Press release:
In connection with the publication of a joint statement rejecting the European elections, promoted by the comrades of the KKE (ml) released these past days and we have signed, we want to make public our rejection of the fact that it was also signed by opportunistic organizations from Italy, Germany or Austria, with which we do not maintain any type of contact and much less, coincidence of ideas.
We were unaware that the Greek comrades invited these organizations from such a different line, totally opposed to the Maoist organizations, that we work for the reconstruction of the MCI in a new unified conference. Conference that has to serve to draw a clear line of demarcation with the opportunists and revisionists, giving a new impetus to the tasks of the World Proletarian Revolution.
We have acted hastily, creating confusion and this is why we present this self-criticism, to communists, to sister organizations and to the masses.
Galiza, May 10, 2019
Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galiza.
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