lunes, 8 de julio de 2024

CHINA: 1 july - International day of action - from China to India against Operation kahaar


On July 1st, the day of action against Kajal, we extend our communist salute to the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) who are fighting against international imperialism during the low ebb of the international communist movement. During the period when the reactionaries had a certain upper hand, they continued to insist on people's war even when Avakian and Prachanda revisionists tried to crush the new unity of the international communist movement, pointing out the road to the liberation of the Indian people under the Indian fascist government.In the new century, the imperialist reactionaries launched a counterattack against the revolutionary forces. This was embodied in the counter-revolutionary "Operation Kajal" launched by the Indian fascist government.The Indian fascist government launched a crazy attack on the guerrillas, showing the brutal nature of Indian fascism. This reminds us of the Chinese Soviet government almost a hundred years ago.The Chinese Soviet government fought resolutely in the face of Chiang Kai-shek's reactionaries, exposing the nature of the Chiang Kai-shek group. The most important point is that the Chinese Soviet government represents the interests of the progressive class and the proletariat. This is the key to its success.And more than 20 years later, he successfully defeated all the imperialist reactionaries on the surface and established the People's Republic of China. It represents all the new and progressive national bourgeoisie classes in China. The power of the proletariat successfully defeated the imperialist reactionaries in China. This represents The power of world socialism reaches its peak,The victorious experience of the Chinese revolutionary ancestors inspires us to fight and inspires the new Red Army of Indian workers and peasants in the 21st century - the Communist Party of India (Maoist) to carry out the most resolute struggle against the reactionaries.According to the reports of Indian comrades, we have seen that the Indian fascist reactionaries are using all the vicious tricks imaginable in the world to attack the Communist Party of India (Maoism). Just like the imperialist reactionaries Chiang Kai-shek in the last century, the brutal Indian fascist government killed innocent people Farmers, innocent children, tell the world that this is the armed force of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) - the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army. What just did this is the Netanyahu government that carried out Nazi-style massacres in Palestine. The imperialist reactionaries used The last force tries to stem the tide of world revolution,But this is in vain. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism tells us that all reactionary classes will not withdraw from the stage of history, and war is the execution result of all decadent systems. The more fascism in India kills,This proves the fact that fascism in India is about to collapse and is about to collapse in the ocean of Indian People's War.The Communist Party of the Chinese Proletarian Alliance adheres to proletarian internationalism and supports the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) with the strongest attitude, allowing the Indian fascist government and all imperialist reactionaries to see the power of proletarian unity,We call on all progressive forces and all Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties to support the international appeal of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and establish July 1 as the International Anti-Kajal Day of Action. The purpose is to expose the face of the Indian fascist reactionaries and commemorate the The Indian People's Army soldiers and innocent civilians who died in this fascist massacre expressed solidarity with India's People's War.

Down with imperialism!
Overthrow the reactionary Kajal operation!
Long live the Indian People’s War led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!

Here, the Communist Party of the Chinese Proletarian Alliance salutes the Communist Party of India (Maoism) for its closest communism. May you be able to completely overthrow the fascist government of India and the Indian capitalists, and may you achieve greater victory!
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Proletarian Alliance

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