourtant été instauré pour assurer le déroulement de ces élections, avec la présence de forces de sécurité, des horaires aménagés pour tenir compte du couvre-feu à 18h, et un regroupement des quelque 272 bureaux de vote en 76 lieux.
secours rouge
martes, 11 de junio de 2024
INDIA: Bloody Military operation Kagaar is for the interests of imperialists, including G-7 countries! Operation Kagaar is nothing but a genocide on indigenous people of India and revolutionaries for the loot of the India’s wealth! Raise your voice against Operation Kagaar and demand withdrawal of the MoUs of your countries and cry earth shakenly to stop it
viernes, 7 de junio de 2024
GALIZA: O boicote das eleiçons da UE é um boicote ao militarismo e a guerra imperialista (Galiza Vermelha)
O boicote das eleiçons da UE é um boicote ao militarismo e a guerra imperialista
A Uniom Europeia (UE) é um instrumento das diferentes burguesias da Europa e dos seus aliados (Estados Unidos, Canadá, Austrália, etc). A “Europa dos povos”, a cidadania ou, a democracia, nom som mais que retórica da ideologia burguesa. Ao mesmo tempo tamém aparecem respostas contra o discurso europeísta desde o nacionalismo, o protecionismo económico, etc, como outra possível de capitais médios da Europa. Trata-se de buscar umha saída real e ter argumentos lógicos desde o pensamento burguês. Trata-se dumha disputa interna entre diferentes setores económicos da sociedade capitalista. Umha disputa entre grandes capitais que tem “fame” de mercado e umha mediana burguesia que pretende defender a “indústria nacional” ou o que é mais exato, pretente defender o seu mercado da competência internacional.
O Regime Espanhol que é a aliança entre as diferentes burguesias nacionais (Catalunha, Espanha, Euskal Herria, Galiza) forma parte deste mesmo bloco imperialista. Entre o nacionalismo, tanto o galego, como o catalám, o vasco e o espanhol, tanto os nacionalismos de direita como os de esquerda; todos afirmam muitas vezes que Estados Unidos está a danificar a economia dos seus países mediante as sançons contra Rússia e realmente agora mesmo isto é certo mas na realidade, todas as burguesias das sociedades europeias tenhem benefícios do poder político, das capacidades militares mundiais, dos Estados Unidos. Essas guerras polo petróleo no Oriente Médio nom eram só para defender os interesses das companhias petroleiras e do setor petroquímico dos Estados Unidos. As companhias petroleiras e empresas petroquímicas dos diferentes países da UE tamém conseguírom benefícios destas guerras. As burguesias das diferentes sociedades da Europa sabem que o seu futuro depende da sua aliança com Estados Unidos e que no futuro só tenhem duas opçons, ou estar disposto a ir à guerra com os Estados Unidos ou mudar de alianças e de bando e ir à guerra com China e Rússia. Porque os diferentes estados burgueses da Europa já nom tenhem a capacidade de explorar os povos de África, América e Ásia, sem o apoio de umha das grandes potências mundiais (Estados Unidos e China). A escolha entre o imperialismo da grande potência mundial que é Estados Unidos e a nova potência socialimperialista da China, é umha escolha que divide a burguesia em alguns países e que leva a golpes de estado e a guerras civis (Síria, Ucrânia 2014, Sudam do Norte 2024, etc).
As declaraçons dos líderes da UE deixam bem claro o nível de belicismo que alimenta as suas instituiçons. Tamém deixa claro que estas pessoas que ao fim nom som mais que “atores”, estám dispostos a interpretar qualquer papel que lhes deam, incluido o de ser responsáveis dumha carnificina maior que qualquer anterior. Umha carnificina que pode por em perigo a existência da própria humamidade.
Quase todos os estados se preparam para a próxima guerra mundial. Ainda que qualquer pessoa racional tem medo dumha guerra nuclear e do posterior inverno nuclear, a tendência entre as potências imperialistas é a de preparar a guerra. Para a preparaçom dumha nova carnificina mundial é necessário mão de obra (recrutas), necessitam umha indústria militar, necessitam umhas relaçons laborais militarizadas, necessitam censura, polícias e cáceres. Ademais é necessário que a classe obreira siga confiando nas reformas, em novas leis e em geral nas instituiçons do estado burguês. Quando sucede isto sempre pode aparecer um novo partido de esquerda que promete o melhor dos mundos em troca de algo tam pouco perigoso como um simples voto.
Como di Mao Tse Tung ou a revoluçom para a guerra mundial ou a guerra mundial trará a revoluçom. Se nom se produzir o triunfo da Revoluçom Proletária Mundial umha nova guerra mundial vai suceder antes ou depois. Umha nova guerra mundial nom eliminará senom que fará mais necessária a revoluçom, a ditadura do proletariado, etc. Só o proletariado revolucionário pode assegurar a sobrevivência da humanidade.
A principal raçom das nossas campanhas polo boicote eleitoral é combater a ideia tam estendida (nom só entre as grandes e amplas massas senom incluso entre setores politicamente avançados do proletariado), que entende que o estado burguês é um organismo neutro, que é o partido que governe em cada momento o que lhe dá um caráter de classe ao estado burguês. Sem combater esta ideia que alimenta o revisionismo e todas as formas de reformismo, nom poderemos avançar na necessária consciência. Esta visom do estado burguês, este ocultamento do caráter de classe do estado. É umha visom do mundo desde os “olhos” da burguesia que impede descobrir que o estado burguês é o inimigo do povo e com isto impossibilita a tomada de consciência. Sem consciência nom pode existir a independência política do proletariado, nem um movimento revolucionário do proletariado, nem o partido do proletariado.
Combater as falsas ilusons do proletariado nas reformas, na ideologia burguesa, nos lugares comuns do revisionismo; é a prioridade da vanguarda do proletariado neste momento histórico de perda de protagonismo do MCI entre as grandes e amplas massas dos países do centro imperialista.
A UE é um instrumento de guerra!
Combater o revisionismo e combater o militarismo!
A consciência ao mando!
INDIA: CC CPI (Maoist) - message to Programs in support to Palestine to ICSPWI - Dear Comrades, Red Salutes!
28 May, 2024
Dear Comrades, Red Salutes!
We welcome your stand on concentrating on various activities across the world in support of the Palestinian freedom struggle. As you said it is a prime issue before the worldwide people and especially before the proletarian parties and anti-Imperialist forces across the world.
Communist Party of India (Maoist) pays its revolutionary tributes to the revolutionary people of Palestine who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom for their mother land from the clutches of Israeli occupation. It conveys its Red salutes to all Palestinian people who are fighting with revolutionary zeal and national aspiration with extreme bravery against the fascist Israeli occupation and its brutal massacres, backed by the US and other western imperialist forces. We are with the Palestine people in their struggle for liberation.
The genocidal war on Palestine by the Zionist-Israeli war machine with the support of US-UK and other western imperialist forces continues unabated. At the same time, the imperialist countries led by US have hindered all peace process in UN assembly. Recently, US passed a bill to provide financial and military aid to Israel for its war on Palestine. At last, it helped to emerge and join the students movements with the global outrage against the US imperialism and Zionist-Israeli state. To crush the ongoing students’ movements in US campus, US ruling classes are not leaving a single stone unturned. Day to day the support for the Palestinian liberation struggle is escalating and the voice against the war is getting louder and louder. Communist Party of India (Maoist) resolutely stands with the ongoing movements in support of the Palestinian struggle. It upholds the just Palestine freedom struggle against imperialism as a whole and Israeli occupation and its every anti- national, anti-Palestine measures.
The Indian people and the revolutionary movement in India stand with the armed resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli goliath armed to teeth by the US. They also stand in solidarity with all pro-Palestine movements taking place across the world. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) stands with the just freedom struggle of the Palestinian people against Israel and its bosses. CPI (Maoist) has expressed its unwavering support to Palestine liberation struggle on various occasions. The Political Resolution of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) in 2023 March specifically highlighted the decades-old struggle of Palestinian people for freedom of their motherland from the clutches of Israeli-Zionist state as a pivotal struggle against imperialism. It stated that “People of Palestine are fighting with dare for the liberation of their motherland against the chauvinist aggression,military massacres and aerial attacks of Israel with the supportof US”.
The Central Committee immediately issued a statement condemning the unleashing of genocidal war by the Israeli Zionist state on Palestine in October, 2023. It gave a call to the democratic, progressive forces, students, intellectuals, writers, journalists, workers and peasants, left forces of India and nationality organizations to manifest their support to the Palestinian struggle in various forms in all possible ways. The statement also brought forth the matter that the concept of two-nation theory is fundamentally “against the basic rights of the Palestinian people”. The CC of the CPI (Maoist) vehemently condemned the stand of Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist Indian state to curb all pro-Palestine solidarity movements in the country. By blocking the statement of our CC in support of the Palestinian struggle, the fascist Indian state declared war on pro-Palestine movements in India. Thousands of students, teachers, writers and revolutionary intellectuals took several demonstrations against the fascist Israeli state massacre of the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza. Seminars and conferences were held in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.
The Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) gave calls to all “party ranks, PLGA Guerrillas,Revolutionary Mass Organisations, Revolutionary People’s Committees and the entire ranks of United Front,people and democrats to ob servet he foundation weekof People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army(PLGA)from the 2nd to the 8th December,2023,in protest to the unjust war of the puppet of USimperialism the fascist Israel on Gaza,in protest to the massacre of Palestine people andin support to the Palestine liberation struggle”. In the revolutionary struggle areas, the revolutionary masses and revolutionary power organs, along with PLGA units, held several programs like mass rallies, burning effigies of Narendra Modi and Netanyahu and cultural programs in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle. At times of incessant bombings and rampant genocidal attacks on our people in our struggle areas in the name of “Operation Kagaar”, our party and the revolutionary masses undertook the above said programs in support of Palestine struggle.
Several magazines of the CPI (Maoist) from several divisions and zones brought out articles in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle upholding 4 main demands. Those demands are: 1. Reject two-nation theory as it fundamentally goes against the Palestine freedom struggle 2. Netanyahu and top military generals and officers, along with prominent leaders of the Likud party must be tried in International Court of Justice for committing genocides and be punished for its actions. US and other Western imperialist forces must be charged with war crime offences 3. To build movements in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and against the genocidal war 4. The Indian state must abjure from supporting Israel at the international arena and pressurize it to end war on Palestine. Before implementing these demands the US and its block must stop the war on Palestinians and restore peace. Our magazines analyzed the Palestinian struggle as an anti-imperialist and national liberation movement. The nexus between the military-industrial complex in this war was clearly put down in letters.
The statement issued by Amrut (International Affairs-Central Committee), exposed the “nefarious design of the US imperialism to escalate the war on Palestine and expand the horizon of war in West Asia”. It also exposed the ideological affinity between the Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist BJP's government and Zionist Israeli state. Before the rise of RSS-BJP to political power in 2014, the Indian state has always stood with the Palestinian freedom struggle. When Israel was carved out from Palestine and declared an independent nation, the Indian state did not recognize it. However, under the regime of fascist Narendra Modi, the Indian state has negated its earlier pro-Palestine stand. It has become a formidable ally of Israeli state. It has impudently abstained from voting against the Israeli genocides and the call to stop the war on Palestine in the UN General Assembly. This is nothing but tacit support to Israeli genocidal campaigns.
The Indian government which is in deep crisis and is not in a position to provide employment to its citizens, shamelessly sent 10,000 workers from India to Israel as replacement to poorly paid Palestinian workers. CPI (Maoist) expressed its solidarity with several Trade Union protests against this barbaric decision of the Narendra Modi’s government. “Indian state under RSS-BJP regimeis strongly emulating Israel and has established an unbreakable bond with it. Indian state through Israeli technologies and weaponshasunleashedsevererepressiononthe democratic voices and on the revolutionary movements.The Indian state is imitating Zionist Israeli methods of repression on the oppressed nationalities and Oppressed masses in India.TheCCofCPI(Maoist)gives a call to all mass organizations,democratic forces,human right activists and all progressive sections to protest against the evil alliance between India and ZionistIsrael”, the statement accentuated.
The burgeoning contradictions between the imperialist forces are causing imperialist war on oppressed nations and people and proxy war in Ukraine. “Imperialism is war”. Our party approaches the age old Palestinian just struggle with this Marxist-Leninist-Maoist understanding. At the international level, CPI (Maoist) identifies three fundamental contradictions: 1. The contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nations and people 2. The contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries 3. The contradiction between the various imperialist powers. Among these three contradictions, from our party perspective the first contradiction is the principal contradiction.
The CC of CPI (Maoist) salutes all those brave-hearts especially the Palestinian people who are determined to free their country at any cost. In this Imperialist backing Zionist massacre, more than 35 thousand Palestinian people have lost their lives and more than 70 thousand injured the majority being children and women. The fascist forces have turned Palestine into a space of rubbles. But they have utterly failed to break the revolutionary spirit of the Palestinian people. It is high time to intensify the mass movements in support of the Palestinian struggle and qualitatively turn them into a revolutionary militant mass movement.
The CC assures to intensify to the best of its strength the pro-Palestine people’s movement in our country and participate in the solidarity movements across the globe which upholds the just demands of Palestine people.
The people of Palestine have been waging armed struggle against the Zionist-Israeli state for more than seventy years. Israel is nurtured and backed by US imperialism and other western imperialist forces. Their struggle reflects the concrete condition of Palestine. Imperialism is facing an unprecedented crisis. It is using war machines to crush the national liberation struggles, specially of Palestine. National liberation struggles are in essence anti-Imperialist and democratic in nature. Our Party firmly upholds and supports all national liberation struggles. This is our theoretical understanding on Nationality movements. We absolutely recognize the need of bringing all anti- Imperialist movements and forces under one common platform. This will provide firm impetus to the movements in solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle.