domingo, 31 de julio de 2022

FILIPINAS: Solidarity with the CPI (Maoist) in remembering their martyrs


The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People’s Army (NPA) join the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the working class and people of India during Week of Remembrance of Martyrs from July 28 to August 3.

The heroes and martyrs of the people’s democratic revolution in India are also the heroes and martyrs of the Filipino working class and of all oppressed and exploited people around the world.

Philippine revolutionaries pay tribute to the 124 Indian revolutionaries who were martyred while performing their revolutionary duties the past year. We acknowledge their valuable contributions in the protracted people’s war to advance the Indian people’s national and democratic aspirations.

The Indian fascist regime mistakenly thinks that by killing revolutionaries, they can snuff the life out of the people’s revolution. They overlook the fact that they have only succeeded in immortalizing the lives, work and heroism of India’s revolutionary martyrs.

We also join the CPI (Maoist) remembering the 50th death anniversary of one of the great teachers of the Indian revolution, Comrade Charu Majumdar (CM) who died on July 28, 1972 and the 40th death anniversary of Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee who died on July 18, 1982.

Over the past several decades, the CPI (Maoist) has built thousands of branches, committees and leading organs, units and commands of its people’s army, revolutionary mass organizations of various types and alliances. Thee have served as engines which have generated thousands and thousands of revolutionary successors of the fallen Indian comrades.

We are inspired by the determination of the CPI (Maoist) to continue strengthening itself and its leadership of the revolutionary armed struggle and united front, draw lessons from their martyrs’ lives and continue to deepen the support of the people. Threatened and terrified, the Indian reactionary classes have resorted to brazen fascism in a vain attempt to stem the rise of the people’s revolutionary resistance led by the CPI (Maoist).

The CPP is keenly aware of the victories and advances of the Indian revolution in waging agrarian revolution to resolve the basic problem of land of the hundreds of millions of poor peasants and adivasis. The victories in land distribution across wide swathes of India are an inspiration to the workers and peasants in the Philippines.

Like the Indian people, the oppressed and exploited classes and sectors in the Philippines aspire for national and social liberation. The Filipino people draw inspiration from the struggles and sacrifices of the people and martyrs of India, as well as from the martyrs and heroes of the Philippine revolution, as they confront the US-supported fascist onslaught of the reactionary regime.

Long live the heroes and martyrs of the Indian and Philippine revolution!

Long live the heroes and martyrs of the international proletariat!

Death to imperialism!

Carry the people’s democratic and socialist revolutions across the world!

1 comentario:

Juan dijo...

"There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past." Michael Hudson