Report on the series of events regarding the struggle of the poor peasants and the women’s movement in Brazil.
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In the context of the campaign for the 8th of March, international women’s day of struggle, events with representatives of the League of the Poor Peasants (LCP) and the Popular Women’s Movement (MFP) from Brazil took place in various cities in the Federal
We also received greetings by the Red Women’s Committee Austria to the series of events, which we reproduce here:
Down with Imperialism! Long live the Revolution!
We salut the events about the struggle of the poor peasants and the women in Brazil, which are currently organised in Germany. As revolutionaries in Austria we can learn many things of the people's struggle in Brazil and we regret that we can not directly join the events.
The struggles of the masses in Brazil prove that the old Brazilian state is totally bankrupt and rotten. It is a prison for the people, especially the indigenous people, the poor peasants and the women. Today a new wave of revolution is spreading around Brazil and the oppressed people show in their struggle that they don't want to keep up with the old imperialist and bureaucratic capitalist system. The poor peasants, under the leadership of the „Poor Peasants League“ (LCP) powerfully develop the struggle for their land, and took up the path of agrarian revolution. The women, double oppressed and exploited from the bloody patriarchal system, which is kept alive by imperialism, stand in the first rows of struggle for emancipation threw the revolutionary struggle. They created a strong weapon for the women with the “Popular Women's Movement” (MFP). Despite numerous cowerdly murderers on leading activists of the peasants movement threw the reactionaries, despite repression threw the old state against the peoples movement, the revolutionary fores unite more and more to lead the new democratic revolution.
As proletarian internationalists we stand on the side of the Brazilian people and support their justified struggle against imperialism and the old Brazilian state. We are confident that the people of Brazil will march forward, guided by the proletarian ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and together with the oppressed people in the world will sweep away imperialism out of the earth.
The struggle of the poor peasants and the women is a shining example for all revolutionary and antiimperialist forces in Austria. We learn from this struggles how to „boldly mobilise the masses“ and strongly based on the proletarian ideology develop the Revolution and struggle for the new power of the working class and the people.
Long lives the struggle of the poor peasants and the women in Brazil!
Long lives the struggle of the working class and the oppressed people against Imperialism!
Long lives the world proletarian revolution!
Red Women's Committee
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