viernes, 27 de julio de 2018
INDIA: Diversas acciones de la Guerra Popular en Dantewada.
New Delhi, 27.07.18
Agencias indias informan de diversas acciones de maoista Ejercito Guerrillero Popular de Liberación en los pasados días.
En el distrito de Dantewada, en Chhattisgarh, una columna maoísta de aproximadamente 150 combatientes ocupo unas instalaciones de la National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) reteniendo a los trabajadores presentes y procediendo a destruir con explosivos las instalaciones de bombeo y también un vehículo de la misma corporación. Los trabajadores fueron puestos en libertad eso sí tras retirarles la tarjeta SIM de los teléfonos móviles.
También en el distrito de Dantewada, se informas que unidades del EGPL, destruyeron un tramo de las vías ferroviarias en la ruta de Visakhapatnam-Kirandul, bloqueando el trafico de trenes en la zona.
Según fuentes de las fuerzas represivas estas acciones se enmarcan en el llamamiento del PCI (maoísta) a celebrar la Semana de los Martires, entre el proximo 28 de julio y el 3 de agosto.
Nicarágua sacudida por rebeliões populares contra govern. Un artigo do compañeiro José Ricardo Prieto en AND.
Nicarágua sacudida por rebeliões populares contra govern.
Aproveitando-se da agitação, USA atua nos bastidores para desestabilizar o país
A Nicarágua chega ao quarto mês de violentos protestos e brutal repressão com um saldo de cerca de 350 mortos, centenas de manifestantes presos, mais de 1.830 feridos, além de sequestros, espancamentos, etc. Em meio à justa rebelião popular contra o governo antipovo e vendepátria de Daniel Ortega, da Frente Sandinista de Libertação Nacional (FSLN), digladiam-se o oportunismo eleitoreiro à cabeça do velho Estado, que massacra os protestos; e o imperialismo ianque, que se bate por dirigir a insatisfação popular, dando seguimento a sinistros planos de aumentar o controle sobre a América Latina. As massas populares nicaraguenses, carentes de direção revolucionária, seguem lutando pela derrubada de Ortega.
Oswaldo Rivas
Os protestos, iniciados contra a 'reforma' da previdência e outras medidas reacionárias, agora pedem a renúncia de Ortega
Os protestos se iniciaram em abril após decreto do governo
“reformando” o sistema previdenciário da Nicarágua. A repressão aos
protestos foi brutal e, mesmo conseguindo derrotar a contrarreforma, o
povo seguiu aumentando os protestos, exigindo a renúncia de Daniel
Ortega.Nos bairros da capital Manágua e de outras importantes cidades, o povo se entrincheirou em bloqueios nas ruas para se defender com paus, pedras e rojões, quando passou a ser atacado diretamente pelas forças de repressão ou por grupos paramilitares governistas que, encapuzados, alvejam manifestantes e removem os “tranques”, como são conhecidos os bloqueios de ruas por todo tipo de material.
Estudantes pararam as aulas e tomaram importantes universidades, que foram também invadidas pelas forças policiais e paramilitares. Os confrontos resultaram em estudantes mortos e feridos, o que levou ainda mais pessoas a protestarem nas ruas. Universitários foram sequestrados e mantidos reféns em casas-sede da Juventude Sandinista.
Ainda em junho, o governo tratou de recuar e formou uma mesa de negociação com setores estudantis e camponeses (chapa branca), empresários e a Igreja católica, mas já nas ruas só se ouvia uma exigência: a queda de Ortega, algo que entrava as “negociações”.
Sem a mínima intenção de ouvir as ruas, e ao mesmo tempo que ampliava a repressão aos protestos, o governo de Ortega bravateia contra planos de intervenção ianque no país, algo inteiramente provável, mas tal denúncia não passa de palavras ocas quando saem da boca de quem usa o antiimperialismo para massacrar o próprio povo.
No dia 12 de julho forças policiais e paramilitares assediaram instalações da Universidade Nacional Autônoma da Nicarágua (Unan), em Manágua, local em que se alojavam estudantes em protesto. Os universitários se refugiaram na Igreja da Divina Misericórdia, onde também foram atacados, resultando em dois estudantes mortos. No dia seguinte, Medardo Mairena e Pedro Mena, membros do Movimento Camponês da Nicarágua foram detidos pela polícia no aeroporto de Manágua, acusados de matar policiais em um confronto dias antes. Os dois dirigentes foram apresentados em audiência a portas fechadas no dia 17 de julho, sem a presença de advogados, e acusados de sete crimes, entre eles “terrorismo”. Tal acusação se tornou possível graças a uma lei antiterrorismo aprovada pelo parlamento um dia antes. A exemplo da lei semelhante aprovada no Brasil, de autoria de Dilma Rousseff/PT, a definição de terrorismo é bastante ampla para atingir todos os movimentos populares que não sejam corporativizados pelo governo.
Javier Bauluz

Mulheres e crianças construíram barricadas com os mesmos paralelepípedos usados nas trincheiras contra o exército de Somoza na década de 1980
Em 17 de julho, anunciaram uma “ofensiva final” contra o que seria o
reduto dos protestos, o bairro de Monimbó, na cidade de Masaya. Três
pessoas foram mortas.
Mulheres e crianças construíram barricadas com os mesmos paralelepípedos usados nas trincheiras contra o exército de Somoza na década de 1980
A derrota do ditador ocorreu na mesma cidade de Massaja, em 19179, onde se concentraram as forças sandinistas para realizarem o assalto final a Somoza em Managuá. Curiosamente esta mesma cidade se converteu em concentração das forças contrárias a Ortega.
Governo oportunista e intervenção ianque
A gerência de Ortega na Nicarágua, a exemplo dos demais governos
oportunistas eleitoreiros, carrega inúmeras denúncias de entreguismo,
retrocessos e corrupção. A aliança da FSLN com a Igreja católica
produziu uma das mais severas leis anti-aborto da América Latina. A
grande burguesia e o latifúndio foram imensamente beneficiados por
facilidades estatais, principalmente como fornecedores de carne e outros
produtos para a Venezuela e a Rússia. Ortega fechou acordo e aprovou
leis para a construção de um canal ligando os oceanos Pacífico e
Atlântico, construído e controlado pelos chineses, que rivalizaria
diretamente com o canal do Panamá, controlado pelo USA. Ortega e a
vice-presidente, sua esposa Rosario Murillo, são ainda acusados de
enriquecimento ilícito e de arregimentar jovens para constituição dos
grupos paramilitares sandinistas, entre outras coisas.
O imperialismo manobra cooptando lideranças da oposição, principalmente universitários, que pelo menos uma vez visitaram Washington e foram recebidos como altos dignitários por representantes do governo ianque. Este, por sua vez, não “dorme no ponto” e pretende utilizar a crise para obter maior controle possível.
O mundo assiste há cerca de dez anos um processo de grandes protestos populares que lograram inclusive derrubar governos em países como a Tunísia e o Egito. Foram, porém, cavalgados por interesses das mesmas classes dominantes locais e do imperialismo, o que não reverteu em realizações para as massas. A ausência da direção revolucionária capaz de guiar o povo nicaraguense aos altos cumes é um fato a se lamentar, mas defender sua justa rebelião e denunciar as manobras imperialistas é obrigação de todos os democratas e revolucionários.
jueves, 26 de julio de 2018
Intervenciones y mensajes al gran acto de celebración por el bi-centenario del nacimiento de Karl Marx, en Bremen. (VI)
200 Years: Speech of the Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile
- Category: Dokumente
In the following we document the
prelimiary english translation of the speech of the comrades of the Red
Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile held at the international
celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. The
final revision is pending. The Spanish original can be found here.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
The Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile brings the communist greet to each one of the comrades that are reunited today to celebrate the 200 years of the birth of the founder of our scientific ideology, the great Karl Marx.
We reaffirm ourselves in the scientific
ideology that Karl Marx founded and in the internationalist slogan and
chant that after 160 years still propagates firmly and strongly in all
corners of the world: Proletarians of all countries, unite! It fills us
of pride to have been part of the joint actions the comrades of numerous
corners of the world of the planet made to raise this slogan with flag
hoisting acts and actions in honor to our first proletarian great
These actions and this celebration is
magnificent, but we also want to express that we consider that the best
way to celebrate the great Marx is by following his example and applying
his legacy.
Since Marx and Engels joined efforts,
their restless work indeleble brought the internationalist seal and had
to overcome all kind of difficulties to give birth to the science of the
proletariat, the sole scientific ideology. Their work gifted the
international proletariat with a mission, a program, defined common
means and tasks to defy its class enemies.
It was by following this example and
applying this legacy that the great Lenin, great leader of the glorious
Bolshevik Party, and both great leadership and party, heading the deep
and broad masses of Russia, later achieved victory of the proletarian
revolution in October 1917, immediately establishing the dictatorship of
the proletariat and opening the path for the socialist construction and
raising marxism to a new stage, turning it into marxism-leninism.
Soon it was Chairman Mao, the great
helmsman, as the great leadership of the CPCh who led the proletariat
and the people in the revolution and reached other two milestones: the
Chinese revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which
through fragor and in struggle against contemporary revisionism raised
marxism to a new, third and superior stage: maoism. Maoism is the new
third and superior stage of marxism. To e marxist today is to be
Today we communists have magnific
conditions to continue the task initiated by Marx. The international
situation of growing disorder is presented as most favorable to make the
world proletarian revolution decidedly advance. The condition of
hegemonic superpower of the yanke imperialism and the reach of its
dominion increasingly turns against itself. But at the same time the
current situation of thr International Communist Movement is
characterized by the dispersion on the fields of ideological, firstly
and principally, as well as in political and organizational field.
We have maoism, but the task to put it
as command and guide of the world proletarian revolution is in the
current agenda. Its fulfillment requires constitute or reconstitute
militarized communist parties, propel the ongoing People’s Wars and
unleash new People’s Wars on all countries.
This is why in this celebration of the
200 years of the great Marx, the maoists in Chile greet the ICM by
expressing that we are decided to fulfill the task of reconstitute the
Communist Party that our great leadership Luis Emilio Recabarren founded
in 1922 and of initiating the People’s War in our country. We will make
it on the base of the application of marxism-leninism-maoism and the
contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought. We also reaffirm
in the internationalist task of contributing to the unity of the
maoists in a United Maoist International Conference that serves to
prevent the risk that our isolated efforts are punished with the common
defeat, according to what Marx warned us in the opening manifesto of the
Workers International Association.
We greet the People’s Wars in India,
Peru, Turkey and Philippines. We greet the parties and organizations
that carry on forward the reconstitution of their parties and the
preparatives for new People's Wars. We greet the world proletariat and
the peasantry, the main force of revolution in the oppressed nations.
Long live the 200 years of the Great Marx!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile
June 2018
June 2018
200 Years: Speech of the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights
- Category: Dokumente
In the following we document the preliminary english translation of
the speech held by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the
People’s Rights of Brazil at the international celebration of the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Final revision is pending. The
orgininal can be found here.
Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights, Hamburg, June 2018.
It is with immense joy and sense of duty
that we from the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s
Rights of Brazil greet this grand event that shows the validity and th
fortress of marxism in the occasion of the 200 years of the birth of its
founder Karl Marx. And this joy is even bigger because of the
possibility of doing so in his homeland.
One of the most important lessons that
Marx and Engels left was proletarian internationalism. We can only
accept and realize revolution on each country as part and in service of
the world proletarian revolution. We are continuers of the historic, and
glorious, tradition of the Communist international and we should never
forget it.
Chairman Mao said that “internationalism
is the spirit of communism”, and Chairman Gonzalo completed it saying:
“one can not be communist if not thinking of communism”. We must
understand these great truths and assume all the responsibilities that
comes from this.
I would like to use this occasion to
greet the comrades that for an year valiantly faced and defeated the
reppression on the streets of Hamburg, during the imperialist summit of
G20. Great struggles of July! Great victory of the German proletariat!
Great victory of the International Communist Movement! The right, both
the open one and the one disguised as “maoist”, had to feel this defeat.
The definition of combating hard was
successfully fulfilled, what proves once more what Chairman Gonzalo
taught us: every time the communists struggle in their way, the reaction
can not defeat it. The reaction trembles when see the masses marching
in the streets, and the masses made the reaction tremble under the
leadership of the communists not only in Europe, but in the whole world.
Another point I want to highlight and do
so in the name of the organization: we condemn with force and class
hatred the coward aggression the comrades under the leadership of the
Committee Red Flag suffered in Berlin. We repudiate this grouping –
Jungenwiderstand – rightist and liquidationist. And we are certain that
they will soon have what they deserve. We reject not only them but also
the hardened revisionists that from the shadows handle these puppets.
However, we learned from Chairman Mao that is good when an enemy attacks
us, it is even better when it attacks furiously.
There is a certain sign that we are on
the correct road! We are on the correct road, in the “shining path” of
the world revolution and from it we will not take a single step away. We
must combat revisionism inseparably from imperialism and we have been
doing so yesterday and we do so today, and will keeping doing so
Now, comrades, I would like to share
something from Brazil with you. First I will make a brief description of
the political situation and then will speak about the revolutionary
Latin America is going into a great
social convulsion. One by one the governments of opportunism were
unmasked in front of the masses and removed from their profitable posts
by their true bosses: the local ruling classes and imperialism,
principally Yankee. The local economies depends directly from the
exploitation of primary products, especially commodities and the fall of
prices of these goods in the last years have generated grave crisis,
not only economic but political. Specifically in the case of Brazil,
since the great demonstrations of 2013, we live a scenery of great and
growing instability. Revolts against the government have being hatching
in the city and in the countryside. Recently a strike of truckers has
completely stopped the supply of the country, generating great
disturbances. On the metropolis like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo the
unemployment and inflation greatly multiplied misery and the number of
people living on the streets or in favelas.
The only answer of the reactionary state
have been repression, as it could not cease to be. Last year, 60
thousand people were murdered in Brazil, half of them by the police.
Only on Rio, this year, the police and the armed forces murdered 400
people. Is an ongoing genocide, a reactionary civil war. Beyond this
Brazil had the third biggest prisoner population of the world, almost
totally composed by the poor youth, who lives in the favelas.
On the countryside, the policies of
concentration of lands and selective murder of leadership goes on,
especially from the Poor Peasants League, who against all difficulties
uphold the great banner of the agrarian revolution. The revolutionary
situation develops in Brazil and the preparatives for a military coup
in the country marches, as part of the bigger Yankee intervention in
South America.
However, and this is the principal, this
situation coincides with the advance of the mass struggle in general
and the revolutionary movement in particular. For 23 years that our
leaders have acted without day offs to reestablish the Communist Party
of Brazil; as an authentic marxist-leninist-maoist party incorporating
the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought. We faced
very hard situations, especially when the false left was in the
government with Lula and apparently there was “stability”.
We never lower our flags and now many
who did not hears us before gives us reason. During all these years we
have educated cadres, militants and masses on the combat to revisionism
and on revolutionary violence. We are paying the blood price, especially
in the countryside and also countless processes and arrests but we did
not take a single step back. And, the most important: the communists
forged a solid leading nucleus and a proven great leader that leads it.
On the countryside, millions of peasant
masses marched led by the proletarian vanguard. In a way that the
worsening of the political crisis in Brasil, I repeat, coincides with
the reestablishment of the Communist Party, generating the
extraordinary conditions for the unleash of the invincible People’s War.
People’s War that will take place as part and serving the World
Proletarian Revolution, as taught to us by Marx, Lenin, Chairman Mao and
also Chairman Gonzalo, the biggest living marxist-leninist-maoist
living on Earth and to whom we render homage from this tribune.
In a word, comrades: the path has
zigzags but the perspectives are brilliant; nothing is impossible in the
world for those who dare climb the heights!
Revolution will inevitably triumph!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live the bicentenary of the great Marx!
Long live the new wave of the world proletarian revolution!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live the bicentenary of the great Marx!
Long live the new wave of the world proletarian revolution!
Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights, Hamburg, June 2018.
BRASIL: Asesinan a lider campesino y hieren gravemente a su hija, en Rondônia.
"Camponês é assassinado e filha gravemente ferida em ataque de pistoleiros
Escrito por LCP de Rondônia e Amazônia Ocidental | Publicado
24 de julho de 2018.

Ismauro Fatimo dos Santos e filha
No dia 22 de julho, Ismauro Fatimo dos Santos de 49 anos foi
assassinado a tiros na estrada, próximo a linha 14, quando se deslocava de
carro para o acampamento Enilson Ribeiro em Seringueiras. Sua filha de 16 anos
também foi atingida com um disparo na cabeça e está internada em estado
gravíssimo. Segundo testemunhas, um grupo de pistoleiros interceptou o veículo
de Ismauro, e em seguida fez disparos certeiros, sendo que dos quatro tiros que
atingiu Ismauro, três foram na cabeça.
Ismauro era conhecido pelo apelido de Paraná, era morador da
área Paulo Freire 4 e estava apoiando a tomada da área Enilson Ribeiro.
O assassinato do companheiro Paraná, tem o mesmo modus
operandi praticado pelos bandos armados do latifúndio compostos de pistoleiros
e policiais, apoiados, protegidos e acobertados pela cúpula da área de
segurança do Estado, que agem impunemente como “grupos de extermínios”
assassinando camponeses combativos e lideranças da luta pela terra.
Diante de tais crimes a imprensa lixo, porta-voz da polícia
e do latifúndio com sua costumeira cumplicidade, silencia. Por outro lado,
fazem grande berreiro para atacar e caluniar a luta camponesa combativa,
particularmente a LCP – Liga dos Camponeses Pobres. Sob qualquer pretexto, não
se cansam de demonizar, caluniar, imputar crimes sem apresentar nenhuma prova,
usando todo tipo de insinuações, artifícios e mentiras. Tudo com objetivo de
criminalizar a honrada luta pela terra para justificar os crimes do latifúndio
e do velho Estado.
A morte de Ismauro e os graves ferimentos da sua jovem filha
são crimes cometidos por bandos armados a mando do latifúndio, que nada tem de
“pop”, como repete a rede Globo. Na verdade o latifúndio é isso, representa o
atraso, desgraça, exploração, miséria e sangue para os camponeses e a nação.
Mas assim como tantos outros companheiros e companheiras, o
sangue de Ismauro não terá sido em vão.
E não cansamos de repetir, o terror do latifúndio e de seu
velho Estado não vai parar a luta pela terra! Só faz acumular ainda mais ódio,
revolta e sede por justiça!
Conclamamos as pessoas e organizações, independentes,
democráticas e honestas para manifestarem apoio a justa luta dos camponeses e
unir esforços para barrar os crimes do latifúndio e do velho Estado.
Punição para os mandantes e assassinos de Ismauro!
Companheiro Ismauro, presente na luta!
Viva a resistência dos camponeses da área Enilson Ribeiro!
Viva a resistência dos camponeses da área Paulo Freire!
Conquistar a terra! Destruir o latifúndio!
Viva a Revolução Agrária!"
martes, 24 de julio de 2018
Assunto: Evento Político - NÃO É SÓ PELOS 23: É POR TODOS QUE LUTAM
Assunto: Evento Político - NÃO É SÓ PELOS 23: É POR TODOS QUE LUTAM
todos os movimentos populares, democráticos, revolucionários,
entidades, sindicatos e apoiadoras e apoiadores independentes a
comparecerem ao evento político em solidariedade aos 23 e em repúdio à
condenação do juiz Flavio Itabaiana.

Dia: 24/07/2018 - terça-feira
Hora: 18h
Local: Salão Nobre - IFCS (
Endereço: Largo São Francisco de Paula, 1 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Link para o evento no facebook:

Apuntes sobre la situación en Nicaragua. Un articulo del camarada Miguel Alonso.
Apuntes sobre la situación en Nicaragua.
percepción de lo que ocurre en la patria de Sandino desde ciertos sectores
disque “de izquierdas” pone en evidencia como el discurso revisionista y contra
revolucionario mantiene cautivos a estos sectores, caracterizados por su eclecticismo
ideológico y su idealización sin análisis de la historia ni del desarrollo de los acontecimientos. No
buscan la verdad en los hechos, han abandonado todo análisis marxista y crean
su post-moderna post-verdad.
los revisionistas que el régimen del tándem familiar Ortega/Murillo es un régimen
“progresista” (algo que también califican a Lula da Silva, Maduro o Evo Morales
o a los BRICs incluida la India de Modi) obviando que las protestas se iniciaron
por una reforma, propuesta por el FMI, del sistema de Seguridad Social que perjudicaban
a las clases populares con una reducción del 5% y un aumento en las
La camarilla Ortega/Murillo apuesta por la represión y el asesinato de mas de 300 personas, en diversas manifestaciones ¿Hasta cuando se puede calificar de progresista?
recordar que la Revolución Sandinista de 1979 no fue nunca una revolución Socialista
o de Nueva Democracia, a pesar de las afirmaciones de los revisionistas soviéticos
y sus aliados. Apenas expropio las propiedades y empresas del tirano Somoza y aunque
esto conformo un importante sector de economía estatal, amplios sectores de la
pequeña y mediana burguesía mantuvieron la propiedad privada de los medios de
producción. En ningún momento se cuestiono el derecho burgués a la propiedad de
los mismos.
Los mismos
sectores que se beneficiaron del triunfo electoral de Violeta Barrios de Chamorro
para privatizar el resto. Luego vendría Alemán y otros para desmontar cualquier vestigio de apoyo a
los intereses del pueblo.
La dirección
del proceso sandinista siempre fue interclasista, como resultado de la alianza
de todos contra Somoza, positiva en lo táctico pero oportunista en lo estratégico.
Las contradicciones existentes aparecieron a la caída del dictador, marcando
campos en función de la lucha de clases.
La dirección
del FSLN hegemonizado por Ortega, Borges y otros comandantes, muy lejos de
radicalizar la revolución (algo muy difícil para estos “revolucionarios de
boquilla”) pronto cayeron bajo el síndrome “de las viudas de Moscú” esto es;
negando que la fuerza principal de la revolución está en su programa y su
pueblo, y no en la ayuda exterior, se plegaron prontamente a los acuerdos de
paz, porque “sin la retaguardia soviética no se podía luchar” frase dicha por
uno de estos “revolucionarios” en “petit comité”.
Estos son
hechos contrastados y no simples teorías conspiratorias contra un “gobierno
progresista”, Sres. revisionistas.
La caída de
la camarilla Ortega/Murillo, hoy, será fruto de una nueva lucha entre sectores de
la burguesía o cautivos de la misma, pero nunca significara en fin de un
proceso revolucionario, hace muchos años liquidado por estos farsantes y
traficantes de los intereses del pueblo nicaragüense.
La verdadera
revolución vendrá cuando se construya una verdadera vanguardia basada en el
M-L-M que inicie la guerra popular hasta la victoria.
COLOMBIA: Homenaje al camarada Azad, con motivo del 8 aniversario de su asesinato. Revolución Obrera.
Revolución Obrera

El 1 de julio de 2010 fue detenido por la policía de la División Especial de Andhra Pradesh, el camarada Azad dirigente del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), un destacamento proletario que es hoy punto de referencia del Movimiento Comunista Internacional por su descollante actuación frente a la traición en Nepal y su defensa intransigente del marxismo revolucionario. El camarada fue llevado en helicóptero a las selvas del distrito Adilabad en Andhra Pradesh, donde la policía lo asesinó a sangre fría, presentándolo luego como muerto en combate en un supuesto enfrentamiento armado durante la noche del 1 al 2 de julio.
El camarada Azad, era miembro del Comité Central y vocero del Partido, digno representante de la revolución y de la gloriosa Guerra Popular que hoy despliegan las masas de obreros y campesinos en la India, fue un mordaz azote de todo tipo de oportunismo y jugó un importante papel en la lucha contra el revisionismo prachandista, responsable de la traición a la revolución en Nepal. Por ello la burguesía lo odiaba, tanto como lo quería el pueblo, por eso lo asesinaron antes que mantenerlo detenido.
Los reaccionarios cegaron la vida de este valioso camarada, pero jamás lograrán destruir su legado, pues éste se ha extendido y florecido no sólo en el pueblo de la India, sino en todo el Movimiento Comunista Internacional y en las masas explotadas y oprimidas del mundo, que encuentran en su ejemplo inspiración para la lucha.
En el 8 aniversario de su asesinato rendimos homenaje al camarada Azad, expresamos nuestra solidaridad internacionalista y reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de continuar desarrollando las tareas de apoyo a la revolución que dirigen nuestros camaradas del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), enviamos nuestra voz de aliento a las masas de obreros y campesinos que hoy enarbolan la roja bandera de la revolución y construyen una nueva India, en medio de los feroces ataques de la reacción y su genocida operación “Cacería Verde”.
¡Honor al Camaradas Azad!
¡Viva la Revolución en la India, Avanzada de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial!
¡Viva el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)!
lunes, 23 de julio de 2018
INDIA: La explotación semifeudal no conoce limites en la "mayor democracia del mundo"
- theguardian / El diario
Violencia y amenazas de muerte a trabajadores en la fábrica del mayor exportador de ropa de India
El Consorcio por los Derechos de los Trabajadores denuncia a Shahi
Exports, fabricante de ropa para primeras marcas como H&M y Benetton

Esta primavera, en Shahi Exports, el
mayor exportador de ropa de la India, varios empleados miembros de
sindicatos hicieron circular una petición reclamando a la gerencia que
ofreciese a los empleados agua limpia y que aumentase los salarios. Los
directivos de Shahi respondieron, según ha descubierto una ONG, con
amenazas de muerte a varios de esos trabajadores y ordenando a otros
empleados que les dieran una paliza.
Un gerente de la
Unidad 8 de Shahi en Bangalore dijo a una empleada: “No sería un pecado
si alguien te mata y se deshace de ti”. Después le pidió presuntamente a
otros empleados que le diesen una paliza a la mujer, que casi fue
estrangulada por uno de ellos, según ha descubierto el organismo en una
Otro gerente insultó a otra empleada afín a los
sindicatos y dijo a otros trabajadores: “Estas zorras están intentando
hacer cerrar la fábrica. Dadle una paliza y matadla”. La mujer fue
golpeada, le arrancaron la ropa y le robaron un collar, el móvil y la
La investigación del Consorcio por los Derechos de los Trabajadores
(WRC, por sus siglas en inglés), un grupo con sede en Washington que
controla la actividad en fábricas para 190 universidades en Estados
Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido, ha hallado que ocho gerentes son
responsables de la violencia y amenazas de muerte y que 15 empleados
cercanos a los sindicatos han sido suspendidos de forma injusta.
La investigación llega en un momento en el que el WRC está luchando por mantener las mejoras que logró para trabajadores de empresas textiles en la vecina Bangladesh, después de que se generara un escándalo mundial por las condiciones de trabajo tras el derrumbe fatal del complejo Rana Plaza en 2013.
El WRC pidió que Shahi despida a estos gerentes, reincorpore a los
trabajadores suspendidos y reconozca oficialmente al sindicato. Pero
tras la negativa de Shahi a admitir la responsabilidad de sus gerentes y
despedirlos, el WRC ha exigido a las grandes marcas occidentales que le
compran ropa –incluidas H&M, Benetton, Abercrombie & Fitch y
Columbia Sportswear– que presionen a Shahi para que despida a los
gerentes y pida disculpas a los 15 trabajadores.
incrementarse la presión del WRC y de las empresas occidentales, a
principios de este mes –tres meses después de la violencia– Shahi
anunció que había despedido a cinco gerentes y había comenzado el
proceso de despido de otros cuatro. Además, Shahi reincorporó a los 15
trabajadores, les pagó los sueldos adeudados y aceptó reconocer y
negociar las condiciones de trabajo con el sindicato Unión de
Trabajadores Textiles de Karnataka.
Scott Nova,
director ejecutivo de WRC, afirma que Shahi tomó estas medidas sólo
después de que WRC montara una campaña y sacara a la luz un informe de 28 páginas en el que se detallan los abusos
cometidos en la empresa. Nova indica que la primera oferta de Shahi de
reincorporar a los 15 trabajadores no significa nada porque los
trabajadores tendrían miedo de regresar si los gerentes que los habían
amenazado y habían ordenado que los golpearan están todavía al frente
(varios gerentes habían sido suspendidos).
Una fábrica de 3.000 empleados
WRC está financiado por 190 universidades para supervisar fábricas en
todo el mundo que producen ropa con el logo de las universidades. Los
investigadores del WRC han logrado que las marcas occidentales dejen de
contratar a fábricas que violan los derechos de los trabajadores y
muchas fábricas temen que el WRC descubra sus infracciones.
Nova muestra preocupación por el hecho de que varias marcas que compran
ropa a Shahi no sabían nada de las palizas y las amenazas en la fábrica
de 3.000 empleados hasta que fueron informadas por el WRC. “Las marcas
dicen que tienen estándares de trabajo más estrictos” y mayor
supervisión, señala Nova, “pero los gerentes de un proveedor clave
ordenaron golpear a trabajadores, amenazaron con matarlos y no
recibieron ninguna medida disciplinaria. Más de dos meses después
todavía estaban a cargo de la fabricación de productos para marcas como
Benetton y Abercrombie & Fitch”, añade.
“No hemos
podido verificar o encontrar ninguna prueba de que esos gerentes hayan
realizado amenazas, golpeado a trabajadores o instado a nadie a
hacerlo”, indica a The Guardian Anant Ahuja, uno de los directivos de
Shahi. Ahuja afirma que el “WRC exigió a Shahi que tomara medidas
disciplinarias y despidiera a esos empleados” y añadió que “en respuesta
a la presión implacable del WRC”, Shahi “los ha despedido”.
Ahuja afirma que la violencia se generó entre dos empleados miembros
de los sindicatos y otros empleados fuera de la fábrica, señalando que
los primeros estaban presionando a los demás para que firmaran la
petición y se unieran al sindicato. Acusa al WRC de hacer públicas
falsas amenazas de muerte y afirmaciones de que los gerentes habían
golpeado a estos empleados, pero sostiene que esas acusaciones se
basaron en entrevistas con los partidarios de los sindicatos.
“Nosotros en Shahi siempre hemos estado comprometidos a mejorar las
condiciones de trabajo de nuestros empleados”, afirma Ahuja. “En este
caso aislado existieron cuestiones respecto del resarcimiento
conciliatorio, pero hemos cooperado con los sindicatos y las
negociaciones han sido productivas”, añade.
medios de comunicación indios siguieron de cerca la disputa en Shahi,
principalmente porque el directivo de Shahi Anand Ahuja recientemente
contrajo matrimonio con una de las actrices más populares de Bollywood,
Sonam Kapoor.
Los trabajadores del WRC respaldan su
investigación, alegando que la versión de Shahi “es falsa y
obstinadamente deshonesta”. El WRC sostiene que sus investigadores
entrevistaron a más de 30 empleados de Shahi y descubrieron que varios
gerentes habían llamado a empleados a sus oficinas, que les habían
maltratado y que luego habían pedido a otros empleados que les
"Tu casta solo sirve para limpiar lavabos"
La investigación del WRC ha hallado que un gerente dijo a un empleado
miembro del sindicato: “Tu casta sólo sirve para limpiar lavabos. ¿Cómo
te atreves a pedirme un aumento?”. Luego le pidió a otros empleados que
le golpearan y le robaran.
El WRC señala a un
comunicado reciente de Shahi a sus empleados de Bangalore en el que la
empresa lamenta la violencia y afirma que los empleados suspendidos “no
habían hecho nada malo”.
Nova y Ben Hensler, abogado
de la ONG, afirman que varias de las grandes marcas occidentales que
compran ropa a Shahi tardaron mucho en presionar a Shahi y al principio
no le exigieron a la empresa que despidiera a los gerentes responsables
de la violencia. El WRC hizo público su informe el 20 de junio para
aumentar la presión sobre las marcas occidentales y Shahi.
“Si lo hubiésemos dejado en manos de las marcas, el sindicato no
existiría, sus líderes estarían en una lista negra, los trabajadores
estarían aterrorizados y silenciados y los gerentes que ejercieron la
violencia antisindical seguramente habrían sido ascendidos”, señala
Las marcas aseguran que fueron agresivas en las
presiones a Shahi a que tomara medidas disciplinarias contra los
gerentes, reincorporara a los trabajadores y reconociera al sindicato.
“Podemos asegurar que hemos utilizado nuestra influencia al máximo”,
declaró H&M. “La gerencia se disculpó públicamente y ha reconocido
el derecho de asociación de los trabajadores. Lo que sucedió en Shahi es
inaceptable”, añadió.
Abel Navarrete, vicepresidente
de responsabilidad empresarial de Columbia Sportswear, que produce
indumentaria deportiva para muchas universidades, afirma que Shahi “fue
presionada por todas las marcas. El presidente y su familia recibieron
constantes llamadas telefónicas”. Navarrete explica que muchas empresas
no exigieron inmediatamente a Shahi que despidiera a los gerentes porque
tenían dudas sobre los procesos debidos en estos casos y pensaban que
podrían estar “despidiendo a empleados sin causa”.
Abercrombie & Fitch afirmó: “Estamos muy preocupados por lo que
sucedió en la fábrica de la Unidad 8 de Shahi y por el dolor y
sufrimiento causado a esos 15 trabajadores. No toleraremos este tipo de
comportamiento”. Por su parte, Benetton declaró: “Estamos en constante
contacto con Shahi para insistir en que se garanticen los derechos de
los trabajadores”.
Respecto de la disputa entre Shahi
y el WRC sobre lo ocurrido, Mark Anner, director del Centro por los
Derechos Globales de los Trabajadores de la Universidad Estatal de Penn,
explica: “Es significativo que la empresa tomase esas medidas:
reincorporó a los trabajadores y despidió a algunos de los gerentes. Eso
sugiere que reconocen que las marcas encontraron el informe de la
investigación creíble”.
Anner remarcó que el precio
que las marcas occidentales pagan por la ropa hecha en India y
Bangladesh ha bajado desde el año 2000. “Eso genera incentivos para
evitar los sindicatos a toda costa”, asegura. Anner señala que las
empresas con programas de responsabilidad empresarial suelen ser mucho
más lentas en detectar y denunciar abusos contra los trabajadores.
“Todavía dependemos mucho de las campañas independientes y de los medios
de comunicación para lograr que las empresas se responsabilicen de
graves violaciones a los derechos de los trabajadores”, concluye.
Traducido por Lucía Balducci
Intervenciones y mensajes al gran acto de celebración por el bi-centenario del nacimiento de Karl Marx, en Bremen. (V)

200 Years: Message from the Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
- Category: Dokumente
In the following we document a preliminary translation of the
(shortened) Message from the Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the
Communist Party of Mexico send to the international celebration of the
200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Further revision is
pending. The spanish orignial can be found here.
Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
Message of the Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee), the organism generated by PCP for the work abroad and the great international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Marx
In the name of the Nucleus for the
Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico receive our firmest and
warmest red, proletarian and internationalist greetings on the occasion
of the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx.
We communists of Mexico, reaffirmed on
the theory and practice of marxism-leninism-maoism and the contributions
of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo, are working with
increasingly stronger energy and greater criteria to fulfill, before the
national and international working class, the strategic task of
reconstituting the Communist Party – as a militarized communist party –
gifted with the scientific ideology of the proletariat, working on its
turn for the concentric construction of the three indispensable
instruments of the revolution.
For us, the labor of the Committee for
the United Maoist International Conference and it's experiences have
transmitted to us all the heat of the international class struggle of
the proletariat and of the people, representing a shining guide for the
creation of the heroic combatant who will put the exploited and
oppressed masses of Mexico standing on their feet under it's own
leadership in the midst of the liberating fire of the People's War.
All of you can be sure that in Mexico,
both organized communists and the masses are putting not only our best
efforts, but also our own lives to guarantee the fulfillment of every
task, with the main objective being the reconstitution of the Vanguard
Party of the Proletariat in Mexico, as part of the struggle for
reconstituting the Communist International as a marxist-leninist-maoist
As all of you are aware, recently the
old state has systematically attacked the whole revolutionary and
democratic movement in Mexico, brutally enforcing repression and
fascistization in the form of State terrorism and war against the
people. In this context, a special interest in fighting our
organizations has been revealed
However as far as the tasks for the
Bicentenary of the great Karl Marx go, in Mexico we have realized many
activities and we are waiting for a special date (23/07) for continuing
them ; mainly to finish the hoisting of red banners in different cities.
We consider of absolute importance the
bicentenary of the birth of the first international great leader and
guide of the proletariat.
In this respect, the moving words of one
of our comrades, spoken in the massive act for the 170 anniversary of
the publication of the Manifesto, show greater relevance and meaning in
particular due to the situation we are facing: “the Manifesto was
written with the blood of the proletariat; this is the uneraseable ink
which the next great wave of democratic and proletarian revolution on an
international level will be written”.
We rectify our wholesome adherence to
the scientific ideology of the proletariat, to the resolutions and
agreements generated by all the parties and organizations struggling to
put maoism at the front of all the struggles of the proletariat and of
the oppressed peoples of the world, for the creation of a new
international center of command in the form of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
Communist International, bringing forth storms and removing all
mountains that oppress the proletariat and peoples with new and vigorous
People's Wars.
We greet all the People's Wars that
sustained and developed by the proletarian class and the people of Peru,
Turkey, India and the Philippines, we greet and wish victory for the
specific struggles of each one of the parties and organizations united
towards the CUMIC, we demand the immediate and unconditional release of
the political prisoners and disappeared people of the International
Communist Movement, we maintain our position of defending the life and
freedom of Chairman Gonzalo as the greatest living
marxist-leninist-maoist on the face of the Earth and we repudiate the
darkest propaganda of revisionism, opportunism and reformism-servants of
imperialism- who thrown dirt in the eyes of the proletariat and the
people on his role and great leadership as the head of the world
proletarian revolution.
Long Live the celebration of 30/06!
Long Live the Bicentenary of the birth of the great Karl Marx!
Long Live the 170 anniversary of the publishing of the Communist Manifesto the historic program of the international proletariat!
Long live the Committee for the Unified Maoist International Conference!
Uphold, defend and apply marxism-leninism-maoism!
Defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo!
Long live the People`s Wars!
Long Live the Bicentenary of the birth of the great Karl Marx!
Long Live the 170 anniversary of the publishing of the Communist Manifesto the historic program of the international proletariat!
Long live the Committee for the Unified Maoist International Conference!
Uphold, defend and apply marxism-leninism-maoism!
Defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo!
Long live the People`s Wars!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico

200 Years: Speech of the Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee)
- Category: Dokumente
In the following we publish the
preliminary translation of the speech of the Peru People's Movement
(Reorganization Committee) held at the celebration of the bicentenary of
the birth of Karl Marx in Bremen. The final correction is pending. The
Spanish original can be found here.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Message of the Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee), the organism generated by PCP for the work abroad and the great international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Marx
We are here reunited to render homage to
Karl Marx in the 200th anniversary of his birth. The one who founded
Marxism. Marx and Engels gathered what humanity produced the best: The
German Classic Philosophy, the English Political Economy and French
Socialism to fundament the ideology of the proletariat. The first
greatest great leader of the world proletarian revolution.
We express our exultant and full of revolutionary optimism to our ideology marxism-leninism-maoism.
with this reason we greet all the present maoist parties and organizations, as well as other revolutionaries and progressives that are present in this great celebration for the great Karl Marx
with this reason we greet all the present maoist parties and organizations, as well as other revolutionaries and progressives that are present in this great celebration for the great Karl Marx
We greet the international proletariat
and the peoples of the world and revolution as the main historical and
political tendency in the current world, to the new great wave of the
world proletarian revolution that develops on the stage of its strategic
offensive and of the sweeping away of imperialism and the reaction from
the face of Earth.
We express our greeting and subjection
to Chairman Gonzalo and gonzalo thought, the heroic combatant that leads
revolution, the CPP, that assuming its role as communists they are
taking up the task of the General Reorganization of the Party to give a
new impulse to the People’s War.
We greet the People’s War in Peru, India, Philippines and Turkey and all the ones that will necessarily come. We greet the armed struggles of the oppressed nations against the imperialist war of aggression, that demands the reconstitution of the CP from us for its transformation into People’s Wars of liberation.
We greet the People’s War in Peru, India, Philippines and Turkey and all the ones that will necessarily come. We greet the armed struggles of the oppressed nations against the imperialist war of aggression, that demands the reconstitution of the CP from us for its transformation into People’s Wars of liberation.
We greet the processes of reconstitution of the parties in Latin America, Europe and the whole world.
We express a very special greeting to
the Committee Red Flag of Germany, the organizers of this great and very
successful international celebration. The struggle of the comrades of
the Committee Red Flag for the reconstitution of its Communist Party,
goes through the same path followed by Karl Marx and his inseparable
comrade in arms Engels, of K. Liebnicht, Rosa Luxemburg and many other
numerous representatives of the proletariat of this country.
This event is a good expression of the
successful path taken for the reconstitution of the party that these
comrades carry on successfully and vigorously, through the hardest class
struggle, constituting themselves into the vanguard of the proletariat
against the blackest reaction unleashed by the imperialism of this
country, in death struggle against revisionism and opportunism of all
kinds, smashing the gangster like crusade of all kinds of micro street
fighter groupings, like what happened the happening in the 1st of May in
the demonstration in Berlin. Where elements that assume the role of
mercenaries of the reaction, revisionism and opportunism, those
desperate because of the sure advances in the task of the reconstitution
of the party, attacked the communists in formation in the middle of the
However, nothing can stop our comrades
in the decision that was taken. The successful development, which is
achieved step by step through hard two lines struggles to apply
marxism-leninism-maoism, gonzalo thought, like they have themselves
established to generate the guiding thought of the proletarian
revolution in this imperialist country. Comrades, we are sure and
predict great victories in this path.
Comrades, Marx and Engels, the founders
of scientific communism, were, in opposition to the utopian socialists,
the first to put clearly that socialism is not a result of the
cavilaciones of some dreamers (utopians), but a necessary result of the
development of the modern capitalist society. They put in relieve that
the capitalist regime will be drawn down, the same way the feudal regime
was, and that capitalism itself engenders, with the proletariat, the
force that will bury it. And they signaled that only the class struggle
of the proletariat, only the triumph of the proletariat over the
bourgeoisie, will free Humanity from capitalism, from exploitation, this
is how it is written on the birth certificate of our movement.
Communism is the first great revolution,
because all the previous ones only meant the shift of domination of one
class by another, Chairman Gonzalo tells us.
Marx and Engels taught that the
proletarian revolution will only be achieved through the application of
revolutionary violence (which today is People’s War) to destroy the
domination of the bourgeoisie and to establish its political domination
over its wreckage, the dictatorship of the proletariat, that shall smash
the resistance of the exploiters and create a new society, the
comunists society without classes.
Marx and Engels taught that in order to
defeat the old world and create a new society without classes, the
proletariat has to be gifted with its own workers party, to which Marx
and Engels gave the name of Communist Party.
Engels, the comrade of struggle of Marx,
acknowledged the great leadership of Marx and that the new doctrine
that he contributed in generating, scientific socialism, fundamentally
corresponded to Marx, with these words that are written in sendos
prologues and notes in the manifesto:
“the central idea that inspires all the Manifesto... was personal and exclusive result of Marx.”
“the central idea that inspires all the Manifesto... was personal and exclusive result of Marx.”
From this, the new doctrine, the
ideology of the last class of history, the proletariat, carries the name
of its founder: marxism. But its current application, of
marxism-leninism-maoism, must be specified to each revolution, for it
not to fall into a mechanical application and it is for this reason
that, the Peruvian revolution has generated Chairman Gonzalo and gonzalo
thought which is principal in the party unity basis. Then, each
revolution must specify its guiding thought or there is no application
of marxism-leninism-maoism neither there is the development of a
Marxism has not taken a step in life
without the struggle against erroneous positions against anarchism,
revisionism and opportunism. Thus it has developed until it gave us
maoism and three internationals in the STRUGGLE FOR THE UNIFICATION THE
Now, in this celebration, we want to reaffirm very briefly some questions of the history of the 170 years of development of the international proletarian movement related to what we just signaled that are:
Now, in this celebration, we want to reaffirm very briefly some questions of the history of the 170 years of development of the international proletarian movement related to what we just signaled that are:
That on its process of development,
every revolution for the struggle of the proletariat as leading class
and, above all, of the communist party that upholds its unrenounceable
class interests, generates a group of great leaders and principally one
that represents and leads it, a great leader of authority and
acknowledged antecedents.
That with the birth of marxism, in its
own act of birth, the Manifesto, is established the necessity of its
application and, therefore, the necessity of a guiding thought, that
originates from the founding of all great leadership, the revolutions
generates a thought that guides it as a result of the application of the
universal truth of the ideology of the international proletariat to the
concrete conditions of each revolution. A guiding thought that is
indispensable to achieve victory and conquer power and even more to
continue revolution and always keep the path toward the single great
goal, communism.
Any revolution that comes shows that
only in decades a number of great leaders are forged. If we think in the
glorious bolshevik party, in LENIN and STALIN, but principally in LENIN
that was its creator, forger, think, we speak of great leaders and we
have a STALIN, we have a SVERDLOV, a DJZERZHINSKI, to point out real
great leaders, few; the Chinese revolution is similar.
But the main point is that a great
leader is generated, one single head that clearly stands out, way higher
than the others, and this is what we have to understand and is not
because of the will of anyone, it is the very reality of the revolution,
of the class and the party themselves, that demands and promotes this
formation. If one talks about a great leader, we have MARX for example,
there is a notoriously standing out head, a summit. If one talks about
the great LENIN, there is another great leader of acknowledged authority
and of an immense ascendancy; no one could be compared with the
immensity of LENIN, no one. Or in the case of China, Chairman Mao;
obviously none of the great leaders that was generated by this Chinese
revolution could equal Chairman Mao Tsetung, no one, and in him we also
have a glorious summit. Then we have the three greatest of the great
leaders of the world revolution, because this is their dimension; what
also were their parties and their concrete revolutions is subsidiary
because the principal is that they were great leaders of the world
revolution and have then established to us the great process of
development of marxism by furnishing marxism-leninism-maoism.
The key question of this issue is in the
understanding of the historical process of development of the ideology
of the proletariat, of its three stages furnished into
marxism-leninism-maoism and maoism as the principal; and the essential,
mainly, it is the application of marxism-leninism-maoism as universal
truth to the concrete conditions of the revolution in each concrete
In our case, of the Peruvian revolution,
the class and the party that have generated a great leader, Chairman
Gonzalo, whose great leadership is solidly based in the gonzalo thought,
this is a particularity of the development of the CPP. The leap of the
guiding thought to gonzalo thought.
Through People’s War, having the guiding
thought reached a qualitative leap of decisive importance for the party
and the Peruvian revolution being turned into Gonzalo Thought marking
then a milestone in the party life. Furthermore, is Chairman Gonzalo who
has defined maoism as the third, new and superior stage of our
ideology, marxism-leninism-maoism. And with the beginning of the
People’s War in Peru, since May 17, 1980, has proven the full validity
of maoism and the universal validity of the People’s War.
We must know to place gonzalo thought
well: it is a specification of our revolution, of our proletariat, of
our party, of the class struggle and the People’s War that is its
superior form. The most substantial and developed part of Gonzalo
Thought is the general political line. Over this thought the line and
its five elements are sustained, consequently the military line as the
The starting point of this base is how
to understand and firmly keep the course of the program. In the
specifications of the general political line are included the
contributions to the world revolution that we must highlight from
gonzalo thought. And that the Maoist Parties and Organizations in the V
Meeting of Latin America and in the I Meeting of Europe have agreed that
what correspond is to apply marxism-leninism-maoism with the
contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo.
When one says contributions to the world
revolution is underlining its universal validity, this means that one
can not be truly marxist-leninist-maoist, principally maoist if they do
not also apply the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo
thought to each concrete revolution to generate its guiding thought, the
base for the great leadership of the revolution. But, not only this, in
the case of gonzalo thought it is also necessary to study and
assimilate, regarding the theory, how Chairman Gonzalo understands and
applies the three integrand parts of marxism-leninism-maoism,
principally maoism.
To clarify, pointing out the importance
that it gives to the marxist philosophy, the necessity to be formed on
it and specially its application of the law of contradiction to the
study of all problems always aiming to define the principal aspect and
the process of the things.
In political economy, the concern for
the relations of exploitation and very specially for the bureaucratic
capitalism, being guided to the ripening of revolution and the
consequence of the People’s War at the base, as well as its attention to
the economic relations of imperialism pursuing its political
In Scientific Socialism, how it centers
aroung the People’s War and its concretion on the country, how it has
always present the problem of power and particularly its furnishing and
development as new state. Two things as well: a) People’s War, centers
in the People’s War because without it there would not be the second in
this part, b) furnishing and development as new state.
There is the problem of the theory,
because one can never put forward a thought if not having in mind the
universal truth which is integrand part of. How could a communist
thought exist without having the three integrand parts in mind?
Furthermore, some questions in gonzalo thought have not been known by
all, for example the generalization of bureaucratic capitalism, because
at least today it is not to put it this way, today is a question of the
general political line, the three types of revolution and many other
questions. Because it is a problem of the own development of our
ideology, of its perspective, of the perspective of the world revolution
and this one, in its necessary development, will make it reach a better
understanding of the meaning of gonzalo thought for the very theory of
marxism-leninism-maoism. And, why not say it this way, from the own
application with the concretion with the critics of arms like the great
Karl Marx established. Today it correspond, as defined by Chairman
Gonzalo and the CPP: struggle to impose maoism as third, new and
superior stage of marxism.
Today ir correpond to highlight: that is
Chairman Gonzalo, great leader of the Peruvian party and revolution,
who defined maoism and demonstrated the universal validity of the
People’s War, has given us the first reconstituted communist party, as
marxist-leninist-maoist, gonzalo thought militarized communist party.
Highlighting how Chairman Gonzalo understands and applies maoism and
make contributions of universal validity to the world revolution as
specifications of the general political line of the CPP.
from this, the essential is principally
the application of marxism-leninism-maoism with the contributions of
universal validity of gonzalo thought to the concrete condition, this in
strict application of what Chairman Mao has taught us, that the problem
of marxism is its application and this is what taught us Lenin and this
is what taught us Marx as it it established in the Communist Manifest
of 1848.
From taking this base, maoism, that is
marxism today, from this application that is essential, what comes from
it? That the guiding thought is specifically principal for the communist
party of each country and the revolution it leads. Here the word is
“specifically”, this is what we have to catch here, because if we have
not said “specifically principal”, then comrades we would be negating
that the principal is marxism-leninism-maoism with the contributions of
chairman gonzalo. Would be not seeing its universal validity and we
could not do it, to be a communist we must first have to be
marxist-leninist-maoist and as we are active on a determined country,
the essential is to apply it here in the country we act, but without the
first the second does not fit. From this comes: the guiding thought is
principal for the party of each concrete country, yes, specifically,
What does it mean?, as application, as necessity of each concrete
revolution, in this specific case, for this specific question; and like
this, there is no way of avoiding marxism-leninism-maoism because it is
the universal truth and this is the font we will always have to drink
Comrades, we want to finish with the following words from Chairman Gonzalo:
While making revolution one transforms
the world and also men. The root is egoism and is a base of revisionism
and requires time. To remove the root of individualism it will be a long
process. While generating new, more developed, relations of production
it will reflect more and more in the idea of all society.
We communists must be the trumpets that
announce the future. The ideology allows us to develop and advance in
the struggle against egoism. We must be the most advanced. We work for a
goal that we will not see. To reduce individualism and egoism each time
more. In the struggles where action strikes individualism more. The
ideology is what allows us to advance.
Long live the 200th anniversary
of the birth of th great Karl Marx who founded marxism and together with
Engels, thus, gave birth to the international communist movement!
Long live marxism-leninism-maoism, principally maoism with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo!
For the immediate realization of the United Maoist International Conference!
For a new international
organization of Maoist Parties and Organizations as a new step forward
in the reunification of the communists in a world level!
Bremen, June 30 2018
Bremen, June 30 2018
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