Note: Unofficial translation
Press Statement
The comprador and reactionary parliamentary system established after the constitution that is said to have been inscribed by the constituent assembly has been exploiting, repressing and oppressing the Nepalese people and nation in a new way. The KP Oli government, which is formed in line with the new constitution, has been instrumental in creating more crises on the issues of national independence, democracy and people’s livelihood. We have been opposing and resisting the anti-people, anti-national and extreme corruptive acts carried out by the present state power, system and the government. In the meantime, the communist gowned KP government that had parliamentarian support of about two-third majority dissolved the parliament on the last December 20. The later events have drawn the attention of the parties listed below.
- The contradiction between the present comprador and reactionary parliamentary system and the working class Nepalese people has been intensifying. The contradictions between different coteries of the comprador and reactionary state power are also sharpening. We believe that the KP government has, in support of and signaled by the foreign power centres, dissolved the parliament as an ill-attempt to solve the contradictions that have sharpened in the comprador and reactionary state power, system and the government.
- The step taken by the absolutist and fascist KP Oli is not merely an internal affair of the KP government and his party but it is the failure of the parliamentarian system.
- Now, the real and pro-people solution for the ongoing problems confronted by the nation and people is not possible merely by reinstating the parliament or holding a mid-term poll or changing government under this system. For this, the establishment of the Federal People’s Republic/Scientific Socialism is a must, after bringing the comprador and the reactionary state power to an end.
- In order to take a historical initiative for a forward-looking political way out against the autocracy of the KP Oli government, fascism and the comprador and reactionary state power, we the four parties have agreed to build a strategic united front. Its concept, structure and the forthcoming programmes will be declared soon.
General Secretary
Communist Party of Nepal
General Secretary
Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist)
Rishiram Kattel
Communist Party of Nepal
Scientific Socialist Communist Party, Nepal
Dated: December 29, 2020
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