viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024

INDIA: End Unjust Incarceration Of Comrade Prashant Bose And All Political Prisoners


On November 12, 2021, Mr. Prashant Bose, an elderly political activist from Jharkhand, and his comrade and partner, Shila Marandi, were arrested by the state police while traveling to a doctor’s appointment for a cataract procedure. Since then, despite being in critical health and being close to 80 years old, he has been imprisoned in a Jharkhand jail. He is a veteran political activist who has participated in and led several peasant uprisings in states like Bengal, undivided Bihar, and subsequently Jharkhand and Bihar.

We believe that although one may disagree with a certain political ideology, they should never be
criminalized for adopting an ideology that differs from the State’s. Rather than releasing this elderly man, the government has been pressing cases against him one after another, thus putting him behind bars for years at a time without a trial. This strategy effectively negates the supreme court’s dictum, “bail is rule, jail is the exception”, and thereby the Indian State has been transforming the legal process into substantive punishment.

Furthermore, it is inhumane on the part of the State to detain an octogenarian and keep him in prison.
Based on information gleaned from several news outlets, Mr. Bose is afflicted with multiple conditions
such as hypertension, paralysis, and others, which render him unable to even stand independently. We are aware that jail infrastructure is completely unfit for such elderly and sick people to conduct normal lives. This implies that detaining such individuals actually reduces their right to life guaranteed by the
constitution. We have already lost Father Stan Swamy as a result of the State’s indifference to letting him live a life of dignity.

A number of United Nations declarations on senior/ageing citizens (being affirmed by the Government of India) highlight the growing population of older prisoners and urge the nations to rethink the concept of care and custody of these “forgotten minority”. This perspective questions the “iron law of correction”and urge the nations to release the old, ageing and ailing prisoners with immediate effect. Therefore, viewing from this perspective too, any further incarceration of Mr. Bose (and others) is a gross violation of the international human rights law in regard to senior citizen-prisoners. Apart from this, The DIG of Jharkhand Police did not allow his relatives to visit him during the initial 3 months of his incarceration period. This is totally unconstitutional and goes against all the national and international jail codes. Neither the relatives, nor the civil rights activists are allowed to visit Mr. Bose.

India is increasingly moving towards becoming a fascist state, with police enforcement and complete
subjugation to the dictatorship of the Brahmanical Hindutva forces. Draconian laws like UAPA, which are modernized reenactments of laws like the colonial Rowlatt Law, have been woven into the Constitution. The Indian State, in a desperate attempt to stifle all voices of dissent, has launched an all-out attack on all progressive and democratic forces.

We, the undersigned organizations, demand the immediate and unconditional release of Prashant Bose and all political prisoners.

1. All India Students’ Association
2. All India Revolutionary Students’ Organization
3. Revolutionary Students’ Front, West Bengal
4. Democratic Youth Student Association, West Bengal
5. Progressive Democratic Student Federation, West Bengal
6. Committee for Release of Political Prisoners, West Bengal
7. Sangrami Krishak Manch, West Bengal
8. Association for Protection of Democratic Rights, West Bengal
9. Asansol Civil Rights Association, West Bengal
10. Bandi Mukti Committee, West Bengal
11. Jharkhand Council for Democratic Rights, Jharkhand
12. Viplava Rachayitala Sangham (Virasam), Andhra Pradesh
13. Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee, Andhra Pradesh
14. Forum Against Repression, Telengana
15. Telengana Civil Liberties Committee, Telangana
16. Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights, Nagaland
17. Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights, Tamil Nadu
18. Students Uprising Movement for Social Welfare, Tamil Nadu
19. Revolutionary Students and Youth Front, Tamil Nadu
20. Makkal Adhikaram, Tamil Nadu
21. Makkal Adhikaram, Pondicherry
22. Moolvasi Bachao Manch, Chattisgarh
23. Students For Society, Punjab
24. Association For Democratic Rights, Punjab
25. Association For Democratic Rights, Haryana
26. Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Morcha, Delhi
27. Revolutionary Students League, Delhi
28. Campaign Against State Repression, Delhi
29. Dayar-i-Shauq Students Charter, Delhi
30. Parivartankami Chhatra Sangham, Delhi
31. Ambedkar Students Association, Delhi
32. Moolnibasi Student Youth Front, Odisha
33. Moolnibasi Literature Club, Odisha
34. Democratic Students Association, Kerala
35. Porattom, Kerala

36. International League of People’s Struggle
37. International Committee to Support People’s War in India

38. All Burma Federation of Students Unions, Myanmar
39. Revolutionary Students Union, United States of America
40. All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union (Revolutionary), Nepal
41. Revolutionary Student Youth Movement, Bangladesh
42. Yeni Demokrat Gençlik, Turkey
43. Progressive Students Collective, Pakistan
44. League of Filipino Students, Philippines
45. Young Communist League, Switzerland
46. Marxist Students Collective, England
47. Young Revolutionaries/League of Young Revolutionaries, France
48. Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, France
49. The Red CRI for the Defense of Revolutionary Prisoners, France
50. The Committee of Actions and Support for the Struggles of the Moroccan People, France
51. Action for the Democratic Rights of the People, Austria
52. Revolutionary People’s Student Movement, Brazil
53. Red Unity – Revolutionary Youth League, Brazil
54. People’s Dawn, Brazil
55. Red Mangue, Brazil
56. People’s Student League, Brazil
57. People’s Women’s Movement, Columbia
58. Student Movement Serving the People, Columbia
59. Red League, Germany
60. Kämpfende Jugend Bremen, Germany
61. Roter Aufbruch Dresden, Germany,
62. Roter Ring [Braunschweig], Germany
63. Rote Jugend Rostock, Germany
64. Rote Jugend Mittelfranken, Germany
65. Struggle Committee, Norway

66. Partizan, Turkey
67. Nazariya – Kal Ka, India
68. Towards A New Dawn, India
69. Burning Ballot Box, America
70. Serve the People, Vietnam

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2024

GALIZA: "Enorme manifestação na Galiza contra a 'indústria depredadora' da Altri"

"Enorme manifestação na Galiza contra a 'indústria depredadora' da Altri", titula o xornal portugués Abril, nunha información na que cita a Nós Diario: "Com o lema 'Desde a Ulloa até à ria, terra, água e ar são vida! Altri Não!', mais de 20 mil pessoas manifestaram-se, este domingo, em Palas de Rei (A Ulloa) para dizer não ao projecto de macro-celulose que a empresa portuguesa Altri pretende instalar na localidade", salienta a información en referencia ao seguimento que este xornal fixo da manifestación do pasado domingo.
"De acordo com a imprensa, a Altri quer produzir na Galiza cerca de 400 mil toneladas de celulose solúvel e 200 mil de fibra têxtil vegetal – um projecto que é contestado como depredador pela plataforma Ulloa Viva, organizações sociais, sindicatos e ambientalistas", continúa o artigo de Abril.

NUEVA CALEDONIA: Viva la lucha Kanak abajo el estado colonial


martes, 28 de mayo de 2024

FILIPINAS: CPP condemns scheduled US-AFP aerial war games


CPP Information Bureau | Communist Party of the Philippines

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today condemned the second series of the Cope Thunder-24, war games between the Philippine Air Force (PAF) and the US Air Force, slated for June 17-28. The schedule of the war games, set to be held at Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga and Villamor Air Base in Pasay City, was announced by PAF Col. Ma. Consuelo Castillo last May 22.

“These war games must be condemned as aerial terrorism as these further promote the continuing campaign of aerial bombing across the country which has terrorized hundreds of thousands of people across the past years,” said CPP Chief Information Officer Marco L. Valbuena. “The war games only fuel the Filipino people’s growing animosity for the US forces and the AFP for normalizing aerial terrorism.”

The CPP official further said these joint exercises are being carried out with outright contempt for the country’s sovereignty. “The presence of US troops, jet fighters, naval vessels and other weapons further drag the country into the US imperialist conflict with China.”

“The upcoming war exercises Cope Thunder, the second for this year and coming at the heels of the recent large-scale Balikatan war games, puts a clear target on the country, in case an open armed conflict between the US and China breaks out,” added Valbuena.

“Amid worsening and growing poverty, it is grossly obscene considering that Marcos will squander billions of pesos from public funds for the said 10-day event,” Valbuena pointed out. He insisted that public funds should instead be spent to aide the Filipino peasantry and the rural population severely affected by the dry season amid the El Niño phenomenon and for comprehensive preparation in the face of impending La Niña.

PAF’s Col. Castillo earlier announced that an estimated 900 PAF personnel and 25 US Pacific Air Forces personnel will participate in the upcoming Cope Thunder war games.

The first iteration of the said wargames last April 8-19 saw the participation of 250 US airmen and 12 US aircraft. Residents of Gattaran, Sto Niño, and Lasam in Cagayan said low-flying jet fighters caused mayhem in schools especially in daycare centers and kindergarten schools sending children scampering back to their homes. Infants were also awakened, livelihoods were disrupted, and even domestic animals were frightened and distressed.

Residents complained that they were not informed in advance, causing people to run and stumble in extreme fear since the exhibitions were staged right near schools and barangay halls. A mother said her 7-year-old son prevented her from leaving the house fearing she would be hit by a bomb. They also complained about the extremely loud rumble and deafening noise of jet fighters. “My chest felt like it was going to explode when it passed over us,” said one.

The Cope Thunder war games was revived in 2023 with the push of the Marcos regime since its termination in 1990.

“The nonsensical war games has been dead for more than 30 years already, why can’t it stay that way? The Filipino people despise the Cope Thunder and US presence in the Philippines,” Valbuena ended.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2024

INDIA: 30 May 2024 Remembrance of Revolutionaries, Tribal Farmers, and Children Massacred in Operation Kagar

30 May: Protest Day

Demand an Independent Judicial Inquiry into the Fake Encounter..

Stop Operation Kagar..

Stop Fake Encounters..

While Modi is portrayed as Rama, Arvind Kejriwal claims to be Hanuman. Rahul Gandhi is compared to Buddha and Shiva, Mamata Banerjee to Durga, and Akhilesh Yadav says the Kashi-Ganga corridor is his contribution... This tribal massacre is occurring amidst the ruling classes grappling with caste, Hindutva, and fascism in Indian democracy. Realize that the parliamentary parties applauding the government for "killing 103 tribals" during these Lok Sabha elections are the protectors and servants of Hindutva-fascism.

In the last month, three fake encounters have resulted in the deaths of 29 people in Kankar district. On May 10, 2024, 12 tribal farmers were shot dead by the army in Bijapur district. Indian paramilitary forces killed five people from Pedia village and seven from Etawar village in a fake encounter.

The villagers, out to collect 'Tendu' leaves, fled in fear at the sight of the security forces. The forces shot them as they tried to escape. Many villagers were dragged from their homes and shot dead.

The security forces detained 30 tribals who protested this injustice. Speaking to the local media, the tribals revealed that among the dead were Sethu Kunjam, a class 5 student of Basaguda School, and Channu Avalam, who was mentally deranged. A man with three bullet wounds in his leg refused to go to the hospital, fearing he would be killed by the security forces.

This is not an isolated incident in Bastar. Bastar has a history of fake encounters by security forces and police. Especially in the last five months since the BJP came to power in Chhattisgarh, attacks on tribal farmers in the forest regions of central India have intensified.

The murders of Joganna (Chimala Narasaiah), Vinay (Kasaraboyna), Ravi, Mallesh (Undam Unkal), Sindhu Gadve, Saritha Jatti, Chilaka (Kosi Kunjam), and tribal farmers Mainu Karisa, Ramla Noroti, Lahu Kovasi, and Pardu Kovesi were brutal.

This hidden war is a genocide of tribal farmers under the guise of neutralizing Maoists. A wide range of weapons, including airstrikes by Israeli-made drones, have been used in the area. This January, the Air Force bombed villages in Bastar for the fifth time. The armed forces and police in this region have a clear objective in eliminating Maoists. Hindutva powers also aim to eliminate communist revolutionaries and tribal and religious minorities in India.

Kejriwal is celebrated for human rights amid these massacres that started in the second phase of the Lok Sabha elections amidst praises of 'great democracy'. At the same time, in the Bhima Koregaon case, a strange verdict required Gautam Nakhwala to pay security expenses during his house arrest despite being granted bail.

We need to break our guilty silence against this 'democracy' which is killing the tribal farmers of Bastar district who are protecting their land and water, celebrating harvest and cultivation on their soil, alongside the Maoist revolutionaries fighting against corporates, Brahminical Hindutva fascists, brokers, landlords, and mining mafias.

A tribal-free India—where tribals and Maoists are seen as one—is being envisioned through genocide. The government claims Maoists are being killed. "The majority of those killed were women, elderly, children, and sick people who attacked the army. Among them were blind and speech-impaired people who were Maoist messengers," said the police, echoed by the media.

We strongly condemn the killing of tribal farmers labeled as Maoists and demand an independent judicial inquiry into this fake encounter. We call upon all democratically minded people to unite and condemn this genocide.

Manushyavakasha Bahujana Koottayma


jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024


In Bastar, Chhattisgarh On May 11, 2024, 12 Adivasis including grade 5 student were killed in a fake encounter and on May 12, 2 minor children were killed after they accidentally triggered an unexploded mortar shell left by government forces!

Oppose Operation Samadhan Prahar and Operation Kagar !


martes, 21 de mayo de 2024

ICSPWI - Mobilize in all kind of actions in support Indian revolution against Operation Kagaar !

 take up the appeal of the Indian comrades!

1 - diffusion in all pro-palestinian demostrations in the world the 
call 'against Operation Kagaar!
2 - in occasion of G7 Summit in Italy 13-15 june with Modi's presence 
we organise an delegation in the big demostration against 
the G7 in Taranto/Brindisi/fasano
3 - in occasion of International week for the George Abdallah's freedom 
8-15 june take denounce and solidarity against Operation Kagaar
4 - actions in 19th June in solidarity with Indian political prisoners
1 july International Day of actions against Operation Kagaar 
in all the countries possible - 
for this day ICSPWI makes a new call
may 2024

INDIA: Call of Communist Party of India (Maoist) : ' actions against “Operation Kagaar”!

The Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) makes an ardent appeal to comrades and

friends of the Indian Revolution abroad, to take up several programs and actions against
“Operation Kagaar”....

Let us defeat this fascist onslaught on the people of India and advance the Indian Revolution to new heights

 Dear Comrades,Red Salutes!

The Brahmanic Hindutva State continues its genocidal campaigns on indigenous people
of India particularly on the central Indian tribal people in a much ruthless manner. The Indian ruling classes, worried by the revolutionary movement of the people, extols all its armed machineries to eliminate the revolutionary movement in this mission of “Maoist-Free India” by the end of year 2024. In pursuit of its aim, RSS-BJP fascist forces have steadfastly intensified their ongoing genocidal campaign in the name of “Operation Kagaar”. After Aapatola genocide on 16th of April, in which the Indian armed forces brutally killed 11 unarmed comrades and 6 injured comrades out of 29 comrades, the armed forces carried out three more genocides. On 30th of April, in Tekametta and Kakur forests of Chhattisgarh-Maharashtra border region, 4 villagers of the indigenous Mariah tribe were killed by the state armed forces in a barbaric manner while they were performing their traditional rituals. Six revolutionary cadres and PLGA fighters were killed in this encounter. One senior most comrade, Cheemala Narsaiah (Joganna
(66) who was Regional Committee Member (RCM) was picked unarmed up and killed in a gory manner.

On 10th of May, in Pidia village of Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh state, 12 tribal villagers who were out in the forest to pluck tendu leaves (used to prepare beedi, the native cigar), were killed in a savage way by the armed forces. The Gadchilori C-60 commandos in the state of Maharashtra, killed three comrades in a fake-encounter in Kathrangatta on May 13. Central Home-Minister, Amit Shah and the Chief Minister, Dy. Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh State congratulated the armed forces and admired their barbaric acts as an act of bravery. 

They are encouraging the armed forces to continue and intensify this bloodshed. Thousands of Police personnel are combing the forest areas in a reckless manner. In addition to this, aerial bombings and 81mm mortar shell firing have become a new norm of the armed forces. All rubbish stories scripted by the police are being telecasted in the media. Media personnel are stating that armed forces are killing tribal people out of panic. When the tribal people see the police with modern sophisticated weapons and bombs in forest, they run out of fear. It is the tribal people who are living in panic. They are living in extreme fear and grief. 

But the logic of media personnel stating that armed forces are killing tribal people due to panic is nothing but to legitimize state violence on the indigenous people. In media, the armed forces display the dead bodies of the indigenous people along with bur mar (muzzle loader), which is a traditional weapon used by the tribal people of India for centuries to protect themselves from the attacks of wild animals. Carrying muscle loader or bow and arrows by the tribal people in the forests is quite natural. But today, they are being killed in a manner more ruthless than the wild animals by the armed forces of India. The Indian state has endangered the indigenous people of the country. RSS-BJP has launched “Operation Kagaar” at the behest of the ruling classes of India and imperialist forces. The massive corporatization-militarization of the forest areas are underway in order to hand over the natural resources to domestic corporate houses and their Imperialist bosses. Comrades and friends of the Indian Revolution abroad,

All these heinous acts by the Indian state on its own people are a testimony of genocides which are going to escalate in the coming days. Mainstream media and even the alternative media are maintaining terrific silence on these genocides. The indigenous people are committed to protect the natural resources of the country from the plunders of Imperialist and domestic big corporate companies. In such a catastrophic time, they are standing firmly determined with the revolutionary movement.

The Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) makes an ardent appeal to comrades and
friends of the Indian Revolution abroad, to take up several programs and actions against “Operation Kagaar”. Let us defeat this fascist onslaught on the people of India and advance the Indian Revolution to new heights

Kanaky: Contre-offensive de l’état français - info

 secours rouge


Un homme est mort et deux autres ont été blessés samedi 18 mai en Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie dans un échange de coups de feu sur un barrage érigé par des Kanaks dans le nord de la grande île. Les tirs ont été échangés quand deux Caldoches (Calédoniens d’origine européenne) ont voulu passer un barrage érigé par des indépendantistes. L’un d’eux est mort, l’autre a été blessé, ainsi qu’un Kanak. Ce décès porte à six le nombre de morts depuis le début, lundi, du soulèvement provoqué par le vote d’une réforme électorale à Paris – deux gendarmes et quatre civils, trois Kanaks et un Caldoche.

Vendredi, 1 000 renforts sont arrivés, en plus des 1 700 déjà déployés et le dégagement de la route, d’une soixantaine de kilomètres, entre Nouméa et son aéroport international a débuté dimanche matin. Sur cet axe stratégique, l’Etat a lancé une vaste opération de 600 gendarmes, dont une centaine de membres du GIGN. La soixantaine de barrages érigés par des indépendantistes ont été percés, mais l’axe est loin d’être accessible car les épaves de voitures, le bois et la ferraille brûlés restent en place et la voirie est abîmée à plusieurs endroits.

Les mesures exceptionnelles de l’état d’urgence sont maintenues, à savoir le couvre-feu entre 18 heures et 6 heures, l’interdiction des rassemblements, du transport d’armes et de la vente d’alcool, et le bannissement de l’application TikTok. La réforme constitutionnelle qui a mis le feu aux poudres vise à élargir le corps électoral lors des scrutins provinciaux, au risque de marginaliser encore plus le peuple autochtone kanak. Adopté mercredi par les députés, après les sénateurs, le texte doit encore être voté par les parlementaires réunis en Congrès, à une date non déterminée.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2024

INDIA: Condemn the firing and murder of people in Kakur-Tekametta forest - CPI(Maoist)


 Homage to the revolutionaries who laid down their lives in police firing

Thousands of police fired upon people in Kakur-Tekametta forest of Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh bordering Maharashtra at around 9 am on 30th April during combing in which 4 indigenous tribal farmers weremurdered. The people were celebrating their traditional festival. The people started to flee out of fear when thepolice chased them like animals firing until 12’o clock.

The West Sub-Zonal Bureau (Gadchiroli) of Dandakaranya Special Zone of the CPI (Maoist) appeals to democrats, rights activists, well-wishers of tribal people and tribal organisations to condemn the brutal murders,to demand the government to come out with facts and to punish the responsible police officials. The Bureau pays revolutionary homage to our beloved martyrs who laid down their lives heroically retaliating the policefiring at various places in the area.

The facts are like this – The police had encircled the area on all sides by the time the people of Kakur and Mangeveda came there to celebrate the festival. The police suddenly opened fire on the people in whichfour tribal farmers died – Kovasi Pandu, Tekametta (wife, Soni), Mainu Korcha, Mangeveda, Lalsu Kovachi,Tekametta (wife Susheela), Ramulu Naroti, Mangeveda (wife Neela). Our party severely condemns the brutal murder of farmers. 

Six revolutionaries became martyrs in police firing at various places in the vast forest – Comrades Joganna, (Cheemala Narasayya, Vadakapalli, Peddapalli district, Telangana), Regional Committee member,Comrade Vinay (Bellampalli, Adilabad, Telangana), Platoon Party Committee Member, Comrade Malesh(Mallepad, Bijapur district), Company Party Committee Member, Comrade Sarita Party Members (Vetya,Kodduru, Narayanpur, district), Comrade Sindhu (Musramguda,Etapalli tehsil, Gadchiroli district) and ComradeChilaka (Komatpalli, Bijapur district). 

The news of their martyrdom will put their relatives and friends in grief. Our party appeals to them to understand that the martyrs selflessly laid down their lives for the sake of peopleand that to uphold their ideal of sacrifice. It also appeals to condemn the police brutal massacre and ‘OperationKagaar’. Sixty-year old Comrade Joganna tried to break the police cordon and escape. But he was tired due to the scorching heat when the police caught him alive. By that time Comrade Joganna handed over his AK 47 Rifleto his comrades. The unarmed comrade was utmost brutally killed by the police.

The police wish to create terror among the people and revolutionaries with such massacres. However, this only reveals police brutality and would lead to further people’s anger.

Our party appeals to the revolutionary classes and people to come forth courageously to condemn such brutal deeds and to preserve the revolutionary movement.


Spokesperson West Sub Zonal 

Bureau Dandakaranya

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2024

GALIZA:Por um Primeiro de Maio que resgate o legado do Movimento Comunista Internacional. (Galiza Vermelha)


Por um Primeiro de Maio que resgate o legado do Movimento Comunista Internacional.

O Primeiro de Maio é o fruito do poder político, da capacidade de mobilização que fai anos tinha o MCI (Movimento Comunista Internacional). Marx desde a Primeira Internacional criou o Primeiro de Maio como umha data na que reivindicar principalmente a jornada de trabalho de oito horas e denunciar a reprerssom mas posteriormente, a Uniom Soviética, A República Popular da China, outros estados socialistas e todo o MCI, aproveitaram ao 1 de Maio para denunciar os crimes das potências imperialistas e apoiar as diferentes revoluçons populares, as guerras populares, as luitas de libertaçom nacional e demais guerras justas.

Hoje igual que onte devemos aproveitar o 1 de Maio para denunciar os grandes crimes realizados pola burguesia ao longo do mundo. Som exemplo disto o xenocídio colonial que está a sofrer Palestina ou, a carnificina em que se transformou Ucrânia. O bombardeamento da populaçom civil de Gaza e a fame criada pola destruiçom dos depósitos de água, das terras de cultivo e o bloqueio da ajuda humanitária provoca, a desnutriçom e a morte de crianças. A barbárie do colonialismo segue viva na Palestina graças ao sionismo, aos Estados Unidos e à Uniom Europeia.

Na Ucrânia segue a guerra entre a OTAN-UE e a Rússia. A guerra entre os interesses das burguesias da OTAN-UE e os interesses da burguesia da Rússia. Umha guerra na que morrem ucranianos mobilizados pola força. Umha guerra onde morre a populaçom civil tanto do território ucraniano e como do russo. Umha guerra que transformou a Ucrânia em um ninho de fascistas e lançou umha onda de militarismo que percorre todo mundo.
Ademais esta guerra mostrou até que ponto a tendência mundial ao militarismo está presente em praticamente todos os estados. Agora toca o rearme mundial, restaurar o serviço militar e dedicar uns anos à preparaçom para a próxima guerra mundial.

Porque o enfrentamento do bando da OTAN-UE contra Rússia e contra China começou em Ásia e em África (Síria, Taiwuan, Líbia, Sudam, Mali, Níger, etc), tamém chegou à Europa em Ucrânia mas, umha guerra proxy como a de Ucrânia ao dar-se entre grandes potências imperialistas pode levar a um enfrentamento a nível mundial. Um enfrentamento militar de este tipo facilmente pode escalar a um enfrentamento nuclear e como resultado a um inverno nuclear.

Frente a o horror imperialista, a resistência da Palestina, as guerras populares da Índia e das Filipinas, as mobilizaçons contra o xenocídio, etc, segue demonstrando que som as massas as que escrevem a história. Há muitas lutas justas no mundo que os comunistas devemos apoiar mas, as pessoas que tenham interesse polo Marxismo da nossa época (o Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo), tenhem que ter presente que o mais importante é a linha política, que a linha política justa cria a consciência. O tempo que dedicamos a estudar a realidade social forma parte do nosso trabalho como comunistas e o trabalho nas organizaçons de massas nom pode ser umha escusa para ignorar a ciência do proletariado.

O proletariado mais avançado politicamente nom se pode deixar arrastrado polo esnobismo, por um pós-modernismo que pretendendo ser original mas que na realidade repete as mesmas velhas e podres teses dos mencheviques contra os que tivo que luitar Lenin.

O menchevismo de qualquer classe (incluído o Trotskismo) demonstrou que nom é umha guia para açom senom que simplesmente, é um instrumento para criar confusom entre o proletariado.

A consciencia ao mando!

Galiza Vermelha

Joint Declaration 2024 - Proletarian and Internationalist May Day - English and spanish



Proletarian And Internationalist May Day


                                             Proletarians and oppressed peoples around the world, unite!

Proletarians, exploited masses, peoples of the world it is now clear for all : imperialism is war, reaction, misery and oppression of peoples!

The imperialist powers US, EU and NATO are marching step by step towards a new imperialist world war; all countries are equipping themselves with increasingly modern and devastating armaments and foresee the use of nuclear weapons which put the future of the world at risk, combined with the growing environmental crisis. All imperialist countries strengthen their armies, militarize territories and society, prepare public opinion for war, develop a war’s economy. War originates from the global, systemic, economic crisis that requires a new division of the world.

Russian imperialism and Chinese social imperialism are, on the one hand, the target of this offensive and, on the other one, they are riding the crisis of Western imperialism, mainly the US, for a new order favourable to them, in the name of ‘new multipolar world’.

Imperialism unleashes its watchdogs as the front line in the war - see Israel, Ukraine and the governments of the countries subservient to them.

All the imperialist powers, in collusion and dispute with each other, and the governments subservient to them are united against the proletarians and peoples of the world.

Imperialism is reactionarization:old and new fascism.

All imperialist states and their subservient governments advance in the transformation of states by reducing and erasing bourgeois democracy, attacking the democratic freedoms and rights of workers and the masses, filling the prisons with political opponents, establishing more and more open forms of dictatorship, which attack the women's rights, freedom of thought, etc. and foment suprematism, racism, obscurantist culture and religious fundamentalism.

Imperialism is relative and absolute misery for the proletariat and the oppressed masses, for the impoverished petty bourgeoisie in the cities and countryside.

It means cutting of wages, precariousness, unemployment, cutting of social spending, healthcare, school, environment; widening of the gap between rich and poor regions; new slavery, youth unemployment, women's inequality; high cost of living.

In the countries oppressed by imperialism all this is aggravated by the permanence and conservation of national, colonial, semicolonial and feudal oppression


In all the countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa, popular revolts and anti-imperialist struggles are developing, often bloodily repressed, to the edge of genocide, as is the case today in Palestine. And the war of imperialism and lackey governments continues against the people's wars in India, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru and against all the forces in the world that pursue the revolutionary path of the people's war.

In these objective conditions the need for revolution increases.

The need for a genuine revolutionary path, able to make New Democratic, socialist revolutions advance and win, in a context of the world proletarian revolution marching to communism.

To achieve this goal, the experience of proletarians and peoples in struggle (the Commune of Paris, the October Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) historically showed that three tools are indispensable to fight and win.

The revolutionary, communist Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party of the proletariat, as organized vanguard detachment of the working class, vanguard political fighter, equipped with strategy and tactics suited to the conditions of each country for the seizure of political power, the construction of the Dictatorship of the proletariat and new State.

The united front of proletariat and people’s masses.

In the imperialist countries this requires the leadership and majority participation of the proletariat and its central nucleus, the industrial working class, which allies the poor masses, the students, the impoverished sectors of the urban and agricultural petty bourgeoisie.

In countries oppressed by imperialism the fundamental alliance is between workers and peasants who unite the poor masses and the large sectors that suffer national, colonial, semicolonial, feudal oppression.

The proletarian revolution requires armed struggle, as vanguard and mass struggle, and the construction of the people’s army to wage class war and revolutionary war resulting in people’s insurrection for the seizure of state power and the construction of the proletarian state, indispensable for the socialist transformation, marching, with all the countries of the world, to communism.

It is Fundamental in this process the slogan of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution:

The working class must lead everything.

We need the unity of the communists, in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses, who fight revisionism, economism, wright opportunism and ‘left opportunism’, factor of sectarianism, division in the ranks of the communist movement.

Let us unite under the leadership of the proletariat to make the peoples of the world towards the world advance to world socialist revolution, to eradicate imperialism and thereby establish communism on earth.

We need an international conference and a new international organization of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations, at the stage possible today, of coordination, unity of action and the working out a new general line of the international communist movement.

Free Palestine – Stop the Zionist/imperialist genocide – Support the Palestinian Resistance until victory!

Support people's wars in all countries of the world!

Stop imperialist war and fascism!

Defend the lives and conditions of political prisoners!

Unleash the fury of women as a powerful force of the revolution!

Death to imperialism / the future is socialism and communism!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)

Communist Worker Union (mlm) Colombia

Maoist Communist Party – Italy

 Proletarian Party Of Purbo Bangla( PBSP/Bangladesh)

 Red Road of Iran (Maoist group)

 Revolutionary Communist  Party of Nepal. 

Worker Voice - Malaysia

Chinese Proletarian Alliance Communist Party

Revolutionary Maoist Coalition - USA


other signatures are possible  - 

Texto en castellano


Primero de Mayo proletario e internacionalista

¡Proletarios y pueblos oprimidos del mundo entero, uníos!


Proletarios, masas explotadas, pueblos del mundo, ahora está claro para todos: ¡el imperialismo es guerra, reacción, miseria y opresión de los pueblos!

Las potencias imperialistas de EE.UU., la UE y la OTAN están marchando paso a paso hacia una nueva guerra imperialista mundial; todos los países se están equipando con armamentos cada vez más modernos y devastadores y prevén el uso de armas nucleares que ponen en riesgo el futuro del mundo, combinado con la creciente crisis medioambiental. Todos los países imperialistas fortalecen sus ejércitos, militarizan los territorios y la sociedad, preparan la opinión pública para la guerra, desarrollan la economía de guerra. La guerra es originada por la crisis económica sistémica global, que requiere una nueva división del mundo.

El imperialismo ruso y el socialimperialismo chino son, por un lado, el blanco de esta ofensiva y, por otro, aprovechan de la crisis del imperialismo occidental, principalmente de los EE.UU, en busca de una nueva marco global que les favorezca, en nombre del ‘nuevo mundo mulipolar’

El imperialismo desata a sus perros guardianes como primera línea de la guerra: véanse Israel, Ucrania y los gobiernos de los países subordinados a ellos.

Todas las potencias imperialistas, en colusión y pugna entre sí y los gobiernos subordinados a ellas están unidos contra los proletarios y los pueblos del mundo.

El imperialismo es reaccionarización: viejo y nuevo fascismo.

Todos los estados imperialistas y los gobiernos sus lacayos avanzan en la transformación de los estados restringiendo y borrando la democracia burguesa, atacando las libertades y derechos democráticos de los trabajadores y las masas, llenando las cárceles de opositores políticos, estableciendo formas de dictadura cada vez más abiertas, que atacan los derechos de las mujeres, libertad de pensamiento, etc. y fomentan el supremacismo, el racismo, la cultura oscurantista y el fundamentalismo religioso.

El imperialismo es miseria relativa y absoluta para el proletariado y las masas oprimidas, para la pequeña burguesía empobrecida de las ciudades y del campo.

Recorte de salarios, precariedad, desempleo, recorte del gasto social para la sanidad, la escuela, el medio ambiente; ampliación de la brecha entre regiones ricas y pobres; nueva esclavitud, desempleo juvenil, desigualdad de las mujeres; alto costo de vida.

En los países oprimidos por el imperialismo todo esto se ve agravado por la permanencia y conservación de la opresión nacional, colonial, semicolonial y feudal.


En todos los países de Asia, América Latina y África se desarrollan revueltas populares y luchas anti-imperialistas, a menudo reprimidas sangrientamente, hasta llegar al genocidio, como ocurre hoy en Palestina. Y la guerra del imperialismo y los gobiernos su lacayos continúa contra las guerras populares en India, Filipinas, Turquía, Perú y contra todas las fuerzas en el mundo que siguen el camino revolucionario de la guerra popular.

En estas condiciones objetivas, se desarrolla la necesidad de la revolución.

La necesidad de un auténtico camino revolucionario, capaz de hacer avanzar y ganar las revoluciones de Nueva Democracia, las revoluciones socialistas, en un contexto de revolución proletaria mundial que marcha hacia el comunismo.

Para lograr este objetivo, la experiencia de los proletarios y los pueblos en lucha (Comuna de París, Revolución de Octubre, Revolución China y Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria) demuestra históricamente que las tres herramientas para luchar y vencer son indispensables.

El Partido Revolucionario del proletariado, comunista, marxista-leninista-maoísta, destacamiento organizado de vanguardia de la clase obrera, luchador político de vanguardia, dotado de estrategia y táctica adecuadas a las condiciones de cada país, en función de la conquista del poder político, para la construcción de la dictatura del proletariado

El frente único del proletariado y masas populares.

En los países imperialistas esto requiere la dirección y participación mayoritaria del proletariado y su núcleo central, la clase obrera industrial que se alía con las masas pobres, los estudiantes, los sectores empobrecidos de la pequeña burguesía urbana y rural.

En los países oprimidos por el imperialismo la alianza fundamental es entre obreros y campesinos que unen a las masas pobres y a los grandes sectores que sufren la opresión nacional, colonial, semicolonial, feudal.

La revolución proletaria requiere lucha armada, de vanguardia y de masas, y la construcción del ejército popular para conducir la guerra de clases y la guerra revolucionaria que desemboque en la insurrección popular por la conquista del poder estatal y la construcción del Estado proletario, indispensable para la transformación socialista, marchando, con todos los países del mundo, hacia el comunismo.

Fundamental en este proceso es la consigna de la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria:

La clase obrera debe dirigir todo.

Necesitamos la unidad de los comunistas marxistas-leninistas-maoistas, en el fuego de la lucha de clases en estrecha conexión con las masas, que luchan contra el revisionismo y neorevisionismo, el economicismo, el oportunismo de derecha y de 'isquierda'  factor de sectarismo y división en las filas del el movimiento comunista.

Unámonos bajo la dirección del proletariado para hacer avanzar a los pueblos del mundo hacia la revolución socialista mundial, es decir, erradicar el imperialismo y así establecer el comunismo en la Tierra.

Necesitamos una conferencia internacional y una nueva organización internacional de partidos y organizaciones marxistas-leninistas-maoístas, en la etapa posible hoy, de coordinación, de unidad de acción y elaboración de la nueva línea general del movimiento comunista internacional.

¡Palestina libre – detener el genocidio sionista/imperialista – apoyar a la Resistencia Palestina hasta la victoria!

¡Apoyar las guerras populares en todos los países del mundo!

!Alto a la guerra imperialista y al fascismo!

!Defender las vidas y condiciones de los presos políticos!

!Desencadenar la furia de las mujeres como fuerza poderosa de la revolución!

¡Muerte al imperialismo, el futuro es el socialismo y el comunismo!

¡Viva el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo!

¡Viva el internacionalismo proletario!


Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)

Communist Worker Union (mlm) Colombia

Maoist Communist Party – Italy

 Proletarian Party Of Purbo Bangla( PBSP/Bangladesh)

 Red Road of Iran (Maoist group)

Revolutionary Communist  Party of Nepal. 

Worker Voice - Malaysia

Chinese Proletarian Alliance Communist Party

Revolutionary Maoist Coalition - USA