viernes, 17 de enero de 2025



From the early morning of January 16, 2025, approximately 4000 paramilitary forces from Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) , Combat Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA) and District Reserve Gaurds (DRGs- the new avatar of infamous murderous Militia Salwa Judum) are engaged in a massive military operation in Pujari-Kanker hills in Bijapur District near Chhattisgarh-Telangana Border. Paramilitary forces have claimed to have killed 12 alleged Maoists in the said operation and encircled approximately 100 more in the area. This massive military attack is part of Operation Kagaar that has claimed almost 300 lives and  is attaining it’s most barbaric form with each passing day. The reality of encounter killings in the past as well as present have shown us that often it is civilian who are killed in such a large scale hunt and passed off as Maoists killed in exchange of fire.  Fake encounters from Edesmetta, Sarkeguda to recent case of Pidiya Encounter, only to name a few, necessitates a strong advocacy of justice for those being slaughtered in cold blood in these so called anti-naxal operations. While the identities of those killed have not been ascertained yet and it cannot be stated in full confidence that those killed were Maoists engaged in exchange of fire with security forces, especially in a scenario where staged encounters of civilians and captured Maoists such as much criticised Vikram Gowda encounter, has become an unquestioned norm in the recent times, the corporate-godi media is celebrating the cold blooded murder of fellow countrymen without any investigation and promoting a total carnage in Bastar as the only viable solution being brought forth by the fascist BJP-RSS led government in Centre and State. 

It is very concerning that all the notion of due process of law and justice has been shredded to pieces and encounter killing is celebrated, especially without ascertaining it’s authenticity. Such kind of practice manufactures consent for a genocide of our own country fellows, a genocide to further corporate plunder over their dead bodies and charred lands. All the notion of international laws and usage of symmetric force to subdue the numerically and technological far inferior belligerent force has been thrown away and a bloodlust is being promoted to serve the foreign and domestic corporate-state nexus. Massacre of our own people for filling the pockets of few leeches is promoted as development, while the country and its resources are humiliatingly sold to foreign corporations. 

It is important to remember that civil society as well as government formed committees have long recognised that Maoist movement is one pertaining to socio-economic and political questions prevailing in the country and as long as these questions prevail, the movement cannot be and should not be tackled militarily. The very same thing can be observed from the resurgence of Maoists despite decades of massive military campaigns and bloodsheds by state in these regions, filling the gaps in their ranks and file as soon as they are created due to killings and arrests. Indiscriminate killing and continuous bloodshed is only worsening the conditions and threatens the very existence of Adivasi communities who are already facing displacement and destruction and are struggling to protect their Jal-Jungle-Jameen. Even the Supreme Court has cautioned against such indiscriminate killings of captured and over powered rebels and civilians during encounters in various cases including the case of  fake encounter as well in the case of Senior Maoist Leader Azad, where the court while seeking answers from Centre and AP state government, observed “we cannot allow the Republic killing it’s own children”. Courts have categorically opposed the practice of encounters becoming a norm in cases such as encounter killings of more than 1400 people in Assam in the name of suppressing ULFA rebels. Therefore, it is imperative that the state ceases such bloodshed, engage in peace talks with the Maoists to address the questions centric to the rebellion and resolve them through socio-political and economic changes and reforms.

Forum Against Corporatization and Militarisation (FACAM) strongly condemns this bloodbath in Bastar and demands that a judicial probe is initiated in the killings and such barbaric military operations are immediately halted. We also appeal all patriotic, democratic and justice loving people to come forward to oppose these barbaric attacks under Operation Kagaar. It is high time, that all patriotic and democratic forces understand the true meaning of sovereignty. In a society, people and their interest should be sovereign and currently, it is under attack on all fronts. From Farmers to Workers, from Students to Middle classes, all are facing the brunt of this stranglehold of corporatization. The loot of our resources and the ensuing bloodbath to ensure this loot is part and parcel of the very same  stranglehold that must be fought back. Let us stand united and oppose this war on people under Operation Kagaar, to protect our people and our resources, our sovereignty.

viernes, 10 de enero de 2025




El próximo 18 de enero la Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo celebrará su Asamblea General ordinaria, y esta ocurre en un momento político importante para nuestra organización democrática:

1)    Al desarrollarse en la recta final de nuestra Campaña de Rectificación iniciada desde la segunda mitad del año 2022.

2)    Trazará la ruta hacia el II Congreso Político de nuestra organización democrática.

Nuestra Asamblea General hará también un análisis sobre la situación internacional y nacional, donde la tendencia principal es la revolución, marcada por el ascenso de la lucha de clases del proletariado y la lucha de liberación nacional de los pueblos oprimidos ante la crisis general del imperialismo que a nivel mundial ha puesto sobre la palestra guerras de agresión, despojo, sometimiento y súper-explotación contra los trabajadores y los pueblos del mundo; al igual que la crisis estructural del capitalismo burocrático en México que redunda en corporativización, militarización e imposición de políticas antipopulares en beneficio de las clases parasitarias en el poder. ¡La rebelión se justifica!

Mujeres y hombres provenientes del campo y la ciudad, de las montañas y de los valles, de la selva y del mar, de los centros de trabajo y los centros educativos nos daremos cita para cumplir y hacer cumplir el mandato estatutario de nuestra organización democrática haciendo nuestras las consignas:

¡Profundicemos nuestra Campaña de Rectificación!

¡Rumbo al II Congreso Político!

¡Construyamos el Frente del Pueblo!




INDIA: Comrades Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawale have been granted bail by the Bombay High Court!

 Good news!

After spending 2,433 days in prison in Bhima Koregaon UAPA case, Comrades Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawale have been granted bail by the Bombay High Court!

Lest we forget that comrades Surendra Gadling, Mahesh Raut, Jyoti Jagtap, Sagar Gorkhe, Ramesh Gaichor, and Hany Babu are still in jail.
Release all political prisoners!
All re

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2024

FILIPINAS: Comunicado de prensa: En el 56º aniversario, el CPP dirige al NPA para avanzar en la guerra revolucionaria


Oficina de Información del CPP | Partido Comunista de Filipinas

26 de diciembre de 2024

El Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Filipinas ha ordenado a todos sus miembros y al Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo que frustren la guerra total de las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas en una declaración emitida hoy, 26 de diciembre, con motivo de su 56 aniversario de fundación.

“Estamos decididos a frustrar la guerra total del enemigo, a recuperarnos de nuestras pérdidas, a obtener nuevas victorias y a hacer avanzar la resistencia revolucionaria del pueblo filipino”, declaró. El Partido atribuyó al movimiento de rectificación interna en curso su fuerza actual para superar los errores y deficiencias de los últimos años.

Anteriormente, el CPP desmintió las afirmaciones de las AFP de que el NPA se ha reducido a “un frente debilitado”. Aunque reconoció “graves pérdidas y retrocesos en algunas regiones y frentes guerrilleros”, el Comité Central dijo que las unidades del NPA se han “reorganizado y redesplegado rápidamente en línea con el movimiento de rectificación” y han logrado avances en la recuperación y expansión de la base de masas.

El CPP dijo que las unidades guerrilleras del NPA están ahora “ejerciendo creativa y sabiamente la flexibilidad” y frustrando gran parte de la estrategia enemiga de constricción gradual y operaciones militares sostenidas.

“El movimiento de rectificación del Partido ha inspirado a los combatientes rojos del Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo a perseverar en el arduo camino de la prolongada guerra popular para reconstruir y ampliar la base de masas, defender al pueblo contra el terrorismo de Estado, preservar y fortalecer el NPA y frustrar las ofensivas estratégicas del enemigo”, declaró.

Ordenaba al NPA “tomar la iniciativa para montar ofensivas tácticas, seleccionando objetivos que pueda derrotar”. Para profundizar sus lazos con las masas, el Partido ordenó al ejército popular que “prestara servicios económicos, sanitarios y educativos a las masas campesinas, al tiempo que las guiaba en la lucha antifeudal”.

Al mismo tiempo, el Partido llamó a sus miembros a “construir o reconstruir concienzudamente el movimiento clandestino”, ya que éste es la “cantera de reclutas del Partido”.

“El movimiento clandestino debe ampliarse para ayudar a ocultar y asegurar a los cuadros dirigentes y organizadores del Partido. Al mismo tiempo, debe llevar a cabo una amplia propaganda revolucionaria para difundir el llamamiento a la guerra popular con el fin de incitar a la población a apoyar y unirse al Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo”.

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2024

INDIA:Rise in Rage against Cowardly War Crimes of the Indian State! Remove Indian Army from Maad! Resist Operation Kagar! (RSF)


7 revolutionaries of the CPI(Maoist) were assassinated in cold blood by the murderous Greyhound forces on 1st December 2024 in Telengana. According to sources, on 30th November, these seven revolutionaries came to a village in the Chalchaka Panchayat and asked the villagers to organize a meal for them. An informer, who was residing in the village, poisoned the meal which made them lose consciousness - after which they were captured, brutally tortured and shot at point blank range at 4'o clock in the morning. The bodies of the revolutionaries have grievous wounds on their backs, missing and broken teeths and many other injuries which clearly indicate torture. Surprisingly, the body of Egolapu Mallaiah, one of the martyrs, didn't even have bullet wounds as revealed by his wife after the body was handed over to her by the Telengana High Court in response to her petition along with other civil rights organisations alleging fake encounter. This clearly indicates that the revolutionaries were murdered in cold blood, instead of being shot down in an encounter as alleged by the police.

Considering that the resistance put by the revolutionary masses may be categorised as an Internal Armed Conflict, the use of the Indian army in Abujhmaad also falls under "disproportionate" use of military forces. Otherwise, the Indian government must accept that the territory controlled by the revolutionary masses under the leadership of the Maoist communists is to such a great extent that it needs the deployment of the Army to wrest control. However, then Amit Shah's claims of defeating Maoism by 2026 will easily be deflated.

Since the beginning of 2024, we have seen that the politically bankrupt Indian state and its various forces unable to combat revolutionary politics has resorted to genocidal and cowardly attacks on the people and revolutionaries, starting with the murder of a six month old child in January to this. The International Humanitarian Law prohibits the use of poison, torture and execution of "Prisoners-of-war". The Indian Army, the Greyhounds, the Anti-Naxal Force, CRPF and all other military-paramilitary forces are all war-criminal mercenary groups with their hands stained with the blood of the Indian people.

The Indian state has mounted an all-out offensive against its own people in the interests of Foreign Finance Capital and its Indian representatives. Whether that be Operation Kagar or Operation Handshake, the only interests that these anti-people drives serve is that of the Adanis and Ambanis of this nation. Along with these direct operations, the state has launched various covert campaigns to stir up communal tensions and divide the revolutionary masses. We call upon all democratic, progressive and revolutionary people of the country and the world to build up militant mass movements against such fascist onslaughts on the people in the interests of the foreign imperialists, the comprador bureaucratic capitalists, and the feudal landlords

GRECIA: Arrest of Turkish revolutionaries by Greek police

We share hereby an article by Yeni Demokrasi we received:

On December 11, around noon, the Greek police raided a shop in Athens where Partizan readers worked.

The Greek Communist Party (m-l) and Partizan stated in a statement about this attack: ‘We will continue to increase the fears of the reactionary classes’. The following information was released about this attack, which the Greek police denied with the words ‘no arrests’:

During this search, which took place without an official warrant, without justification and without the supervision of the public prosecutor, the police carried out an unauthorised house search. In the course of this, a Partizan employee was subjected to verbal and physical assault. At the same time, the police visited other businesses in the neighbourhood and identified themselves as an ‘anti-terrorism’ unit, without, however, giving a reason for the searches and attacks. During the search, the police arrested two customers, one Greek and one Turkish, and another Turkish immigrant who came outside the restaurant and was watching the search, as well as a Partizan reader. No telephone calls or contact with a lawyer were allowed. During the search, two cameras belonging to the restaurant were destroyed and confiscated.

During the entire arrest procedure, the lawyers’ requests for information were not answered by the police. Despite repeated searches, the police even denied that such an arrest and search had taken place. During the proceedings, no information could be obtained as where the detainees had been brought, and the unlawful assaults at the police station continued. The arrested Partizan reader was forced to undergo an inhuman search, and when he refused, he was handcuffed behind his back and tortured. Furthermore, DNA samples and fingerprints were taken from all those arrested without any legal basis. After hours of custody, the detainees were released by the police without the search being justified, without lawyers being informed and without an official investigation being initiated.

At the same time as the Greek police were carrying out these attacks, the media reported on a ‘major operation against the Turkish mafia in Athens and Thessaloniki’. It seems that the Greek police are trying to conduct a provocation by targeting Turkish revolutionaries at the same time.

A joint statement by the Communist Party of Greece (m-l) and Partisan provided information about the raid. The statement ended with the words: ‘The Greek police are using the activities of Turkish gangs, which are reflected in public opinion, to attack revolutionary communists. But despite all the attacks, we will not give up our duty to lead the joint struggle of the peoples against the Greek and Turkish reactionary ruling classes. We will continue to stand in solidarity with the Greek people’s liberation struggle against the oppression and attacks of the Greek state and support them. We know very well that these repressions and attacks are fueled by the class hostility of the reactionary system against revolutionaries and communists, and we will continue to instil fear into the reactionary classes’.

Yeni Demokrasi; 16th of December 2024

Revolucionarios turcos detenidos por la policía griega

Publicamos una traducción no oficial de un artículo de Yeni Demokrasi.

Al mediodía del 11 de diciembre, la policía griega allanó un negocio en Atenas donde trabajaban los lectores del Partizan.

El KKE (m-l) y Partizan declararon en un comunicado sobre el ataque: “Continuaremos avivando los temores de las clases reaccionarias”. Sobre este ataque, que fue negado por la policía griega afirmando que “no hubo arrestos”, se dio la siguiente información:

Con este allanamiento, que se llevó a cabo sin ninguna decisión oficial, justificación o supervisión fiscal, la policía llevó a cabo un registro no autorizado del local. Mientras tanto, un lector del Partizan, que era empleado de la empresa, fue agredido verbal y físicamente. Al mismo tiempo, la policía acudió a otros comercios de la zona y afirmó que se trataba de una unidad “antiterrorista”, pero no dio ninguna razón para estos registros y allanamientos. Durante el registro detuvo a dos personas, un griego y un turco, que se encontraban en el lugar como clientes, a otro inmigrante turco y a un lector del Partizan que vio el allanamiento y se acercó al frente del negocio. No se permitieron llamadas telefónicas ni siquiera contacto con un abogado. Durante el allanamiento del negocio fueron rotas e incautadas 2 cámaras pertenecientes al lugar.

Durante todo el proceso de detención, la policía no respondió a las solicitudes de información realizadas por los abogados. A pesar de los repetidos registros, la policía negó haber llevado a cabo tal detención y redada. No se pudo obtener información sobre adónde fueron llevados los detenidos durante este proceso, y continuaron los ataques ilegales en la comisaría.

Se forzó al lector del Partizan detenido a un registro contra la dignidad humana y, cuando se negó, lo esposaron a la espalda y lo torturaron. Además, a todos los detenidos se les tomaron muestras de ADN y huellas dactilares por la fuerza sin ninguna justificación legal. Tras horas de detención, los detenidos por la policía sin justificación alguna para el allanamiento y sin informar a sus abogados fueron liberados sin iniciar un proceso de investigación oficial.

Durante las horas en que la policía griega llevó a cabo esta redada, los medios de comunicación publicaron la noticia de que se estaba llevando a cabo una “gran operación contra la mafia turca en Atenas y Salónica”. Parece que la policía griega está intentando crear una provocación con un ataque arbitrario atacando a los revolucionarios turcos simultáneamente con esta operación.

La declaración conjunta del KKE (m-l) y el Partizan dio la información sobre esta redada. La declaración termina con las siguientes palabras: “La policía griega, que se aprovecha de las actividades llevadas a cabo por las bandas turcas, que tienen un amplio reflejo en el público, está aprovechando esta oportunidad para atacar a los comunistas revolucionarios. Sin embargo, a pesar de todos los ataques, no renunciaremos a nuestro deber de ampliar la lucha unitaria del pueblo contra las clases dominantes reaccionarias griegas y turcas. Continuaremos solidarizándonos y apoyando la lucha del pueblo griego por la liberación contra la opresión y los ataques del Estado griego. Sabemos muy bien que estas presiones y ataques se alimentan de la hostilidad de clase del sistema reaccionario contra los revolucionarios y comunistas, y seguiremos aumentando los temores de las clases reaccionarias”.

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2024

INDIA: CASR Statement against repression of peasants in Shambhu - info solidarity - ICSPWI

We publish a statement that we received.


In the last 10 months, many farmers unions under the banner of Kisan Mazdoor Morcha and  SKM (non-political) have sat down to protest at Shambhu border and Khanauri border. In February, they were trying to hold a march towards Delhi, but Haryana police, along with security forces, brutally suppressed the protest, resulting in death of many farmers. In December till now, farmers tried to hold the ‘Delhi Challo’ March twice, but Haryana security forces used tear gas and chemical spray to restrict farmers from holding peaceful demonstrations to raise their demands. In these circumstances, the judiciary also failed to protect the fundamental right of farmers to protest peacefully.  

Restriction on farmers’ protests and marches  should not be seen in isolation; this is part of a broader crackdown on dissent. Citizens are denied the right to protest on vague grounds such as maintenance of law and order.  Organisations are banned in the name of the threat to  ‘national security, The Adivasi protest site in the deep forest area of Bastar was burnt down. These restrictions are very common in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, etc., where protests are not allowed citing alleged disruption of traffic. If people hold protests, they face bogus FIRs, intimidation, and even  brutal beatings by police to ensure that they will not come in the future. This is not limited to holding demonstrations; if any organisation and people hold a closedoor meeting, seminar, and public meeting, they are cancelled by police at the last point, forcefully closing the venue to pressure the concerned authorities.

To restrict the farmers to hold a march towards Delhi is giving a clear message to all sections of society that under the rules of the Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist BJP-RSS government, there is no constitutional right to express dissent. Those who try to do so will face dangerous consequences, including possible loss of life.

These kinds of acts are a  grave violation of the fundamental right to free speech and expression; putting restrictions on basic democratic rights of people is very serious. We need to come together and oppose  these attempts to silence dissenting voices.


Organising Team 

(AIRSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, ASA, BAPSA BBAU, BASF, BSM, Bhim Army, bsCEM, CEM, COLLECTIVE, CRPP, CSM CTF, DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Repression Telangana, Fraternity, IAPL, Innocence Network, Karnataka Janashakti, LAA, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, NAPM, NAZARIYA, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People’s Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad, Samajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, SFI, United Peace Alliance, WSS, Y4S)

FRANCIA: Georges Abdallah : Manif nationale, Paris, le 21 décembre


Appel du parquet… et après ?

Tous unis à Paris pour une nouvelle manifestation nationale !
Georges Abdallah doit être libre, maintenant ou maintenant !

« Par décision en date du jour, le tribunal d’application des peines a admis Georges Ibrahim Abdallah au bénéfice de la libération conditionnelle à compter du 6 décembre prochain, subordonnée à la condition de quitter le territoire national et de ne plus y paraître. » (Décision du tribunal d’application des peines, le 15 novembre)

Le 15 novembre dernier, le verdict de la Cour d’Application des peines de Paris est tombé, en réponse à la onzième demande de libération conditionnelle déposée par Georges Abdallah en juin 2023 : Georges Abdallah doit être libre ! Cette décision de justice – qui conforte les deux précédentes, en 2003 et en 2013, tout en n’étant plus désormais conditionnée à la signature d’un arrêté d’expulsion par le ministre de l’Intérieur – est assurément une nouvelle victoire politique et juridique dans cette « affaire Abdallah » qui perdure aujourd’hui depuis quarante ans. « Bien entendu le changement prendra du temps et puis certainement, il y aura des soubresauts ici et là. Seulement la direction du vent est déjà bien tracée ». (Georges Abdallah, déclaration du 17 novembre 2012)

Néanmoins, cette victoire ne sonne pas la fin du combat puisque nous le savons tous : dès le 15 novembre au soir, la libération a été suspendue par l’appel déposé par le parquet national antiterroriste et à nouveau, le 19 décembre prochain, un tribunal se réunira à Paris pour « statuer sur le sort » de celui que les médias français nomment désormais eux-mêmes, depuis ce 15 novembre, si ce n’est le combattant ou le résistant, du moins le « militant propalestinien Georges Abdallah ».

Dans ce dossier éminemment politique aux multiples « soubresauts » et pour cette nouvelle étape du 19 décembre, nous – soutiens à Georges Abdallah engagés sur ce terrain politique de la lutte et des luttes – réaffirmons ici notre engagement inébranlable et total à mener le combat jusqu’à la libération effective de notre camarade et appelons en ce sens à développer, unir et coordonner toujours plus nos forces pour amplifier encore et encore la mobilisation et intensifier la campagne pour sa libération afin que, dans ce jugement à venir de la cour d’appel de Paris, soit à nouveau actée une seule décision : Georges Abdallah doit être libre !

Alors oui, d’ici le 19 décembre, nous appelons à nouveau et plus que jamais à ce que mille initiatives fleurissent partout en France et à l’international pour la libération de Georges Abdallah. Faisons résonner partout où nous sommes notre élan solidaire et populaire sans cesse grandissant au seul cri de « La résistance est un droit ! Libérez Georges Abdallah ». Donnons à voir notre mobilisation qui, bien loin de s’essouffler, pèse désormais dans ce rapport de force et ne fait qu’enfler, pour déferler massivement sur tous les fronts au fil des jours, des semaines, des mois et des années. Scandons inlassablement notre engagement aux côtés de notre camarade et de son combat en soutien à l’héroïque résistance du peuple palestinien, du peuple libanais et de tous les opprimés dans ce droit historique, juste et légitime à résister et à se libérer de l’exploitation, de l’oppression, de la colonisation et de l’impérialisme. Et usons de notre arme qu’est la solidarité pour que la Palestine occupe plus que jamais le devant de la scène, mais aussi la situation de celui qui est l’un de ses combattants historiques : Georges Abdallah.

Dans ce combat final, frappons aussi d’un seul poing en nous rassemblant tous lors d’une nouvelle manifestation nationale à Paris, au cœur même du pouvoir de l’État français, le samedi 21 décembre, au cri de « Georges Abdallah, tes camarades sont là ! ». En ce sens, nous appelons tous les soutiens solidaires de France mais aussi des pays voisins à en être, à être massivement présents pour démontrer une nouvelle fois – et nous espérons une dernière fois – notre détermination à voir notre camarade Georges Abdallah enfin libre, pour la victoire ou la victoire !

Citons pour finir une fois de plus Georges Abdallah : « Honte à tous ceux et celles qui, face à la barbarie sioniste génocidaire, appellent à regarder ailleurs ! ». Et en ce sens, honneur à tous ceux et celles qui, par-delà la répression, agissent pour que mille initiatives fleurissent en faveur de la Palestine, de sa glorieuse résistance et en soutien aux flambeaux de cette résistance que sont les prisonniers palestiniens, dont Georges Abdallah !

Continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah !
C’est ensemble, seulement ensemble que nous vaincrons !

Paris, le 10 décembre 2024
Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2024

FRANCIA: Reporte de la reunión del 6 de diciembre por la libertad de Georges Abdallah.

Compartimos un correo que nos hacen llegar los camaradas de la Campaña Unitaria por la Liberación de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

Este 6 de diciembre, para esta nueva gran jornada de acciones coordinadas convocadas por la Campaña Unitaria, una mirada retrospectiva a la iniciativa llevada a cabo en París... Una vez más, un gran éxito este encuentro por la liberación de Georges Abdallah que reunió - a pesar de la intensa agenda de luchas en París y su región esa noche- a más de 200 personas en el anexo de la Bolsa de Trabajo de París para una velada combativa.


El plan de acción de la Campaña Unitaria sigue siendo un gran éxito. 


Gracias a todos los ponentes presentes: a la CGT Énergie por haber co-organizado el encuentro con la Campaña Unitaria, a Saïd Bouamama por su intervención sobre la historia de la lucha de Georges Abdallah y la centralidad de la causa palestina, a Ramy Shaath, @urgencepalestine por su análisis de la situación actual en Palestina, a Elsa Marcel y Maître Chalanset por un punto legal, y a @liguejeunesserevolutionnaire1 y al @fse_natio por su trabajo en la juventud, las perspectivas y combatividad que aportan en el día a día. 

¡Juntos y sólo juntos venceremos!

¡Georges Abdallah será libre!

¡Liberen a Georges Abdallah, ahora o ahora!

¡Palestina vivirá y vencerá!


lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2024

INDIA: Press Release on Public Meeting against ban on Mulwasi Bachao Manch (

We hereby share a press release by bsCEM (Bhagat Singh Chatra Ekta Manch) that we have received.

We hereby seek your attention upon the public meeting against the undemocratic ban on Moolvasi Bachao Manch (MBM) that was organised by bsCEM (Bhagat Singh Chatra Ekta Manch) at Arts Faculty of Delhi University. Despite the excessive deployment of police and university security guards, the event witnessed significant participation from common university students who stood in solidarity with MBM’s struggle against militarisation and corporatisation of the Bastar region, and the anti-camp movement raging under its banner. The gathering voiced strong opposition to the anti-democratic actions of an increasingly repressive government and reaffirmed the demand for the immediate revocation of the ban on MBM.

Dr. Jitendra Meena, Assistant Professor at Delhi University, voiced grave concerns over the systematic plundering of natural resources across the country, orchestrated to transfer the nation’s rich mineral wealth to a handful of corporations. He emphasized the devastating consequences of this exploitation on the lives, livelihoods, and cultural heritage of indigenous communities. Drawing attention to states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha, Dr. Meena highlighted how governments, often exploiting legal loopholes or outright flouting the law, have handed over land to corporations at dirt-cheap rates. This has left the Adivasis of India in conditions of extreme deprivation, facing severe repression whenever they resist or raise their voices against such practices.

Ehtmam ul-Haque, representing the Forum Against Corporatisation and Militarisation (FACAM), strongly condemned the unjust ban on Moolvasi Bachao Manch (MBM), emphasising that the organisation operates entirely within the constitutional framework. He pointed out that MBM has consistently relied on democratic means such as petition campaigns, dialogues with political representatives, and peaceful protests — particularly against the establishment of paramilitary camps in regions lacking fundamental amenities like hospitals and schools. He shed light on how the mines in Bastar are directly linked to Vizag’s ports via railways, enabling the export of minerals to countries like Japan, while several districts in Chhattisgarh remain without basic connectivity. Instead of utilizing these resources to benefit the local population, they are diverted for foreign markets and militarisation is also sharpened to protect their interests from resisting adivasis. He also highlighted the alarming scale of militarisation in Bastar, where one paramilitary personnel is stationed for every nine civilians, creating an atmosphere of fear and repression. Ehtmam expressed deep concern over the shrinking space for democratic dissent and the relentless repression of movements that challenge the government’s agenda, warning of the dangerous erosion of fundamental freedoms like the right to assembly.

Your coverage of this critical issue would amplify the voices resisting reppression and defending democratic principles.