The International Day of action in support of the People's War in India and the CPI (Maoist), against the new genocidal operation 'Prahaar 3' was successfull.
Based on the appeal launched by the support committees of Galicia and Italy, both of which have always been part of the international support committee, it has been received in various forms in a big number of countries.
Due to the variety of organizations and forms, information on the day is still ongoing, also because several initiatives have taken place well beyond November 24.
The People's War in India which develops a process of liberation of the oppressed classes, a true hope for the proletariat and the oppressed of the world, is not alone. The CPI (Maoist) resists and fights, and as it defeated the operation 'Green Hunt', it will defeat the infamous 'Prahaar 3'!
International and internationalist solidarity is a weapon!
The martyrs of the Indian revolution are immortal and November 24, 2021 was an international tribute to the immortal comrade Kishenji, cowardly murdered 12 years ago.
The offensive of Modi’s government, the operation 'Prahaar 3', is and will be increasingly opposed, nationally and internationally. After the November 24 Day of Action, it actually becomes an international battle, a protracted campaign that is and will be increasingly frightening the regime of the fascist and genocidal Modi and its imperialist masters in the world.
This has been said in the hundreds of actions that took place.
In Italy, the Indian embassy in Rome was sanctioned and the Consulate Milan attacked with a rally that addressed the many Indian migrants present in Italy. The Committee also has done something else. The representatives of the Indian workers already organized as members of the class union gathered in a meeting where they could take stock of the situation and expressed their solidarity with the peasants’ masses in struggle and the masses in arms fighting under the leadership of the CPI (Maoist)
Very importantly, for the first time in an imperialist country, the workers of Slai Cobas for the Class Union in several meetings on November 24 adopted a motion of solidarity with the people's war in India. In Italy, moreover, the campaign had already begun with the protests against the G20 summit, when Modi was in Rome, and also reached the huge demonstration of 100,000 women on November 27.
All the cities of Galicia have been reached by the agitation of the Committee in that country.
For the first time the call in support of the people's war was met in the Spanish State, with initiatives in various cities, organized by young Marxist Leninist-Maoists.
In Germany, there were meeting, large graffitis, banners in a number of cities.
The same occurred in Ireland, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Austria, France and Canada. A fighting action, which the Committee welcomes with enthusiasm, took place in Switzerland.
The solidarity blogs Datzebao Rojo ISCPWI, Maoist Road, are documenting the campaign with reports and images.
There was a great celebration of support for Turkish fighters in the battlefields of Northern Kurdistan and Syria. Other Turkish comrades have sent a strong and great salute to the people's war in India, as well as the Filipinos comrades; the People's Wars in the Philippines and India have always marched together.
In Latin America solidarity with the people's war in India came strongly from one of the red bases of the world revolution, Brazil. Demonstrations and initiatives of various kinds, greetings in solidarity were held in Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Ecuador.
In Africa, the red flag of support for the People's War was raised in Tunisia, opening the path of support to People’s war in this continent, which is also an indication for tracing and opening the path of people's war throughout Africa.
In Asia, the wind of international solidarity has passed through Afghanistan, Nepal, and in various forms the message has reached many other countries.
In the belly of US imperialism, the main enemy of the peoples of the world and of People’s Wars in India as well as in other countries, which strongly sponsored Modi, solidarity rose with strength in the hands of the Maoist comrades from various cities in the United States.
An important day!

It was fueled in a strong and clear way by the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist): "Let's make the international day of November 24... a great success".
In this appeal the CPI (Maoist) highlighted the 10 years of support by the International Committee and the great decision to give life to the day of Novembre 24. The CPI (Maoist) met and relaunched this call to the revolutionary sympathizers, the left, democratic and patriotic organizations, the anti-Hindutva secular forces, the proletarians, peasants, students, intellectuals, women, Dalit, Adivasi.
A revolutionary and solidarity bridge has been established between the proletarians and the anti-imperialist masses in India and the rest of the world. This bridge dealt a blow to the Modi’s regime and imperialism.
Of course, all the Maoist, revolutionary, anti-imperialist forces would have wanted and could do more. But the current conditions, objective and subjective, did not adequately make it possible.
However, comrades and comrades, the November 24 is just the beginning!
Ideological, political and organizational limits can and must be overcome.
November 24 2021 is the new beginning of the international campaign!
Strengthened by its initial success, strengthened by the clarity of the indication, now we will do more!
Embassies, Consulates, masters of the economy, industry and finance who make business and get profits with the Indian regime, international institutions that close their eyes in front of the crimes of the Modi’s regime against intellectuals, students, women, the people’s masses, peasants’ and masses in all the states of India, will not sleep peacefully.
The media of the Indian regime and imperialism first spoke with alarm about the Day, then passed over it in silence or censored, in India and around the world.
This shows how much they fear the campaign and how important is to develop it.
The first point in order to give strength and continuity to the campaign is to organize a Support Committee in all the countries that have taken part in the Day, to unite them in a single wide, open, representative, International Committee, based on propaganda, actions in all forms, information and the liaison between the proletarian masses and the struggling masses in every country, the political and militant fight.
It is not only in the interest of the People's War in India, is intertwined and closely linked to the global international situation.
The Indian masses are writing a historical page in the ongoing class struggle in the world, the development of the people's war in India confirms that this path is possible in all countries oppressed by imperialism.
The world proletariat understands and will increasingly understand that the advancement of the People's wars in India and in the other countries in which it is developing at various stages puts into question the balance of power not only in the South Asian region but in the whole world imperialist system.
Strengthened by this conviction, an international meeting, based on a careful analysis of the situation and gathering all possible representatives of this campaign, will be held at the end of January 2022 and decide new days of struggle, new forms of solidarity initiatives and will strengthen the ties between the Committees in different countries and the people's war led by the Maoists.
International Committee in Support to the People's War in India
December 2021
- Press release from the CC of the Communist Party of Maoist India - 7 November '21
- Press release from the Galician Support Committee - 5 December '21
Much of the information on November 24 can be found on the websites:
Dazibao Rojo
Maoist Road
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