viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

FILIPINAS:Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as we mark the 75th anniversary of the Chinese revolution



The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the working class and people of China, as well as the international proletariat and all oppressed and exploited people around the world, in remembering the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The democratic people’s government in China was established following the October 1, 1949 victory of the people’s democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao Zedong.

Although the current leadership of China has veered away from the revolutionary path and has taken the capitalist road since 1978, the lessons of the people’s democratic revolution (1921-1949) and socialist revolution (1949-1976) remain valid and must serve as guide and inspiration for the world’s proletariat and people in waging revolutionary struggle against imperialism, fascism and all reaction.

As we mark the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese revolution, we reaffirm the correctness of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the necessity of using it as theoretical and ideological guide to the practical revolutionary action of the Filipino people, as they wage national democratic revolution against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

The 1949 victory of the Chinese people’s democratic revolution demonstrated beyond doubt the political and social power of the oppressed and exploited masses of workers and peasants that arise from acting as one body under the leadership of the revolutionary proletariat, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Through armed revolution, they drove away the powerful imperialists and its puppet ruling classes of big bourgeois compradors, big landlords and bureaucrat capitalists who plundered the resources of China and amassed vast amounts of wealth through the exploitation of workers and peasants.

The victory clearly proved the correctness and necessity of waging protracted people’s war in a semicolonial and semifeudal country. For close to three decades, the revolutionary forces of China waged guerrilla warfare through distinct stages of revolutionary war, accumulated strength and overcame the enemy’s military and economic superiority. Since then, and up to the present, the lessons of the protracted people’s war in China have inspired and guided the working class and people in waging revolutionary struggles in semicolonial and semifeudal countries across the world.

The victory of the Chinese revolution ended the centuries-long suffering of the Chinese people from economic backwardness and oppression under the reactionary ruling classes and their foreign masters. It paved the way for the establishment of the people’s democratic state. People’s congresses, conferences and councils representing the broad democratic sectors of Chinese society gave form to the democratic people’s government, with the proletarian leadership at its core.

The people’s democratic and socialist revolution in China constitutes one of the most important milestones in the history of proletarian revolution which include the 1871 Paris Commune and the October 1917 Russian Revolution. With the victory of the Chinese people, a great socialist camp was established with China and the Soviet Union–comprising one-fourth of the entire world, serving as beacons that shone light on the revolutionary future.

In winning the revolution against imperialism and feudalism, the Chinese people created the conditions for unparalleled economic, social and cultural growth. In a short span of four years (1949-1953), they completed revolutionary land reform that liberated tens of millions of tillers from the bondage of feudalism and turned them into masters of their land. The people’s government established state control of the commanding heights of the economy.

Starting in 1953, China embarked on the path of socialist revolution and construction to turn China into a modern industrial economy, with heavy industry as the leading factor, agriculture as base and light industry as bridge. With political and economic power in their hands, the Chinese people in their millions rose up and transformed the physical, social and economic terrain of China. It established steel factories and other basic and strategic industries to produce machines and all other goods. It ensured that the Chinese people had enough food, clothing and other basic necessaries. Education, health care and other public services were provided free to workers and the people raising their standards of living.

With the advance of the socialist revolution in China, modern revisionists embedded themselves within the communist party and its leading bodies. Modern revisionists are agents of the bourgeoisie who systematically revised fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism and promoted ideas and policies that sought to take away the exercise of democratic power from the revolutionary masses and concentrate political power into the hands of bureaucrats and managers.

Having drawn lessons from a critical study of the economy of the Soviet Union, which saw the rise of modern revisionism and eventual capitalist restoration after 1956, Chairman Mao exposed and denounced the “capitalist roaders” in the leadership of the Communist Party of China. He called on the people of China to defend the socialist cause and oppose the modern revisionists.

For more than ten years from 1966 to 1977, the Chinese workers and people in their millions, successfully waged the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, under the leadership of the revolutionary proletariat. They took the line “grasp class struggle, promote production,” underscoring the need to fight modern revisionism as key to building socialism.

Chairman Mao propounded the ground-breaking theory of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship to fight modern revisionism, prevent capitalist restoration and advance the socialist revolution. With this theory, he elevated Marxism-Leninism to a higher level, to guide the proletariat through the entire historical epoch of socialist revolution.

Mao’s theory is affirmed by how the modern revisionists eventually took away political power from the proletariat through a violent counterrevolution in 1976. The modern revisionist leaders broke up the communes and cooperatives to divide the peasant masses and make them fend for themselves. Workers committees were dismantled. Bureaucrats and managers took away power from the hands of workers and people, including the right to fire workers in the name of profit. One by one, social guarantees were abolished. These and many other policies marked China’s turn to the capitalist road. A state monopoly bourgeoisie emerged from bureaucrats who privately appropriated the gains of socialist revolution, while hundreds of millions of workers and peasants fell into the quagmire of poverty.

As Mao had foreseen once the modern revisionists took power, China has now become a social-imperialist country—socialist in words, imperialist in deeds. In its drive to promote and protect the interests of the state monopoly bourgeoisie and expand their private capital, the Chinese government has subjected hundreds of millions of workers and peasants to worsening forms of exploitation and oppression to extract the maximum surplus value. At the same time, China is engaged in the massive export of capital (loans and investments) in the push to expand its sources of raw materials, spheres of influence, fields of investments and control of markets. From being a revolutionary beacon, China now represents the gloom of the global capitalist system, with itself caught in the morass of capitalist crisis of overproduction, stagnation, chronic unemployment, massive poverty and hopelessness among tens of millions of people.

With Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Chinese workers and peasants, as well as intellectuals, are exposing and rising up against the modern revisionist traitors, who continue to conceal themselves behind the Red flag of the Communist Party. To advance the cause of the people, they are fighting the most severe forms of political repression–all-out surveillance, harassments, arrests, torture and death. As they have demonstrated in the past, the revolutionary proletariat and people of China, however, will ultimately prevail.

As we remember the 75th year of the victory of the Chinese revolution, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Filipino people draw inspiration from the victories of the Chinese people, in waging the arduous struggle to fight and overthrow imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. As the Chinese people stood up in 1949, the Filipino people are bound to rise and put an end to the monstrous and ruthless enemies of national freedom, democracy and socialism.

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