Following last Saturdays culmination of the sinister plans of the Peruvian reaction – under the leadership of Yankee imperialism and in collusion with the capitulationist and liquidationist right-opportunist line - to kill Chairman Gonzalo, an immediate call for a joint demonstration taking place a week later went out. Following this call some 150 people came together, including some from other countries, this Saturday in Hamburg to hold high the banner raised by Chairman Gonzalo and to offensively repel all attempts of smudging his image, after he in his lifetime victoriously crushed all the plans of the reaction to do so.
This weekend, Communists and Revolutionaries from Germany marched together shoulder to shoulder with comrades from the Nordic countries, from Austria and Turkey. A vivid internationalist and combative spirit was present through-out the manifestation that started marching at 19:00 from Feldstraße in the direction of Sternschanze, after – much to dismay of the police and to cheers from the manifestation and passers-by – a massive frame was erected depicting a five meter high likeness of Chairman Gonzalo. This frame, proudly carried in the front, was followed by rows upon rows of flags with the hammer and sickle as well as those of different Turkish revolutionary organizations.
At Sternschanze a minute of silence of held, all participants raising high their fists in honor of Chairman Gonzalo. That this was an international manifestation was quite clear due to the speeches given and the greetings and documents that were read from different Parties and Organizations, such as Serve the People (from Norway), Maoist Committee (from Finland), Vorbote (Eng.: “Herald”, from Austria), from TKP/ML Central Committee – Political Bureau (from Turkey), TKP-ML Rojava, the Committee for the Construction of the Maoist Communist Party of Galizia as well as the Peru People’s Movement.
With the manifestation drawing to a close at Schlump train station, the police started to draw together forces in an attempt to intimate the demonstration, as it was a thorn in their eye to clearly see and loudly hear the participants of the action past the time they allotted for the closing of it. Unfaced by their show of force, the revolutionaries closed ranks, stood together, sang The Internationale and continued their manifestation, until all preparations for the closer of the action were made, and then retreated together, so as to not allow any openings for retaliatory attacks by the police and the police infiltrators that were sent after the participants.
To take a clear position for the unwavering and unbroken stance of Chairman Gonzalo that allowed him to snatch laurels for the International Communist Movement from the fangs of death; to uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, with the universal contributions of Chairman Gonzalo, that is Gonzalo Thought; and to denounce the murder committed by the reaction; and to prepare for all the vile stories and lies that they, together with revisionism, are sure to cook up again now was necessary that day. And to have demonstration of this size, with this amount of preparation and mobilization involved and, particularly, with significant and important international character to itself within a week is a good step. Now the International Day of Action is close at hand, where on the 24th of September – the 29th anniversary of the speech of Chairman Gonzalo of 24. September 1992 – actions will take place through-out the World.
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1 comentario:
Proletario de todos los paises, uníos !.
Águila de águilas, viejo sol rojo, camarada, presidente,
bajo un rojo cielo, entre cóndores y siempre vivas.
tendrás tu lugar en la mejor de las aldeas:
el comunismo” PCE(Solrojo).
Verdugos miserables hienas malditas se saciaron contra nuestro querido Presidente Gonzalo maestro de maestros Águila rasgando el cielo de las penumbras para otorgarle la luz que llega con un rugido tenebroso que los monstruos de la opresión huyen despavoridos reflejando en sus rostros la muerte nada y nadie podrá protegerlos huyen como ratas por alcantarillas
su muerte es inevitable las masas proletarias son bélicas e incendiaran y demolerán todo a su paso todo aquello que le ha acusado dolor hambre, miseria y muerte por siglos.
Estos maldito verdugos lo sometieron hasta matarlo imponiendo una muerte lenta y cada día los grilletes infames se agudizaban e iban cercenándole hasta matarlo. Estos malditos verdugos se han sentenciado su propia muerte han matado el amor de un pueblo, le han quitado lo más querido La Luz guía el sendero que el pensamiento Gonzalo ilumina buscaron estas hienas dejar esas masas proletarias a tientas ciegas huérfanas fue lo que creyeron estos malditos criminales que con matarlo iban a matar su pensamiento pero no! El pensamiento está vivo y militante nos nutrimos y proseguimos dando la vida por el Partido y la revolución hasta la victoria final llegar al Comunismo con guerra popular.
Todo se va a incendiar las montañas y valles se estremecerán suenan poderosos pasos de hombres rojos de verdaderos Gladiadores militantes de acero fundido en rojo de guerra popular es el Pensamiento Gonzalo desatando su temible furia la venganza es implacable ustedes lo verán más masa proletaria esta dispuesta a dar la vida por el Partido y la revolución Comunista Maoísta y en ese desarrollo la venganza implacable de las masas desatando terror no será una masa inerme acobardada son masas forjadas en medio de arduas luchas no somos masa blanda, no somos mantequilla ni jabón de baño que se diluye, las masas son una fuerza tenebrosa con la capacidad de destrucción mortal del sistema que los ha humillado por siglos.
La debilidad ni la cobardía cabe en el Pensamiento Gonzalo, el Partido está forjado de acero sólido rojo poderoso es una poderosa bomba que destruye todas las manifestaciones burguesas ese mundo asqueroso no tiene espacio estén donde estén serán borrados de la faz de la tierra quién o quiénes van a querer tener o conservar monstruos ? Nadie absolutamente nadie!!! Toda esa masa de terror lo despedazará pedazo a pedazo. El capitalismo e imperialismo serán demolidos por las masas Comunistas Maoístas. Sólo aflojaremos cuando culmine el sistema Comunista y devenga otro sistema nuevo. Ahí nuestra tarea de grandes presupuestos de sangre proletaria nuestro papel de Comunistas ha terminado su misión histórica y el mundo comunista se preparan para recibir un nuevo sistema mundial.
Hoy hay que acabar con el capitalismo tarea ardua y dura ese futuro pertenece a las masas proletarias que tendrán que desatar toda esa furia de acero esa capacidad de destrucción de las masas imperará y sobre el suelo totalmente destruido por el terror de las masas se edificará un grandioso sistema el mundo del poder Comunista.
Combatir y resistir.
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