miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024

BANGLADESH: Seminar Palestine/India

 Press Release

Date : 11 October, 2024

Seminar held in protest of the one year of Israeli genocide and aggression on Palestine and the ongoing "Operation Kagaar" aimed at destroying the Maoist's in India. 

The New Democratic People's Forum (NDPF) held a seminar at the Bangladesh Shishu Kallyan Parishad auditorium to protest the year-long genocide in Palestine by Israel with the direct support of US imperialism and the ongoing "Operation Kagaar" by the Hindutva-Fascist Narendra Modi's government aimed at destroying the Maoist People's War in India. Under the chairmanship of the organisation's President Zafar Hossain and the conduction of the organisation's Vice-President Biplab Bhattacharjee, the seminar was addressed by the former Professor of the Economics department of Jahangirnagar University Anu Muhammad, President of the Shahid Biplobi O Deshpremik Smriti Songshod Hasan Fakhri, General Secretary of the Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani Parishad Dr. Harun-ur-Rashid, General Secretary of the Jatiyo Mukti Council Dr. Faiezul Hakim, energy expert B. D. Rahmatullah, Joint General Secretary of the National Democratic Front Prakash Dutta, President of the Jatiyo Gonotantrik Front Masud Khan, Acting President of the Revolutionary Student-Youth Movement Tawfika Priya, among others. 

The speakers stated that the Israeli occupation has been committing brutal genocide in Palestine for 70 years. This time, under the pretext of the operation of eliminating Hamas, and in reality, they are seizing land, killing Palestinian women, children and the elderly. Countless people have been displaced. Millions left in unbearable suffering of food insecurity and livelihood. The speakers also stated that, none of this could've happened without direct support of the US imperialism. They called for an immediate end of this brutal genocide. They urged the Palestinian people to build a movement for an united, independent and a secular Palestine, free from all imperialists. The speakers also condemned Israel's barbaric attacks on Lebanon. Furthermore, they also protested and condemned the Indian states' eradication campaign of the pro-people forces, the Maoists. The speakers condemned the Hindutva-Fascist Modi government for its state oppression against India's indigenous people without regard for bourgeois law and called for an immediate cancellation of the "Operation Kagaar."

Biplab Bhattacharjee
New Democratic People's Forum

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